
时间:2016-11-24 20:23:26

标签: excel-vba vba excel




#include <stdio.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include <omp.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int numprocs, rank, namelen;
  char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
  int iam = 0, np = 1;

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen);

  #pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(iam, np)
    np = omp_get_num_threads();
    iam = omp_get_thread_num();
    printf("Hello from thread %d out of %d from process %d out of %d on %s\n",
           iam, np, rank, numprocs, processor_name);


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)






With rng ... If Not .Parent.Rows(.Cells(j, 1).Row).Hidden我可以想象创建一个范围然后在该范围内操作会有所帮助的情况。但是,如果有时您在该范围内操作,有时您在工作表中操作,则只会使您的代码混乱。


If Len(.Cells(j, n).Value) Then理解这个语句依赖于读者知道零可以用作布尔值True和非零可以用作布尔值False。我不喜欢依赖这些知识,因为如果读者缺乏这些知识,他们如何理解这种说法呢?你有什么谷歌关于该声明,以发现它的工作原理和原因?




For i = 1 To .Cells.Count
  MW = MW + .Columns(i).ColumnWidth

您无法以这种方式添加列宽并获得可靠的答案。如果使用Excel查看默认列的宽度,您将看到:“宽度8.43(64像素)”。 8.43是以点为单位的宽度,它是VBA给出和期望的宽度单位。要获得组合宽度,您需要对像素宽度求和,并为每个内部边框添加1。我提供了将点转换为像素的例程,反之亦然。








答案 1 :(得分:0)



Option Explicit

Const RowHeightMax As Double = 409.5
Sub CalcRowHeights(ByRef CellHeights() As Double, ByRef RowHeights() As Double)

  ' On entry:
  '  * CellHeights has dimensions (1 to N) where N is the last column of a row
  '    containing a value.  It contains the height of cells 1 to N.  Cells
  '    within that range having no value or with WrapText=False are recorded as
  '    having a height of 0. For cells with a value and WrapText=False, the
  '    value recorded is the height of the cell necessary to view all its
  '    content even if that height is above the maximum for a row.
  ' On exit:
  '  * if none of the cells has a height more than the maximum for a row,
  '    RowHeights will have dimensions (1 to 1) and the value of the single
  '    entry will be the largest height of an of the cells.
  '  * If one or more cells has a height more than the maximum for a row,
  '    RowHeights will have dimensions (1 to M) where M is the number of rows
  '    necessary for the content of all cells to be visible. The values of the
  '    M entries will be the heights of the rows necessary to show the cell
  '    contents to best advantage.

  Dim CellHeightMinAboveZero As Double
  Dim CellHeightMax As Double
  Dim CellHeightsRemaining() As Double
  Dim InxCCrnt As Long
  Dim InxRCrnt As Long
  Dim RowHeightRemaining As Long

  CellHeightMax = 0#
  CellHeightMinAboveZero = 0#

  ' Find cell with largest height
  For InxCCrnt = 1 To UBound(CellHeights)
    If CellHeightMax < CellHeights(InxCCrnt) Then
      CellHeightMax = CellHeights(InxCCrnt)
    End If

  ReDim RowHeights(1 To 1)    ' Will always need at least one entry

  If CellHeightMax <= RowHeightMax Then
    ' All cell content will be visible within one row
    RowHeights(1) = CellHeightMax
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' Not all cell content can be visible in single row

  ' Copy caller's cell heights to working array and
  ' find minimum non-zero height. Already have maximum.
  CellHeightMinAboveZero = 0#
  ReDim CellHeightsRemaining(1 To UBound(CellHeights))
  For InxCCrnt = 1 To UBound(CellHeights)
    CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) = CellHeights(InxCCrnt)
    If CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) > 0 Then
      ' This cell height > 0
      If CellHeightMinAboveZero = 0 Or _
         CellHeightMinAboveZero > CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) Then
        ' This cell height first non-zero height or less than previous minimum
        CellHeightMinAboveZero = CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt)
        'InxCMin = InxCCrnt
      End If
    End If

  InxRCrnt = 0      ' No entries in RowHeights() yet

  Do While True

    If CellHeightMinAboveZero = CellHeightMax Then
      ' There is one or more cell with the maximum height.
      ' There are no cells with any other height
      Call CalcRowHeightsAllocate(CellHeightMax, InxRCrnt, RowHeights)
      Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Allocate a row or rows for the smallest cell or cells or what
    ' remains unallocated of the smaller cell or cells
    Call CalcRowHeightsAllocate(CellHeightMinAboveZero, InxRCrnt, RowHeights)

