在我的Javascript Hangman游戏的家庭中。剩下的任务是当用户猜出一个在神秘词中包含多次的字母时,处理破折号(字母的占位符)。
代码知道猜测字母出现在神秘词(var name:totalCorrect)中的次数以及神秘词中这些字母的索引(数组var name:indices)(数组名称:combineDashes)。
// replaces dash with the correctly guessed letter in the mystery word.
combineDashes[indices] = letter;
// JavaScript Document
$(document).ready(function() { // upon page load
var badGuesses; // reset bad guess counter
var theWord; // defines variable globally
var combineDashes; // defines variable globally
var letter; // defines variable globally
var alphabet = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Z"]; // array of letters to choose
$("#lettersRemaining").html(alphabet); // gets elements of the alphabet array and displays on UI
// N E W G A M E B U T T O N C L I C K E D
$("#newGame").click(function() { // when user clicks on Start New Game button...
$("#status").hide(); // upon game reset hide the status section stating game over
var alphabet = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Z"]; // reset array of letters to choose from
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-0.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman no limbs" width="144" height="216">'); // reset hangman image
badGuesses = 0; // reset guess counter which is used later
var wordCollection = ["MANSION", "STATUE", "GORILLA", "NOTEBOOK", "SMARTPHONE", "ILLUSTRATION", "PHOTO", "ELEGANT", "ARBORIST", "KEYBOARD", "CALENDAR", "CAPITAL", "TEXTBOOK", "HORRIBLE", "LIBRARY"]; // array of words the computer will randomly choose from
theWord = wordCollection[Math.floor(Math.random()*wordCollection.length)]; // randomly selects a word
console.log("theWord is ....");
var theWordLength = theWord.length; // Get number of characters in randomly selected word to know how many dashes to display
console.log("theWordLength is ....");
// D I S P L A Y D A S H E S
combineDashes = []; // creates an array to hold the number of dashes inside the for loop
for (var i = theWordLength; i > 0; i--)
combineDashes.push(" - "); // each loop through adds a dash to the array
combineDashes.join(" "); // joins cumulative dashes and converts to a string
$("#dashes").html(combineDashes); // displays dashes on UI
console.log("combineDashes is...");
// G U E S S L E T T E R C L I C K E D
$("#guessLetter").click(function() { // when user clicks on the Guess Letter button pass in theWord value ....
var letter = $("#theLetter").val().toUpperCase(); // gets the letter the user is guessing & makes uppercase
console.log("letter is ...");
// Is the letter a good or bad guess?
var indices = []; // new array to capture indices of all letters contained in the word
var idx = theWord.indexOf(letter);
while (idx !== -1) { // loops thru to find all letters in the word
indices[indices.length] = idx;
idx = theWord.indexOf(letter, idx + 1);
console.log("indices of letter guess contained in the word");
var totalCorrect = indices.length; // captures how many letters guessed were correct
console.log("totalCorrect letters...");
// F O R B A D G U E S S E S
if (indices.length === 0) // if bad guess
badGuesses++; // increment bad guess counter
$("#status").html("Sorry, " + letter + " is incorrect. Try again."); // status message displays
console.log("Total badGuesses...");
// remove guessed letter from alphabet
var alphaIndex = alphabet.indexOf(letter); // gets index of letter in alphabet
alphabet.splice(alphaIndex,1); // removes the letter from the alphabet array
console.log("alphabet index of letter guessed...");
$("#lettersRemaining").html(alphabet); // refreshes letters remaining
// display correct hangman image based on how many bad guesses
if (badGuesses === 1)
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-1.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman 1 limb" width="144" height="216">');
else if (badGuesses === 2)
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-2.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman 2 limbs" width="144" height="216">');
else if (badGuesses === 3)
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-3.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman 3 limbs" width="144" height="216">');
else if (badGuesses === 4)
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-4.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman 4 limbs" width="144" height="216">');
else if (badGuesses === 5)
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-5.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman 5 limbs" width="144" height="216">');
else if (badGuesses === 6)
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-6.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman 6 limbs" width="144" height="216">');
$("#status").html("Game Over. Sorry, you didn't win. Click Start New Game and try again."); // status message displays
// F O R G O O D G U E S S E S
// remove guessed letter from alphabet
var alphaIndex = alphabet.indexOf(letter); // gets index of letter in alphabet
alphabet.splice(alphaIndex,1); // removes the letter from the alphabet array
console.log("alphabet index of letter guessed...");
$("#lettersRemaining").html(alphabet); // refreshes letters remaining
console.log(indices[0]); // gives value of the indexes array position 0
console.log(indices[1]); // gives value of the indexes array position 1
console.log(indices[2]); // gives value of the indexes array position 2
console.log(indices[3]); // gives value of the indexes array position 3
console.log(indices[4]); // gives value of the indexes array position 4
console.log(indices[5]); // gives value of the indexes array position 5
console.log(indices[6]); // gives value of the indexes array position 6
// R E P L A C E D A S H E S W I T H L E T T E R
// if there's only one instance of the letter in the word...
if (totalCorrect === 1) {
combineDashes[indices] = letter;
else // if there are multiple instances of the letter in the word...
letterInWordIndex0 = indices[0]; // assigns value of index to variable
letterInWordIndex1 = indices[1]; // assigns value of index to variable
letterInWordIndex2 = indices[2]; // assigns value of index to variable
combineDashes[letterInWordIndex0] = letter; // replaces dash with letter
combineDashes[letterInWordIndex1] = letter; // replaces dash with letter
combineDashes[letterInWordIndex2] = letter; // replaces dash with letter
// D I S P L A Y S T A T U S M E S S A G E
$("#dashes").html(combineDashes); //
combineDashes.find(" - ");
if (noMoreDashes = []) { // ?? HOW TO SAY NO DASHES REMAIN ?
$("#status").html("YOU WIN! Click Start New Game to play again."); // status message displays
$("#status").html(letter + " is correct! Go again."); // status message displays
答案 0 :(得分:1)
对于 totalCorrect 为1或更大时,您可以使用以下单段代码:
indices.forEach(function (index) {
combineDashes[index] = letter;
combineDashes.find(" - ");
中(即&#34; not&#34;):
if (!combineDashes.includes(" - ")) {
$("#status").html("YOU WIN! Click Start New Game to play again.");
if (combineDashes.indexOf(" - ") == -1) {
$("#status").html("YOU WIN! Click Start New Game to play again.");
combineDashes.join(" ");
返回结果 - 它不会修改 combineDashes 。而是在传递它的地方使用它来显示:
$("#dashes").html(combineDashes.join(" "));
if (badGuesses === 1)
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-1.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman 1 limb" width="144" height="216">');
if (badGuesses === 2)
// ...etc
if (badGuesses <= 6) {
$("#hangmanGuy").html('<img src="img/Hangman-' + badGuesses
+ '.png" id="hangmanImg" alt="pic of hangman ' + badGuesses
+ ' limb" width="144" height="216">');
if (badGuesses >= 6) {
$("#status").html("Game Over. Sorry, you didn't win. Click Start New Game and try again.");