
时间:2016-11-27 07:26:34

标签: python session flask flask-sqlalchemy


在应用程序中,我使用以SQLAlchemy声明性语言编写的数据库模型,假设我有一个名为 Server 的表。 应用程序通过设计选择,要求用户-via WTForms-在不同页面(视图)之间设置Server表的字段值,并且我需要将实例保存到最后的观点。


def first_view():
form = FormOne() #prompt the first form
if form.validate_on_submit():
    #form validate, i create the instance in SQLalchemy
    server = Server() #Database Model
    server.hostname = form.hostname.data
    loop_count = form.repetition.data
    session['loop'] = loop_count 
    db.session.add(server) #adding the object to the session
    #but i'm not committing the session in fact the next view needs to know about this new object and a third view needs to commit based on the user input
    return redirect(url_for('second_view'))
return render_template("first_view.html", form=form)

def second_view():
form = FormTwo() #prompt the second form
if form.validate_on_submit():
    hostname_to_search = form.hostname.data #i get some other input
    #i use the input to query the session (here different server instace can appear, depends on the user input of the first view)
    rslt= db.session.query(Server).filter(Server.hostname==hostname_to_search ).all()
    #the session is empty and doesn't contain the instance created in the previous view... <-- :(

    if session['loop'] <= 0 :
       #end the loop
       return redirect(url_for('commit_view'))
      loop_count = session.pop('loop',1)
      session['loop'] = loop_count-1
      #go back to the first page to add another server instance
      return redirect(url_for('first_view')) 
return render_template("first_view.html", form=form)

def commit_view():
    #loop finished, now i can commit my final instances
    db.session.commit() <--here i save the data, db.session is empty 
return 'DONE!'

但是看到Flask-SQLAlchemy中的会话请求的本地,因此看起来在视图和另一个视图之间db.session 被重置/为空



  • 我该如何实现?
  • 方便吗?
  • 线程安全吗?

也许我正在使用错误的方法来解决问题? (当然我可以做一个页面,但实际案例要复杂得多,需要在不同的页面之间进行构建)

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