    ' Reduce values in CellHeightsRemaining
    For InxCCrnt = 1 To UBound(CellHeights)
      If CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) <> 0 Then
        CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) = CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) - _
      End If

    ' Find new maximum and minimum
    CellHeightMax = 0#
    CellHeightMinAboveZero = 0#
    For InxCCrnt = 1 To UBound(CellHeights)
      If CellHeightMax < CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) Then
        CellHeightMax = CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt)
      End If
      If CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) > 0 Then
        ' This cell height > 0
      If CellHeightMinAboveZero = 0 Or _
         CellHeightMinAboveZero > CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt) Then
        ' This cell height first non-zero height or less than previous minimum
          CellHeightMinAboveZero = CellHeightsRemaining(InxCCrnt)
        End If
      End If


End Sub
Sub CalcRowHeightsAllocate(ByVal HeightToAllocate As Double, _
                           ByRef InxRCrnt As Long, _
                           ByRef RowHeights() As Double)

  ' Add rows to RowHeights to give a total height of HeightToAllocate

  ' If InxRCrnt = 0, RowHeights() has already been dimensioned as (1 To 1)
  ' but entry 1 is unused.
  ' If InxRCrnt > 0, RowHeights() has been dimensioned as (1 To InxRCrnt)
  ' with entries 1 To InxRCrnt unused. A new entry must be added.
  ' In either case, InxRCrnt is stepped to reflect new state of entries.

  Dim NumRows As Long

  InxRCrnt = InxRCrnt + 1
  If InxRCrnt > 1 Then
    ' At least one new entry will be required.
    ReDim Preserve RowHeights(1 To InxRCrnt)
  End If

  If HeightToAllocate <= RowHeightMax Then
    ' The height to allocate is less than the row maximum
    RowHeights(InxRCrnt) = HeightToAllocate
    Exit Sub
  End If

  NumRows = Fix((HeightToAllocate + RowHeightMax - 1) / RowHeightMax)

  ' Make row heights as close to equal as possible
  ' 1 pixel = 0.75 points.  Height must be interger number of pixels

  ' Enlarge RowHeights for the extra rows
  ReDim Preserve RowHeights(1 To InxRCrnt + NumRows - 1)
  ' Calculate preferred row height and allocate to first new row
  RowHeights(InxRCrnt) = (HeightToAllocate * 4# / 3# / CDbl(NumRows)) * 0.75
  ' Reduce HeightToAllocate for height allocated
  HeightToAllocate = HeightToAllocate - RowHeights(InxRCrnt)

  ' Set remaining new rows, except the last, to the same height as the first mew row
  For InxRCrnt = InxRCrnt + 1 To UBound(RowHeights) - 1
    RowHeights(InxRCrnt) = RowHeights(InxRCrnt - 1)
    HeightToAllocate = HeightToAllocate - RowHeights(1)

  ' Set last row to remaining height to allow for previous rows not
  ' being the exact, preferred fraction of toal height to allocate
  RowHeights(UBound(RowHeights)) = HeightToAllocate

End Sub
Function CellHeightMerged(ByVal Wsht As Worksheet, ByVal RowTop As Long, _
                          ByVal ColLeft As Long, ByVal RowBot As Long, _
                          ByVal ColRight As Long, ByRef RowTest As Long, _
                          ByRef ColTest As Long) As Double

  ' * Wsht.Cells(RowTop, ColLeft) is the top left cell of an merged cell
  '   with RowBot and ColRight specifying the bottom right cell.
  ' * There is no code that would handle RowTop <> RowBot.
  ' * Wsht.Cells(RowTest, ColTest) is a cell below and to the right of any
  '   used cells.
  ' * The routine will use Wsht.Cells(RowTest, ColTest) and, if necessary
  '   cells below it, to determine the full height of the cell

  Dim ColCrnt As Long
  Dim WidthCombinedPixels As Long
  Dim WidthCombinedPoints As Single

  ' Calculate combined width of columns within merged cell.
  ' Excel VBA sets and returns column widths in points but the calculate must be
  ' in pixels

