
时间:2016-11-24 14:25:27

标签: android flickr


我正在使用import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, FlowShape} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Sink, Source} object q40545440 { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { implicit val sys = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() case class TestObject(x: String) // Flow that's being used def processingStage(name: String): Flow[TestObject, TestObject, NotUsed] = Flow[TestObject].map { s ⇒ println(name + " started processing " + s + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName) Thread.sleep(1000) // Simulate long processing *don't sleep in your real code!* println(name + " finished processing " + s) s } // Stream to a parallel processing pool of workers // See http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.4/scala/stream/stream-cookbook.html#Balancing_jobs_to_a_fixed_pool_of_workers def balancer[In, Out](worker: Flow[In, Out, Any], workerCount: Int): Flow[In, Out, NotUsed] = { import GraphDSL.Implicits._ Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => val balancer = b.add(Balance[In](workerCount, waitForAllDownstreams = true)) val merge = b.add(Merge[Out](workerCount)) for (_ <- 1 to workerCount) { // for each worker, add an edge from the balancer to the worker, then wire // it to the merge element balancer ~> worker.async ~> merge } FlowShape(balancer.in, merge.out) }) } def startStream(list: List[TestObject]) = { val completion = Source[TestObject](list) .via(balancer(processingStage("A"), 5)) .via(balancer(processingStage("B"), 5)) .runWith(Sink.foreach(s ⇒ println("Got output " + s))) } startStream(List( TestObject("a"), TestObject("b"), TestObject("c"), TestObject("d"))) sys.terminate() } } 方法,但我没有得到关注者并跟踪特定用户的列表。


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