//Data Members
class ExprTreeNode // inner node class
/*--- Constructor ---*/
ExprTreeNode(char elem, ExprTreeNode *leftPtr, ExprTreeNode *rightPtr);
/*--- Data Members ---*/
char dataItem; // Expression tree data item
ExprTreeNode* left; // Pointer to the left child
ExprTreeNode* right; // Pointer to the right child
/*Evaluates the value of the corresponding arithmetic expression.
template <typename DataType>
DataType ExprTree<DataType>::evaluate() const throw(logic_error)
//Throws logic error when the expression tree is empty.
if (root == NULL)
throw logic_error("The expression tree is empty");
return evaluateHelper(root);
/*Helper function for the evaluate() function. Returns the vlaue od subtree pointed to by node
template <typename DataType>
DataType ExprTree<DataType>::evaluateHelper(ExprTreeNode *node) const
DataType l, r, result;
if (isdigit(node->dataItem))
//converts char to number
result = node->dataItem - '0';
//evaluates left subtree
l = evaluateHelper(node->left);
//evaluates right subtree
r = evaluateHelper(node->right);
//sum the left and right
switch (node->dataItem)
case '+': result = l + r; break;
case '-': result = l - r; break;
case '*': result = l * r; break;
case '/': result = l / r;
return result;
//This is my main,please only read the test 1. When I use the input 4, the result is 1; when the input is the prefix expression +34, the result is 1 as well.
// Test program for the operations in the Expression Tree ADT
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
#include "ExprTree.cpp"
//#include "ExpressionTree.cpp"
#include "config.h"
// Function prototype
template <typename DataType>
void dummy(ExprTree<DataType> copyTree); // copyTree is passed by value
int main()
#if !LAB8_TEST1 || LAB8_TEST2 || LAB8_TEST3
// Don't do this if testing boolean tree, unless also testing programming
// exercises 2 or 3 (for which this section is mostly needed).
// The tricky part occurs if testing exercise 1 and (2 or 3), or if
// someone is trying to test the basic class and one of the other exercises
// in parallel. Hence the #if expression above.
cout << "Start of testing the basic expression tree" << endl;
ExprTree<float> testExpression; // Test expression
cout << endl << "Enter an expression in prefix form : ";
cout << " = " << testExpression.evaluate() << endl;
// Test the copy constructor.
cout << endl << "Original tree:" << endl;
#if LAB8_TEST1
cout << "Start of testing the boolean expression tree" << endl;
ExprTree<bool> boolTree;
cout << endl << "Enter a boolean expression in prefix form : ";
cout << " = " << boolTree.evaluate() << endl;
cout << "** End of testing the boolean expression tree" << endl;
#if LAB8_TEST2
cout << "Start of testing commute()" << endl;
cout << endl << "Fully commuted tree: " << endl;
cout << " = " << testExpression.evaluate() << endl;
cout << "End of testing commute()" << endl;
#if LAB8_TEST3
cout << "Start of testing isEquivalent()" << endl;
ExprTree<float> same = testExpression;
cout << "same is equal (tests copy constructor) ? ";
cout << (same.isEquivalent(testExpression) ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
ExprTree<float> empty;
cout << "empty is equal? ";
cout << (empty.isEquivalent(testExpression) ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
ExprTree<float> userExpression;
cout << "Enter another expression in prefix form: ";
cout << "new expression is equal? ";
cout << (userExpression.isEquivalent(testExpression) ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
cout << "** End of testing isEquivalent()" << endl;
#if !LAB8_TEST1 && !LAB8_TEST2 && !LAB8_TEST3
// Don't bother with this if testing any of the programming exercises
cout << endl << "Clear the tree" << endl;
cout << "** End of testing the basic expression tree" << endl;
return 0;
template <typename DataType>
void dummy(ExprTree<DataType> copyTree)
// Dummy routine that is passed an expression tree using call by
// value. Outputs copyTree and clears it.
cout << endl << "Copy of tree: " << endl;
cout << "Copy cleared: " << endl;