  With Wsht

    WidthCombinedPixels = 0#

    ' Calculate total width of merged cells in pixels
    For ColCrnt = ColLeft To ColRight
      WidthCombinedPixels = WidthCombinedPixels + _
                            WidthPixelsFromPoints(.Cells(RowTop, ColCrnt).ColumnWidth)
    WidthCombinedPixels = WidthCombinedPixels + ColRight - ColLeft - 1 ' Allow for interior borders

    ' Set width of test column to total width of merged cells
    .Columns(ColTest).ColumnWidth = WidthPointsFromPixels(WidthCombinedPixels)
    ' Copy contents of merged cell to test cell
    .Cells(RowTop, ColLeft).Copy Destination:=.Cells(RowTest, ColTest)

    ' Use CellHeightUnmerged to determine height of test cell
    CellHeightMerged = CellHeightUnmerged(Wsht, RowTest, ColTest, RowTest + 1, ColTest)

  End With

End Function
Function CellHeightUnmerged(ByVal Wsht As Worksheet, ByVal RowCrnt As Long, _
                            ByVal ColCrnt As Long, ByRef RowTest As Long, _
                            ByRef ColTest As Long) As Double

  ' * Wsht.Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt) is an unmerged cell.
  ' * Wsht.Cells(RowTest, ColTest) is a cell below and to the right of any
  '   used cells.
  ' * The routine will use Wsht.Cells(RowTest, ColTest) and, if necessary
  '   cells below it, to determine the full height of the cell

  ' If a cell height exceeds the maximum row height, the cell content is split
  ' into parts so their total height can be calculated. For this to give the
  ' exact height, the separate parts must be split on a line boundary and must
  ' be formatted as the original. Unfortunately, when a cell is split, all the
  ' in-cell formatting is lost. It is possible to determine the formatting of
  ' the original cell and to apply that as approprite to the parts but this has
  ' proved to be impossibly slow.  A  multiplier applied to the height of a
  ' cell part is a crude technique but it gives good results with test data. It
  ' may (probably will) be necessary to experiment with the multiplier's value
  ' to get a statisfactory effect.
  Const Multiplier As Double = 1.08

  Dim AllRowHeightsBelowMaximum As Boolean
  Dim CellHeightTotal As Double
  Dim InCellFmts As New Collection
  Dim InxIcf As Long
  Dim LenCopy As Long
  Dim PosStart As Long
  Dim RowHeightCrnt As Double
  Dim RowNumCrnt As Long
  Dim RowNumMax As Long
  Dim RowTemp As Long
  Dim Text As String

  With Wsht

    If .Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Value = "" Then
      CellHeightUnmerged = 0#
      Exit Function
    End If

    .Columns(ColTest).ColumnWidth = .Columns(ColCrnt).ColumnWidth
    .Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Copy Destination:=.Cells(RowTest, ColTest)
    With .Cells(RowTest, ColTest)
      .WrapText = True
      CellHeightTotal = .RowHeight
    End With

    If CellHeightTotal = RowHeightMax Then
      ' Text does not fit into single row at current width
      ' Split text of cell into as many parts as necessary for each part to
      ' give a cell height less than the maximum. This is a crude split but it
      ' is not obvious that a better split would give better results.
      RowNumMax = 2
      ' Clear all formatting from test cells then set wrap
      With .Cells(RowTest, ColTest)
        .WrapText = True
      End With
      With .Cells(RowTest + 1, ColTest)
        .WrapText = True
      End With
      PosStart = 1
      Text = .Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Value
      LenCopy = Len(Text) \ RowNumMax
      Do While True    ' Loop until row heights are all less than maximum
        ' Split text of cell into RowNumMax parts. This is a crude split but it
        ' is not obvious that a better split would give better results.
        RowTemp = RowTest
        For RowNumCrnt = 1 To RowNumMax - 1
          ' Copy early parts of text
          .Cells(RowTemp, ColTest).Value = Mid(Text, PosStart, LenCopy)
          PosStart = PosStart + LenCopy
          RowTemp = RowTemp + 1
        ' Copy last part of text
        .Cells(RowTemp, ColTest).Value = Mid(Text, PosStart)
        ' Calculate total height of cell is all parts below maximum
        CellHeightTotal = 0#
        AllRowHeightsBelowMaximum = True
        For RowTemp = RowTest To RowTest + RowNumMax - 1
          RowHeightCrnt = .Rows(RowTemp).RowHeight * Multiplier
          If RowHeightCrnt < RowHeightMax Then
            CellHeightTotal = CellHeightTotal + RowHeightCrnt
            AllRowHeightsBelowMaximum = False
            Exit For
          End If
        If AllRowHeightsBelowMaximum Then
          Exit Do
        End If
        ' RowNumMax was not enough rows to show entire text from cell
        With .Cells(RowTest + RowNumMax, ColTest)  ' Prepare another test cell
          .WrapText = True
        End With
        RowNumMax = RowNumMax + 1
    End If

