Woocommerce条件部分购物车折扣与同一产品同时出现> 1变体

时间:2016-11-27 20:23:40

标签: woocommerce conditional cart discount

我的woocommerce产品实际上是巡航探险(两种产品=两种探险类型)。对于每种产品,变化包括巡航发生的周数(=日期)。 所以我有20个不同星期的利古里亚海上探险队和其他20周的希腊远征队。幸运的是,我只有2个这样的产品可以处理(非常简单的情况)

顾客通常选择一周的探险。但是,如果客户决定申请>,我需要在第二周(或第三周)申请10%的折扣。 1周。因此,第一周支付全价,但第二周和(如果有)第三周将打折10%。


function cart_discount() {

    if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) )

    global $woocommerce; $cat_count = 0; 

    $cart = WC()->cart->get_cart();

    foreach($cart as $cart_item_key => $values) { 
        $product_id = $values['product_id']; // product ID (= cruise type)
        $variation_id = $values['variation_id']; // variation (=week)
        $cart_lines_total = $values["line_total"]; //variation total price
        $cart_lines_quantity = $values["quantity"];// variation quantity

            //$product = 1394 = Expedition Ligurian eng
            //$product = 1389 = Expedition Greece eng
            //$product = 13888 = Expedition Ligurian ita
            //$product = 13910 = Expedition Greece ita

        //I hereby add a condition as we do have the same cruises with students prices which are not eligible to this discount (and are stored with different product_id)
        if($product_id == '1394' || $product_id == '1389' || $product_id == '13888' || $product_id == '13910')
            //put in a new array only the terms I need for the calculation later
            $cart_array []= array( $product_id , $variation_id, $cart_lines_quantity, $cart_lines_total);

        // discount percent is 10%
        $percent = -0.10;

    if ($cart_array[0][0] == $cart_array[1][0]) //if in the cart the same product is present two times
        $discount = $percent * $cart_array[1][2] * $cart_array[1][3];
        $discount_text = __( 'Quantity discount', 'woocommerce' );
        WC()->cart->add_fee( $discount_text, $discount, false );

add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees','cart_discount' );


1)只有在购物车中只有同一产品的两种变体才会处理:如果客户决定购买x周,我应该能够检查同一产品是否存在> 2种变化;



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


function cart_discount() {

    if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) )
    global $woocommerce; 

            $cart = WC()->cart->get_cart();

            $has_coupons = count(WC()->cart->applied_coupons)>0?true:false;

            if(!$has_coupons) //verifies that other discounts are not added
                  foreach($cart as $cart_item_key => $values) { 
                      $product_id = $values['product_id']; // product ID
                      $variation_id = $values['variation_id']; // product quantity
                      $cart_lines_total = $values["line_total"];
                      $cart_lines_quantity = $values["quantity"];

                          //products for which this kind of discount must be applicable:
                          //$product_id = 1394 = Spedizioni CSR eng
                          //$product_id = 1389 = Spedizioni IDP eng
                          //$product_id = 13888 = Spedizioni CSR ita
                          //$product_id = 13910 = Spedizioni IDP ita

                      if($product_id == '1394' || $product_id == '1389' || $product_id == '13888' || $product_id == '13910')
                          $cart_array []= array( $product_id , $variation_id, $cart_lines_quantity, $cart_lines_total);

                      $conteggio = count($cart_array); //conta il numero di prodotti nel carrello 
                      // percent is 10%
                      $percent = -0.10;

                  if ($conteggio < 3 && $cart_array[0][0] == $cart_array[1][0])
                      $discount = $percent *  $cart_array[1][3];
                      $discount_text = __( '10% discount on subsequent week(s)', 'woocommerce' );
                      WC()->cart->add_fee( $discount_text, $discount, false );
                  if ($conteggio < 4 && $cart_array[0][0] == $cart_array[1][0] && $cart_array[0][0] == $cart_array[2][0])
                      $discount = ($percent * $cart_array[1][3]) + ($percent * $cart_array[2][3]);
                      $discount_text = __( '10% discount on subsequent week(s)', 'woocommerce' );
                      WC()->cart->add_fee( $discount_text, $discount, false );
                  if ($conteggio < 5 && $cart_array[0][0] == $cart_array[1][0] && $cart_array[0][0] == $cart_array[2][0] && $cart_array[0][0] == $cart_array[3][0])
                      $discount = ($percent * $cart_array[1][3]) + ($percent * $cart_array[2][3]) + ($percent * $cart_array[3][3]);
                      $discount_text = __( '10% discount on subsequent week(s)', 'woocommerce' );
                      WC()->cart->add_fee( $discount_text, $discount, false );
            } else return;

add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees','cart_discount' );

如你所见,我必须指定对这种特殊折扣感兴趣的产品的product_id,这对我来说没问题,但如果我们可以将它设置为类别会更好(我没有&#39;有时间发展这种情况) 其次,我不喜欢的部分是以下

if ($conteggio < 3 && $cart_array[0][0] == $cart_array[1][0])

