
时间:2016-11-25 09:31:24

标签: python user-interface text fonts tkinter



b=Button(frame, text="Big bold text\n" "Small text")

我尝试过很多东西,但是我无法让代码工作。 简单地说,我想要一个大的粗体文本和一个小文本在彼此之下。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Tk按钮小部件和ttk按钮小部件都不支持为文本元素使用多种字体。但是,您可以使用Canvas小部件构造一些内容,以在单个小部件中获取两个单独的文本元素。关于制作垂直文本按钮的This answer提供了一个类似的例子,这将是一个很好的起点。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


from tkinter import *
from tkinter.font import *

def example_method (): print ("Click!")

class Button2:

Allows multiple fonts in a very simple button.
Only supports 'master', 'text' and 'command' keywords
    ('master' is compulsory)
Fonts are delared in < > with the following options:
    BOLD = Make the text bold
    ITALIC = Make the text italic
    STRIKEOUT = Strike through the text
    UNDERLINE = Underlines the text
    an integer = the text size
    any other keyword is assumed to be the text family
    For the default text style, leave the < > empty
NOTE: Only supports the grid method due to internal handelling

    def __init__ (self, master, text = "<>", command = None):

        self.f, self.command = Frame (root, relief = RAISED, borderwidth = 3), command
        self.f.bind ("<Button-1>", lambda event: self.__click ())
        self.f.bind ("<ButtonRelease-1>", lambda event: self.__release ())

        sections = [i.split (">") for i in text.split ("<") [1 : ]]

        row, column = 0, 0
        for section in sections:

            font_decomp, kw = section [0].split ("_"), {}
            for keyword in font_decomp:
                if keyword == "STRIKEOUT": kw ["overstrike"] = True
                elif keyword == "BOLD": kw ["weight"] = BOLD
                elif keyword == "ITALIC": kw ["slant"] = ITALIC
                elif keyword == "UNDERLINE": kw ["underline"] = True
                try: kw ["size"] = int (keyword)
                except: kw ["family"] = keyword

            temp_font = Font (**kw)
            l = Label (self.f, text = section [1].replace ("\n", ""), font = temp_font)
            l.grid (row = row, column = column)
            l.bind ("<Button-1>", lambda event: self.__click ())
            l.bind ("<ButtonRelease-1>", lambda event: self.__release ())

            if section [1].count ("\n") >= 1:
                column = -1
                for i in range (section [1].count ("\n") - 1):
                    l = Label (self.f, text = "", font = temp_font)
                    l.grid (row = row, column = column)
                    l.bind ("<Button-1>", lambda event: self.__click ())
                    l.bind ("<ButtonRelease-1>", lambda event: self.__release ())
                    row += 1
                row += 1
            column += 1

    def __click (self):
        self.f.config (relief = SUNKEN)
        if self.command: self.command ()

    def __release (self): self.f.config (relief = RAISED)

    def grid (self, **kw): self.f.grid (**kw)

root = Tk ()
root.title ("Multiple fonts")
Button2 (root, text = "<30_BOLD>Big bold text\n<10>Small text", command = example_method).grid ()
root.mainloop ()