  End With

  CellHeightUnmerged = CellHeightTotal

End Function
Sub MergedandSplit()

  ' * This routine looks for cells whose row height is the maximum allowed
  '   indicating that not all the text within the cell will be visible.
  ' * If a row contains such cells, a row is inserted under it and the
  '   partially visible cells merged with the cell below it and the height of the two
  '   rows set so all the text is visible.
  ' * The previous sentence said "a row is inserted" and this is normally
  '   true. However, if a cell contains so much text that two full size rows
  '   are not enough to make it all visible, then as many rows as necessary
  '   are inserted.

  Dim CellHeightCrnt As Double
  Dim CellHeights() As Double
  Dim ColCrnt As Long
  Dim ColLastRowCrnt As Long
  Dim ColLastWsht As Long
  Dim ColLeft As Long
  Dim ColRight As Long
  Dim InxM As Long
  Dim InxR As Long
  Dim MultiRowCellWithinRow As Boolean
  Dim OpenMultirowCells As New Collection
  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim RowCrnt As Long
  Dim RowHeightCrnt As Double
  Dim RowHeights() As Double
  Dim RowBot As Long
  Dim RowLast As Long
  Dim RowTemp As Long
  Dim RowTop As Long
  Dim Wsht As Worksheet

  Call WidthPrepPixelsPoints  ' Load arrays for pixel to point conversions

  Set Wsht = Worksheets("Data")

  With Wsht

    ' Find last row and column of worksheet
    Set Rng = .Cells.Find("*", .Range("A1"), xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious)
    If Rng Is Nothing Then
      ' The worksheet is empty
      Debug.Assert False
      ' Add code as necessary to tell user
      Exit Sub
    End If
    RowLast = Rng.Row
    ' No need to check worksheet is not empty since already know it isn't
    ColLastWsht = .Cells.Find("*", .Range("A1"), xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column

    ' Is is not possible to use "For RowCrnt = 1 To RowLast" becuase inserted
    ' rows would increase RowLast and the end value of a For loop cannot change
    ' during the loop.
    ' "For RowCrnt = RowLast To 1 Step -1" would avoid the inserted row problem
    ' but it is necessary to move down the worksheet so as to detect and
    ' process multi-row cells correctly.

    RowCrnt = 1
    Do While RowCrnt <= RowLast

      MultiRowCellWithinRow = False

      If Not .Rows(RowCrnt).Hidden Then
        ColLastRowCrnt = .Cells(RowCrnt, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        Debug.Print "Row " & RowCrnt & "'s last column " & ColLastRowCrnt

        If ColLastRowCrnt <> 1 Or .Cells(RowCrnt, 1).Value <> "" Then
          ' This row contains at least one cell with a value

          ' End(xlToLeft).Column will not recognise a cell of a multi-row
          ' merged cell as containing a value unless it is the top left cell.
          ' If a multi-row merged cell is in the middle of the row, this does
          ' not matter because it will be detected as each column is examined.
          ' However, if a multi-row merged cell is to the right of any cells
          ' with values it will missed. If OpenMultirowCells is not empty,
          ' there is a multi-row merged cell that includes this row
          If OpenMultirowCells.Count > 0 Then
            MultiRowCellWithinRow = True
          End If

          ReDim CellHeights(1 To ColLastRowCrnt)

