我正在做的是,在日历上列出表格中的事件。有些活动结束时间超过24小时,因此我将日期和列表拆分为日历上的单独事件。目前我的问题是标题没有显示在json响应中(请检查响应"title":"test" "title":""
我需要的是基于ID 1:
"title":"test" "title":"test"
例如id 1:
表ID = 1:它的startTime是14804070619 (2016-11-29 08:11:01)
,endTime是1480500661 (2016-11-30 10:11:01)
分割ID 1后
"start":"2016-11-29T09:11:01" and "end":"2016-11-29T23:59:59"
"start":"2016-11-30T00:00:00" and "end":"2016-11-30T10:11:01"
ID 1的响应
[{"title":"test","start":"2016-11-29T09:11:01","end":"2016-11-29T23:59:59","class":"bg-complete-lighter "},{"title":"","start":"2016-11-30T00:00:00","end":"2016-11-30T10:11:01","class":"bg-complete-lighter "}]
header('Content-Type: application/json');
require_once ('db.php');
$select_events = "SELECT id, pid, title, startTime, endTime, categories FROM tl_calendar_events WHERE pid = 25 OR pid = 6";
/*$select_events = "SELECT id, pid, title, startTime, endTime, categories FROM tl_calendar_events WHERE id = 2429";*/
$execute_events = $mysqli->query($select_events);
$data = [];
$startIntervals = [];
$endIntervals = [];
$title = [];
while($row = $execute_events->fetch_array()) {
$cssCatClass = "";
if( $row["categories"]!= null ) {
$category = unserialize($row["categories"]);
foreach ($category AS $key => $value) {
$cats = $mysqli->query("SELECT cssClass, alias FROM tl_mae_event_cat WHERE id = '" . $value . "'");
$fetch = $cats->fetch_object();
$cssCatClass .= $fetch->cssClass . " ";
if ($row['pid'] == 6)
$cssCatClass = 'default';
$start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['startTime']);
$end = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['endTime']);
$interval = $start. ' till ' .$end;
$dates = explode(' till ', $interval);
if(count($dates) == 2) {
$current = $begin = new DateTime($dates[0]);
$end = new DateTime($dates[1]);
while($current->diff($end)->format('%a') >= 1) {
$title[] = $row['title'];
$nextDay = clone $current;
$startIntervals [] = str_replace(' ', 'T', $current->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$endIntervals [] = str_replace(' ', 'T', $nextDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$current = clone $nextDay;
$current->modify('+1 day');
$startIntervals [] = str_replace(' ', 'T', $current->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$endIntervals [] = str_replace(' ', 'T', $end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$j = 0;
while($j < count($endIntervals)){
$data[] = array(
'title' => preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $title[$j]),
'start' => $startIntervals[$j],
'end' => $endIntervals[$j],
'class' => 'bg-complete-lighter '.$cssCatClass
echo json_encode($data);
id pid title startTime endTime categories
1 25 test 1480407061 1480500661 NULL
2 25 test2 1480327861 1480363861 NULL
3 25 test3 1480497061 1480594261 NULL
答案 0 :(得分:0)
$title[] = $row['title'];