public static string ConvertStringToHex(string asciiString)
string hex = "";
foreach (char c in asciiString)
int tmp = c;
hex += String.Format("{0:x2}", (uint)System.Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.ToString()));
return hex;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
通过添加字符的二进制值来计算校验和, 保持结果的最低8位。 消息文本中的每个字符都被添加到校验和中(模256)。 校验和是由8位表示的整数,可以认为是两组,每组4位。 四位组转换为十六进制表示的ASCII字符。 两个ASCII字符作为校验和传输,首先是最重要的字符。
leopard:astm rene $ ./astm.sh ./3B起始./astm.sh ......
2P | 1 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 3B
1000100111011 L8B = 111011 LSB用于计算MOD 256 L8B
MOD = 00111011
MOD = 00111011 M4B = 0011
---&gt; L4B = 1011
校验= 3B
#! /bin/ksh
#set -x
############################# Variables #######################
integer i=0
integer LEN=0
integer FROM=0
#blind=0 Not blind
#blind=1 blind, it does not see any astm character till it can see again (blind=0)
############################# Functions #######################
astm_checksum() {
# The checksum is computed by adding the binary values of the characters,
# keeping the least significant eight bits of the result.
# Each character in the message text is added to the checksum (modulo 256).
# The checksum is an integer represented by eight bits, it can be considered as two groups of four bits.
# The groups of four bits are converted to the ASCII characters of the hexadecimal representation.
# The two ASCII characters are transmitted as the checksum, with the most significant character first.
#converting text in Variable VAR to binairy ...
code2hex() { #Read and convert text written with codes in ASCII like <STX>
printf "\n\n"
awk '
!/^#/ {
gsub(/<NUL>/,"\x00",$0 )
gsub(/<SOH>/,"\x01",$0 )
gsub(/<STX>/,"\x02",$0 )
gsub(/<ETX>/,"\x03",$0 )
gsub(/<EOT>/,"\x04",$0 )
gsub(/<ENQ>/,"\x05",$0 )
gsub(/<ACK>/,"\x06",$0 )
gsub( /<LF>/,"\x0A",$0 )
gsub( /<FF>/,"\x0C",$0 )
gsub( /<CR>/,"\x0D",$0 )
gsub(/<NAK>/,"\x15",$0 )
gsub(/<SYN>/,"\x16",$0 )
gsub(/<ETB>/,"\x17",$0 )
gsub(/<CAN>/,"\x18",$0 )
gsub(/<ESC>/,"\x1B",$0 )
printf( $0 "\n" )
' ${MESSAGE} | hd | cut -c11-58 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] | xargs | tee ${HEXTMP} | awk '
#example output, one line due to xargs
#02 31 48 7C 5C 5E 26 7C 7C 7C 50 5E 31 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 50 7C 31 7C 0D 03 31 35 0D 0A
#--- first part to filter out control data from real data ---
BEGIN{ RS=" "; blind = 0 ; printf "ibase=16 ; obase=2 ;scale=0;" }
/0A/ { next } # <LF>
/02/ { printf("00+"); blind = 0 # <STX>
} #Eyes are opened (again), after <STX> we start counting
!/02/ && !/03/ { if ( blind == 0 )
printf( $0"+" )
} #This also includes the <CR> (0D) BEFORE the ETX or ETB!!!
/03/ || /17/ { if ( blind == 0 ) {
printf( $0"\n" )
blind = 1 } #The \n = end line and calculate
} #Blind.. we see nothing till a <STX> is passing again
'| sed 's/+$/\n/p' | tee -a ${HEXTMP} | bc -q | tee ${BINTMP} | while read BIN
# The two files tee writes to is for debugging only.
# % in bc is modulo but is not described clearly in the man page
# scale is default set to 0 but I set it anyway to be sure.
printf "BIN= %08d\n" ${BIN}
#Calculate from where we need to cut the string of bits to have the LSB 8 bits
LEN=$(echo ${BIN} | wc -c ) #Not supported by the QNX Shell
FROM=$(( LEN - 8 )) #Not supported by the QNX Shell
L8B=$(echo ${BIN} | cut -c ${FROM}- )
printf "L8B=%${LEN}d\n" ${L8B}
printf "LSB used to calculate the MOD 256\n"
MOD=$( echo "ibase=2 ; obase=2 ; ${L8B} % 100000000" | bc -q ) #LSB SUM
printf "L8B MOD= %08d\n" ${MOD}
printf "--------------------------- and the checksum is....... \n"
printf "MOD= %08d\n" ${MOD}
M4B=$( printf "%08d\n" ${MOD} | cut -c -4 )
L4B=$( printf "%08d\n" ${MOD} | cut -c 5- )
printf "M4B= $M4B\n--->L4B= $L4B\n"
CD1=$(printf "ibase=2 ; obase=10000 ; ${M4B}\n" | bc -q )
CD2=$(printf "ibase=2 ; obase=10000 ; ${L4B}\n" | bc -q )
printf "Checksum=${CD1}${CD2}\n\n"
############################# main part ################################
test -r "${MESSAGE}" && (echo "Starting $0 ...";cat ${MESSAGE};code2hex) || echo "ERROR: Cannot read file ${MESSAGE}."