          ' Merged cells will always columns N, N+1, N+2 and so on making it
          ' easier to manage with increasing ColCrnt. However, stepping over
          ' a merged cell would not be possible with a For Loop so a Do
          ' Loop is necessary.
          ColCrnt = 1
          Do While ColCrnt <= ColLastRowCrnt
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt)
              If .Value <> "" And .WrapText Then
                ' Cell has value and row height is to increase, if necessary, so
                ' the entire the value is visible.
                If .MergeCells Then
                  ' Cell is part of merged area
                  Debug.Print "Cell " & Replace(.Address, "$", "") & " non empty and wrapped and merged"
                  RowTop = RowCrnt
                  ColLeft = ColCrnt
                  Call AddressMergedCell(Nothing, Wsht, RowTop, ColLeft, RowBot, ColRight)
                  Debug.Print "Cell " & Replace(Wsht.Cells(RowTop, ColLeft).Address, "$", "") & ":" & _
                                       Replace(Wsht.Cells(RowBot, ColRight).Address, "$", "") & " merged"
                  If RowTop <> RowBot Then
                    ' Rows with multi-row merged cells are ignored
                    Debug.Print "Multirow cell"
                    MultiRowCellWithinRow = True
                    OpenMultirowCells.Add RowBot  ' Record open multi-row cell
                    ColCrnt = ColRight
                    ' Note: RowCrnt = RowTop=RowBot   ColCrnt <> ColLeft
                    CellHeights(ColCrnt) = CellHeightMerged(Wsht, RowTop, ColLeft, _
                                               RowBot, ColRight, RowLast + 2, _
                                               ColLastWsht + 2)
                    ' Advance ColCrnt to end of merged cell.
                    ColCrnt = ColRight
                  End If
                  Debug.Print "Cell " & Replace(.Address, "$", "") & _
                              " non empty, wrapped and not merged"
                  CellHeights(ColCrnt) = CellHeightUnmerged(Wsht, RowCrnt, _
                                          ColCrnt, RowLast + 2, ColLastWsht + 2)
                End If
               'Debug.Assert False
               Debug.Print "Cell " & Replace(.Address, "$", "") & _
                           " empty or non wrapped"
              End If
            End With
            ' For merged cells, ColCrnt has already been stepped
            ' for the extra columns within the cell
            ColCrnt = ColCrnt + 1
          Loop  ' While ColCrnt <= ColLastRowCrnt
          Debug.Print "Cell heights:";
          For ColCrnt = 1 To ColLastRowCrnt
            Debug.Print " (" & ColCode(ColCrnt) & ")=" & CellHeights(ColCrnt);
          If MultiRowCellWithinRow Then
            Debug.Print "Row cannot be processed because it contains a multi-row cell"
            ' CellHeight contains the height of every cell within the row that contains
            ' a value and WrapText=True. Some or all of those CellHeights can be more
            ' than the maximum height of a row.
            Call CalcRowHeights(CellHeights, RowHeights)
            Debug.Print "Row height(s):";
            For InxR = 1 To UBound(RowHeights)
              Debug.Print " " & RowHeights(InxR);

            ' RowHeights identifies how many rows are required to properly
            ' display the current row and the height of those rows

            If UBound(RowHeights) = 1 Then
              ' Only one row required
              .Rows(RowCrnt).RowHeight = RowHeights(1)
              ' Two or more rows required
              ' Insert extra rows below current row
              For InxR = 2 To UBound(RowHeights)
                .Rows(RowCrnt + 1).Insert
              ' Set row heights
              RowTemp = RowCrnt
              For InxR = 1 To UBound(RowHeights)
                .Rows(RowTemp).RowHeight = RowHeights(InxR)
                RowTemp = RowTemp + 1

              ' CellHeights identifies the height of each cell of row with a value
              For ColCrnt = 1 To UBound(CellHeights)
                If CellHeights(ColCrnt) <> 0 Then
                  ' This cell has a value. Calculate number of rows necessary
                  ' to for the entire value to be visible
                  CellHeightCrnt = 0#
                  For InxR = 1 To UBound(RowHeights)
                    CellHeightCrnt = CellHeightCrnt + RowHeights(InxR)
                    If CellHeightCrnt >= CellHeights(ColCrnt) Then
                      ' Will need to merge InxR rows to reach required height for cell
                      Exit For
                    End If
                  If InxR > 1 Then
                    ' It is necessary to merge InxR rows for the cell's content
                    ' to be fully visible
                    ' Check for cell being multi-column
                    RowTop = RowCrnt
                    ColLeft = ColCrnt
                    Call AddressMergedCell(Nothing, Wsht, RowTop, ColLeft, RowBot, ColRight)
                    .Range(.Cells(RowCrnt, ColLeft), _
                           .Cells(RowCrnt + InxR - 1, ColRight)).Merge
                  End If
                End If
              ' Allow for inserted rows
              RowCrnt = RowCrnt + UBound(RowHeights) - 1
              RowLast = RowLast + UBound(RowHeights) - 1
            End If
          End If
          ' This row is empty
          Debug.Print "Row " & RowCrnt & " empty"
        End If
        Debug.Print "Row " & RowCrnt & " hidden"
      End If

