Swift 3:UIScrollView和(禁用)手势识别器

时间:2016-11-27 20:27:48

标签: ios swift cocoa-touch uiscrollview uigesturerecognizer

我在swift 3中,我有一个类,它是UIScrollView的子类。这是:

import SpriteKit

/// Scroll direction
enum ScrollDirection {
    case vertical
    case horizontal

class CustomScrollView: UIScrollView {

    // MARK: - Static Properties

    /// Touches allowed
    static var disabledTouches = false

    /// Scroll view
    private static var scrollView: UIScrollView!

    // MARK: - Properties

    /// Current scene
    private let currentScene: SKScene

    /// Moveable node
    private let moveableNode: SKNode

    /// Scroll direction
    private let scrollDirection: ScrollDirection

    /// Touched nodes
    private var nodesTouched = [AnyObject]()

    // MARK: - Init
    init(frame: CGRect, scene: SKScene, moveableNode: SKNode, scrollDirection: ScrollDirection) {
        self.currentScene = scene
        self.moveableNode = moveableNode
        self.scrollDirection = scrollDirection
        super.init(frame: frame)

        CustomScrollView.scrollView = self
        self.frame = frame
        delegate = self
        indicatorStyle = .white
        isScrollEnabled = true
        isUserInteractionEnabled = true
        //canCancelContentTouches = false
        //self.minimumZoomScale = 1
        //self.maximumZoomScale = 3

        if scrollDirection == .horizontal {
            let flip = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1,y: -1)
            transform = flip

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

    /// Began
    override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        print("begin " + String(CustomScrollView.disabledTouches))

        for touch in touches {
            let location = touch.location(in: currentScene)
            guard !CustomScrollView.disabledTouches else { return }

            /// Call touches began in current scene
            currentScene.touchesBegan(touches, with: event)

            /// Call touches began in all touched nodes in the current scene
            nodesTouched = currentScene.nodes(at: location)
            for node in nodesTouched {
                node.touchesBegan(touches, with: event)

    /// Moved
    override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        print("moved " + String(CustomScrollView.disabledTouches))

        for touch in touches {
            let location = touch.location(in: currentScene)

            guard !CustomScrollView.disabledTouches else { return }

            /// Call touches moved in current scene
            currentScene.touchesMoved(touches, with: event)

            /// Call touches moved in all touched nodes in the current scene
            nodesTouched = currentScene.nodes(at: location)
            for node in nodesTouched {
                node.touchesMoved(touches, with: event)

    /// Ended
    override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {

        for touch in touches {
            let location = touch.location(in: currentScene)

            guard !CustomScrollView.disabledTouches else { return }

            /// Call touches ended in current scene
            currentScene.touchesEnded(touches, with: event)

            /// Call touches ended in all touched nodes in the current scene
            nodesTouched = currentScene.nodes(at: location)
            for node in nodesTouched {
                node.touchesEnded(touches, with: event)

    /// Cancelled
    override func touchesCancelled(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {

        print("cancelled " + String(CustomScrollView.disabledTouches))
        for touch in touches {
            let location = touch.location(in: currentScene)

            guard !CustomScrollView.disabledTouches else { return }

            /// Call touches cancelled in current scene
            currentScene.touchesCancelled(touches, with: event)

            /// Call touches cancelled in all touched nodes in the current scene
            nodesTouched = currentScene.nodes(at: location)
            for node in nodesTouched {
                node.touchesCancelled(touches, with: event)

// MARK: - Touch Controls
extension CustomScrollView {

    /// Disable
    class func disable() {
        CustomScrollView.scrollView?.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
        CustomScrollView.disabledTouches = true

    /// Enable
    class func enable() {
        CustomScrollView.scrollView?.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
        CustomScrollView.disabledTouches = false

// MARK: - Delegates
extension CustomScrollView: UIScrollViewDelegate {

    func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {

        if scrollDirection == .horizontal {
            moveableNode.position.x = scrollView.contentOffset.x
        } else {
            moveableNode.position.y = scrollView.contentOffset.y





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