闪亮 - 保持一个对象稍后在服务器中回忆,而不使用`<< -``

时间:2016-11-25 09:41:41

标签: r shiny




# when a button is pressed:
observeEvent( input$Shearwater, {

    # print some data to the output file
    cat( paste0( image.source, ",Shearwater\n" ), file = output.file, append = T )

    # remove the image we just looked at from the file list
    file.list <<- file.list[ file.list != image.source ]

    # get the next image to work on
    image.source <<- file.list[1]

    # and render that next image
    output$image <- renderUI(
        img( src = image.source, width = 600 )


library( shiny )

# define the inputs and outputs
file.list <- list.files( path = "www", pattern = ".jpg", ignore.case = T )
output.file <- "classifications.txt"

# check for images already classified, and remove them (to avoid duplicating analysis)
if( file.exists( output.file ) && length( readLines( output.file ) ) > 0 ) {
    already.classified <- try( read.csv( output.file,
                                         header = F,
                                         stringsAsFactors = F ),
                               silent = TRUE )
    if( class( already.classified ) != "try-error" ) {
        already.classified <- unique( already.classified[,1] )
        file.list <- file.list[ !file.list %in% already.classified ]

# get the first image to display
image.source <- file.list[1]

ui <- shinyUI( fluidPage(

    titlePanel( "Image classification" ),

    # define multiple submit buttons, one for each classification type

            actionButton( inputId = "Shearwater", label = "Shearwater" ),

            actionButton( inputId = "Penguin", label = "Penguin" ),

            actionButton( inputId = "Other.bird", label = "Other.bird" )


        # Display the image
        mainPanel( uiOutput( 'image' ) )
) )

server <- shinyServer( function( input, output, session ) {

    # display the first image to the user
    output$image <- renderUI(
        img( src = image.source, width = 600 )

    # when a button is pressed:
    observeEvent( input$Shearwater, {

        # print some data to the output file
        cat( paste0( image.source, ",Shearwater\n" ), file = output.file, append = T )

        # remove the image we just looked at from the file list
        file.list <<- file.list[ file.list != image.source ]

        # get the next image to work on
        image.source <<- file.list[1]

        # and render that next image
        output$image <- renderUI(
            img( src = image.source, width = 600 )

    # repeat the above for each button type
    observeEvent( input$Penguin, {
        cat( paste0( image.source, ",Penguin\n" ), file = output.file, append = T )
        file.list <<- file.list[ file.list != image.source ]
        image.source <<- file.list[1]
        output$image <- renderUI(
            img( src = image.source, width = 600 )
    observeEvent( input$Other.bird, {
        cat( paste0( image.source, ",Other.bird\n" ), file = output.file, append = T )
        file.list <<- file.list[ file.list != image.source ]
        image.source <<- file.list[1]
        output$image <- renderUI(
            img( src = image.source, width = 600 )

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
  • 如果您想自己运行该应用,只需输入一个名为&#34; www&#34;的文件夹。与app.R文件一起包含几个jpgs,它应该为你运行。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  • 一旦图像被一个用户分类后,是否需要从所有其他用户撤回该图像,或者仅为当前用户撤销该图像
  • 您打算如何保存输出数据(不存在于 代码)
  • 真正需要在所有用户之间共享的内容以及需求 仅相对于一个用户
  • 如何停止&amp;你打算如何保存输出数据(可能是将结果写入文件)

为了说明的目的,我将用代码澄清(只有server部分 - 如果这符合您的需求,您可以轻松地找出如何更改其余部分)其中一个替代方案。


server <- shinyServer( function( input, output, session ) {
# The following chunk of code will be executed first at the start of each shiny session, 
# i.e. for each user (but to be clear, it will be executed as well if the user will refresh
# the browser, which triggers a new session)

# define the inputs and outputs
file.list <- list.files( path = "www", pattern = ".jpg", ignore.case = T )
output.file <- "classifications.txt"

# check for images already classified, and remove them (to avoid duplicating analysis)
if( file.exists( output.file ) && length( readLines( output.file ) ) > 0 ) {
    already.classified <- try( read.csv( output.file,
                                         header = F,
                                         stringsAsFactors = F ),
                               silent = TRUE )
    if( class( already.classified ) != "try-error" ) {
        already.classified <- unique( already.classified[,1] )
        file.list <- file.list[ !file.list %in% already.classified ]

# get the first image to display
image.source <- file.list[1]
    # display the first image to the user
# end of the chunk of code

    output$image <- renderUI(
        img( src = image.source, width = 600 )

    # when a button is pressed:
    observeEvent( input$Shearwater, {

        # print some data to the output file
        cat( paste0( image.source, ",Shearwater\n" ), file = output.file, append = T )

        # remove the image we just looked at from the file list
        file.list <<- file.list[ file.list != image.source ]

        # get the next image to work on
        image.source <<- file.list[1]

        # and render that next image
        output$image <- renderUI(
            img( src = image.source, width = 600 )

    # repeat the above for each button type
    observeEvent( input$Penguin, {
        cat( paste0( image.source, ",Penguin\n" ), file = output.file, append = T )
        file.list <<- file.list[ file.list != image.source ]
        image.source <<- file.list[1]
        output$image <- renderUI(
            img( src = image.source, width = 600 )
    observeEvent( input$Other.bird, {
        cat( paste0( image.source, ",Other.bird\n" ), file = output.file, append = T )
        file.list <<- file.list[ file.list != image.source ]
        image.source <<- file.list[1]
        output$image <- renderUI(
            img( src = image.source, width = 600 )


根据R作用域规则,闪亮函数调用中的每个file.list <<-赋值都将更新全局file.list值。 同时,由于file.list值未在服务器功能之外定义,因此每个会话(通常对应于用户会话,除非用户确实刷新浏览器实际上重新启动会话)将重新初始化它

您可以使用此概念来决定在server函数调用范围内放置什么以及在外部管理什么(即真正全局)。 当不需要reactiveValues时,我觉得这个解决方案更可取(这是非常有用的,但只有当你以某种方式利用他们的reactivity时才会这样做。)


答案 1 :(得分:-1)


image.source <- reactive({
    isolate({output <- file.list[input$Shearwater] })

 output$image <- renderUI(
        img( src = image.source(), width = 600 )