      ' Clear any open multi-row cells that finished on this row
      For InxM = OpenMultirowCells.Count To 1 Step -1
        If OpenMultirowCells(InxM) = RowCrnt Then
          ' RowBot for this multi-row cell = RowCrnt so delete entry
          OpenMultirowCells.Remove InxM
        End If

      RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1


    ' Delete column that includes test cells
    .Columns(ColLastWsht + 2).Delete

  End With

End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)



Option Explicit

Dim PixelsForPointsUpTo1() As Double
Dim PixelsForPoints1Up() As Double

Public Sub AddressMergedCell(ByVal Wbk As Workbook, ByVal Wsht As Worksheet, _
                             ByRef RowTop As Long, ByRef ColLeft As Long, _
                             ByRef RowBot As Long, ByRef ColRight As Long)

  ' * If Not Wbk Is Nothing, it identifies the workbook containing the cell to be
  '   analysed.  Otherwise, the active workbook contains the cell to be analysed.
  ' * If Not WSht Is Nothing, it identifies the sheet containing the cell to be
  '   analysed.  Otherwise, the active sheet contains the cell to be analysed.
  ' * On entry RowTop and ColLeft identifies a cell.  If this cell is not part of
  '   a merged area then, on exit,  RowBot will have been set to RowTop and ColRight
  '   will have been set to ColLeft.  If this cell is part of a merged area then, on
  '   exit, RowTop, RowBottom, ColLeft and ColRight will identify the boundaries of
  '   the merged area.

  ' 21Apr06  Coded.  I wrote a similar routine some years ago but I cannot find it.
  ' 24Apr06  Changed RowTop and RowBottom to Long.
  ' 11Jun16  Changed ColLeft and ColBottom to Long.
  '          Tidied up old fashioned names.
  '  2Dec16  Replace workbook and worksheet names with workbook and worksheet references

  Dim Address As String
  Dim AddressParts() As String

  Select Case True
    Case Wbk Is Nothing And Wsht Is Nothing
      'The cell is within the active sheet
      Address = ActiveSheet.Cells(RowTop, ColLeft).MergeArea.Address
    Case Wbk Is Nothing And Not Wsht Is Nothing
      ' The cell is within referenced worksheet of the active workbook
      Address = Wsht.Cells(RowTop, ColLeft).MergeArea.Address
    Case Not Wbk Is Nothing And Not Wsht Is Nothing
      ' The cell is within the referenced worksheet of the referenced workbook
      ' A worksheet reference defines it parent.  Check Wbk and Wsht match
      Debug.Assert Wsht.Parent.Name = Wbk.Name
      Address = Wsht.Cells(RowTop, ColLeft).MergeArea.Address
    Case Not Wbk Is Nothing And Wsht Is Nothing
      ' The cell is within the active sheet of a named workbook
      Address = Wbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(RowTop, ColLeft).MergeArea.Address
  End Select

  ' Address will be "$" ColumnId "$" RowNum [ ":$" ColumnId "$" RowNum ]

  If InStr(1, Address, ":") = 0 Then
    ' The cell is not part of an merged area
    RowBot = RowTop
    ColRight = ColLeft
    Exit Sub
  End If

  AddressParts = Split(Address, ":")
  RowTop = Range(AddressParts(0)).Row
  ColLeft = Range(AddressParts(0)).Column
  RowBot = Range(AddressParts(1)).Row
  ColRight = Range(AddressParts(1)).Column

End Sub
Function ColCode(ByVal ColNum As Long) As String

  Dim PartNum As Long

  '  3Feb12  Adapted to handle three character codes.
  ' 28Oct16  Renamed ColCode to match ColNum.

