
时间:2016-11-28 03:10:04

标签: cuda




#include <iostream>
#include <curand.h>
#include <curand_kernel.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define num_of_blocks 2
#define threads_per_block 2
#define tot_threads 4

__device__ double gsum[num_of_blocks];

__device__ double dev_sum;

__device__ double dev_max;

// set seed for random number generator
__global__ void initcuRand(curandState* globalState, unsigned long seed){
    int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    curand_init(seed, idx, 0, &globalState[idx]);

// atomiMax for double
__device__ double atomicMax_d(double* address, double val)
    unsigned long long int* address_as_i = (unsigned long long int*)address;
    unsigned long long int old = *address_as_i, assumed;
    do {
        assumed = old;
        old = ::atomicCAS(address_as_i, assumed, __double_as_longlong(::fmax(val, __longlong_as_double(assumed))));
    } while (assumed != old);
    return __longlong_as_double(old);

// atomicAdd for double
__device__ double atomicAdd_d(double* address, double val)
    unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address;
    unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed;
        assumed = old;
        old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __double_as_longlong(val + __longlong_as_double(assumed)));
    }while(assumed != old);
    return __longlong_as_double(old);

__global__ void kernel(curandState *globalState){
    // global id
    int gidx    = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    // local id
    int lidx    = threadIdx.x;

    // creat shared memory to store seeds
    __shared__ curandState localState[tot_threads];

    __shared__ double srandnum[threads_per_block];

    // copy global seed to local
    localState[lidx]    = globalState[gidx];

    //synchronize the local threads writing to the local memory cache

    // generate random number from normal distribution in shared memory
    srandnum[lidx]  = curand_normal(&localState[lidx]);

    if(lidx == 0){srandnum[lidx] += srandnum[lidx + 1];}   // sum of each block
    if(lidx == 0){gsum[blockIdx.x] = srandnum[lidx];}      // copy the sums back to global memory


    if( gidx < num_of_blocks){
        atomicAdd_d(&dev_sum, gsum[gidx]);

    if( gidx < num_of_blocks){
        atomicMax_d(&dev_max, gsum[gidx]);

    if( gidx == 0){
        printf("Sum is: %lf\n", dev_sum);

    if( gidx == 1){
        printf("Max is: %lf\n", dev_max);

int main(){
    // set seed on device
    curandState *globalState;
    cudaMalloc((void**)&globalState, tot_threads*sizeof(curandState));
    initcuRand<<<num_of_blocks, threads_per_block>>>(globalState, 1);

    // launch kernel
    kernel<<<num_of_blocks, threads_per_block>>>(globalState);
    double randnum[num_of_blocks];

    cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(randnum, gsum, num_of_blocks*sizeof(double), 0, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    std::cout << "Sum of each block:\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_blocks; ++i){
        std::cout << randnum[i] << std::endl;

    return 0;


Sum is: -0.898329
Max is: 0.000000
Sum of each block:


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



__device__ double dev_sum = 0.0;

__device__ double dev_max = -1e99;