  If ColNum = 0 Then
    Debug.Assert False
    ColCode = "0"
    ColCode = ""
    Do While ColNum > 0
      PartNum = (ColNum - 1) Mod 26
      ColCode = Chr(65 + PartNum) & ColCode
      ColNum = (ColNum - PartNum - 1) \ 26
  End If

End Function
Public Function PadL(ByVal Str As String, ByVal PadLen As Long, _
                     Optional ByVal PadChr As String = " ") As String

  ' Pad Str with leading PadChr to give a total length of PadLen
  ' If the length of Str exceeds PadLen, Str will not be truncated

  '   Sep15 Coded
  ' 20Dec15 Added code so overlength strings are not truncated
  ' 10Jun16 Added PadChr so could pad with characters other than space

  If Len(Str) >= PadLen Then
    ' Do not truncate over length strings
    PadL = Str
    PadL = Right$(String(PadLen, PadChr) & Str, PadLen)
  End If

End Function
Function WidthPixelsFromPoints(ByVal Points As Double) As Long

  ' Convert a column width in points to pixels
  ' See WidthPrepPixelsPoints for more information

  ' This routine will return an appropriate value for Pixels even if the
  ' Points value does not exactly match one of Excel's value.
  ' For example, Excel has 12 Pixels = 1.00 Points and 13 Pixels = 1.14 Points.
  ' This routine will round Points 1.01 to 1.13 to Pixels 12 or 13

  '   4Dec16  Recoded.  Earlier version lost.

  Dim Pixels As Long

  If Points >= 1# Then
    ' Handle Points values over 1.00
    Pixels = UBound(PixelsForPointsUpTo1)
    Points = Points - 1#
    Pixels = Pixels + CLng(Points * CDbl(UBound(PixelsForPoints1Up)))
    ' Handle Points values up to 1.00
    Pixels = CLng(Points * CDbl(UBound(PixelsForPointsUpTo1)))
  End If

  WidthPixelsFromPoints = Pixels

End Function
Function WidthPointsFromPixels(ByVal Pixels As Long) As Double

  ' Convert a column width in pixels to points
  ' See WidthPrepPixelsPoints for more information

  '   4Dec16  Recoded.  Earlier version lost.

  Dim Points As Double

  If Pixels > UBound(PixelsForPointsUpTo1) Then
    ' Calculate Pixels for Points above 1.00:
    '   1.00 Point = 12 Pixels
    '   Above 1.00 Points, 1.00 Points = 7 Pixels
    Points = 1#
    Pixels = Pixels - UBound(PixelsForPointsUpTo1)
    ' Calculate whole points.
    Points = Points + CDbl(Pixels \ UBound(PixelsForPoints1Up))
    ' Calculate fractional points if any
    Points = Points + PixelsForPoints1Up(Pixels Mod UBound(PixelsForPoints1Up))
    ' Calxulate Pixels for Points below 1.00
    Points = PixelsForPointsUpTo1(Pixels)
  End If

  WidthPointsFromPixels = Points

End Function
Sub WidthPrepPixelsPoints()

  ' This routine must be run once before either WidthPixelsFromPoints
  ' or WidthPointsFromPixels are run.

  ' Excel accepts and returns widths of columns in Points. However,
  ' sometimes Pixels are required for calculations.

  ' One Point contains 12 Pixels.  Two Points contains 19 Pixels, three Points
  ' contain 26 Pixels and so on with each additional Point containing an extra
  ' 7 pixels.

  ' Note: this information only applies to column widths. For rows:
  '    Pixels = Points * .75.

  '   4Dec16  Recoded.  Earlier version lost.

  Dim Temp() As Variant
  Dim InxT As Long

  ' Accessing a Double array is faster than accessing a Variant array.
  ' I have seen it recommended but have not conducted my own time tests to
  ' determine if Double arrays are sufficiently faster to justify this
  ' two-step load

  Temp = VBA.Array(0#, 0.08, 0.17, 0.25, 0.33, 0.42, 0.5, _
                   0.58, 0.67, 0.75, 0.83, 0.92, 1#)
  ReDim PixelsForPointsUpTo1(0 To UBound(Temp))
  For InxT = 0 To UBound(Temp)
    PixelsForPointsUpTo1(InxT) = Temp(InxT)

  Temp = VBA.Array(0#, 0.14, 0.29, 0.43, 0.57, 0.71, 0.86, 1#)
  ReDim PixelsForPoints1Up(0 To UBound(Temp))
  For InxT = 0 To UBound(Temp)
    PixelsForPoints1Up(InxT) = Temp(InxT)

End Sub