如何配置Golang Web App Server

时间:2016-11-24 10:33:09

标签: go web-applications profiling benchmarking

我有一个使用Gohttprouter / gokil)编写的网络应用服务器,当我使用siege -b -t10s -c255进行测试时,它会显示如下内容(最佳得分) :

POST API (read only query to database, cache query result to RAM)
Transaction rate:            4251.38 trans/sec (local without proxy)
Transaction rate:            2082.11 trans/sec (local with proxy)
Transaction rate:            1806.63 trans/sec (test server)  

GET Realistic  (static file request, multiple URL)
Transaction rate:            4417.75 trans/sec (local without proxy)
Transaction rate:            1419.58 trans/sec (local with proxy)
Transaction rate:             234.73 trans/sec (test server)
Transaction Rate:              40.50 trans/sec (other external site that use gokil)

GET One static file  (getting /js/jquery.js)
Transaction rate:            4166.83 trans/sec (local without proxy)
Transaction rate:            2531.79 trans/sec (local with proxy)
Transaction rate:              31.39 trans/sec (test server)
Transaction rate:              20.95 trans/sec (other external site that use gokil)

For comparison, hello world 
Transaction rate:           13838.83 trans/sec (plain Go https://play.golang.org/p/y8rJ4ZkclD )
Transaction rate:            5420.79 trans/sec (local without proxy https://gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/tree/master/_example )
Transaction rate:            2701.12 trans/sec (local with proxy)

local的规格是i7-4772HQ,三星850 SSD。

我使用的代理是caddy。我使用的数据库是PostgreSQL和Redis用于存储会话。 test server与千兆位连接在同一网络上。

问题是,如何衡量每个请求的时间:导致瓶颈的哪个函数/代码行?因为我查看其他benchmark Go可以实现70k171k rps。


$ cd $GOPATH/src/gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/_example
$ go build
$ go tool pprof —text ./test 
parsing profile: unrecognized profile format

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

没关系,找到了this blog post的方法,我误读了这个例子。

  1. 只需在主要功能的开头添加defer profile.Start(profile.CPUProfile).Stop()

  2. 导入/获取github.com/pkg/profile

  3. 构建并运行程序,对其进行基准测试,退出程序,在行末,它将显示如下内容:

  4. 2016/11/24 18:41:24 profile: caught interrupt, stopping profiles
    2016/11/24 18:41:24 profile: cpu profiling disabled, /tmp/profile627033993/cpu.pprof
    1. 运行命令pprof command go tool pprof -text /tmp/profile627033993/cpu.pprof
    2. 它会显示如下:

      $ go tool pprof -text /tmp/profile627033993/cpu.pprof
      12.89s of 16.31s total (79.03%)
      Dropped 386 nodes (cum <= 0.08s)
        flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
       7.26s 44.51% 44.51%      7.40s 45.37%  syscall.Syscall
       0.42s  2.58% 47.09%      0.62s  3.80%  runtime.scanobject
       0.38s  2.33% 49.42%      1.09s  6.68%  runtime.mallocgc
       0.32s  1.96% 51.38%      0.32s  1.96%  runtime.memmove
       0.27s  1.66% 53.03%      0.27s  1.66%  runtime.futex
       0.25s  1.53% 54.57%      1.21s  7.42%  runtime.gentraceback
       0.21s  1.29% 55.86%      0.59s  3.62%  runtime.pcvalue
       0.19s  1.16% 57.02%      0.19s  1.16%  runtime.usleep
       0.18s  1.10% 58.12%      0.18s  1.10%  runtime.readvarint
       0.15s  0.92% 59.04%      0.15s  0.92%  runtime.heapBitsForObject
       0.15s  0.92% 59.96%      0.15s  0.92%  runtime.heapBitsSetType
       0.14s  0.86% 60.82%      0.14s  0.86%  runtime._ExternalCode
       0.14s  0.86% 61.68%      0.14s  0.86%  runtime.epollctl
       0.13s   0.8% 62.48%      0.13s   0.8%  runtime.rtsigprocmask
       0.12s  0.74% 63.21%      0.16s  0.98%  runtime.deferreturn
       0.12s  0.74% 63.95%      0.17s  1.04%  runtime.greyobject
       0.12s  0.74% 64.68%      0.16s  0.98%  syscall.Syscall6
       0.11s  0.67% 65.36%      0.40s  2.45%  runtime.adjustframe
       0.11s  0.67% 66.03%      0.11s  0.67%  runtime.adjustpointers
       0.11s  0.67% 66.71%      0.11s  0.67%  runtime.memclr
       0.11s  0.67% 67.38%      0.29s  1.78%  runtime.step
       0.10s  0.61% 68.00%      1.53s  9.38%  runtime.systemstack
       0.07s  0.43% 68.42%      0.21s  1.29%  runtime.mapassign1
       0.07s  0.43% 68.85%      0.25s  1.53%  runtime.rawstring
       0.06s  0.37% 69.22%      0.17s  1.04%  runtime.scanblock
       0.06s  0.37% 69.59%      0.17s  1.04%  time.Time.AppendFormat
       0.05s  0.31% 69.90%      0.12s  0.74%  runtime.casgstatus
       0.05s  0.31% 70.20%      0.10s  0.61%  runtime.lock
       0.05s  0.31% 70.51%      0.56s  3.43%  runtime.newobject
       0.05s  0.31% 70.82%      0.18s  1.10%  runtime.tracebackdefers
       0.04s  0.25% 71.06%      0.75s  4.60%  bufio.(*Reader).ReadSlice
       0.04s  0.25% 71.31%      0.32s  1.96%  fmt.(*pp).doPrintf
       0.04s  0.25% 71.55%      7.22s 44.27%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.LoadSession
       0.04s  0.25% 71.80%      0.32s  1.96%  runtime.scanframeworker
       0.04s  0.25% 72.04%      0.12s  0.74%  runtime.typedmemmove
       0.03s  0.18% 72.23%      0.25s  1.53%  fmt.(*pp).printArg
       0.03s  0.18% 72.41%      0.47s  2.88%  github.com/op/go-logging.(*stringFormatter).Format
       0.03s  0.18% 72.59%      0.67s  4.11%  net.(*netFD).Read
       0.03s  0.18% 72.78%     12.43s 76.21%  net/http.(*conn).serve
       0.03s  0.18% 72.96%      0.11s  0.67%  runtime.(*mcentral).cacheSpan
       0.03s  0.18% 73.15%      0.10s  0.61%  runtime.deferproc.func1
       0.03s  0.18% 73.33%      0.10s  0.61%  runtime.exitsyscall
       0.03s  0.18% 73.51%      0.09s  0.55%  runtime.makemap
       0.03s  0.18% 73.70%      0.72s  4.41%  runtime.markroot
       0.03s  0.18% 73.88%      0.09s  0.55%  runtime.runqgrab
       0.02s  0.12% 74.00%      0.65s  3.99%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*conn).readLine
       0.02s  0.12% 74.13%      0.78s  4.78%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*conn).readReply
       0.02s  0.12% 74.25%      0.09s  0.55%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*conn).writeCommand
       0.02s  0.12% 74.37%      0.39s  2.39%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/Z.(*TemplateChain).Render
       0.02s  0.12% 74.49%      1.28s  7.85%  main.AuthFilter
       0.02s  0.12% 74.62%      0.32s  1.96%  net.(*netFD).accept
       0.02s  0.12% 74.74%      4.74s 29.06%  net.dialSingle
       0.02s  0.12% 74.86%      0.11s  0.67%  net/http.(*connReader).Read
       0.02s  0.12% 74.98%      0.66s  4.05%  net/http.(*response).finishRequest
       0.02s  0.12% 75.11%      0.49s  3.00%  net/http.readRequest
       0.02s  0.12% 75.23%      0.10s  0.61%  runtime.SetFinalizer
       0.02s  0.12% 75.35%      0.10s  0.61%  runtime.concatstrings
       0.02s  0.12% 75.48%      0.68s  4.17%  runtime.findrunnable
       0.02s  0.12% 75.60%      0.27s  1.66%  runtime.makeslice
       0.02s  0.12% 75.72%      0.90s  5.52%  runtime.morestack
       0.02s  0.12% 75.84%      0.12s  0.74%  runtime.newarray
       0.02s  0.12% 75.97%      0.32s  1.96%  runtime.pcdatavalue
       0.02s  0.12% 76.09%      0.27s  1.66%  runtime.rawstringtmp
       0.02s  0.12% 76.21%      0.78s  4.78%  runtime.schedule
       0.02s  0.12% 76.33%      0.57s  3.49%  syscall.read
       0.01s 0.061% 76.39%      0.71s  4.35%  bufio.(*Reader).fill
       0.01s 0.061% 76.46%      1.82s 11.16%  bufio.(*Writer).flush
       0.01s 0.061% 76.52%      0.34s  2.08%  fmt.Sprintf
       0.01s 0.061% 76.58%      5.19s 31.82%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*Pool).get
       0.01s 0.061% 76.64%      0.25s  1.53%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*Pool).put
       0.01s 0.061% 76.70%      2.14s 13.12%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*conn).Do
       0.01s 0.061% 76.76%      0.31s  1.90%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*pooledConnection).Close
       0.01s 0.061% 76.82%      1.96s 12.02%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*pooledConnection).Do
       0.01s 0.061% 76.89%      0.75s  4.60%  github.com/op/go-logging.(*Logger).Notice
       0.01s 0.061% 76.95%      0.74s  4.54%  github.com/op/go-logging.(*backendFormatter).Log
       0.01s 0.061% 77.01%      0.42s  2.58%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.(*Context).Finish
       0.01s 0.061% 77.07%      0.42s  2.58%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.(*Context).Render
       0.01s 0.061% 77.13%     10.37s 63.58%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.(*Engine).ServeHTTP
       0.01s 0.061% 77.19%      0.10s  0.61%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.(*Session).parseIpAddr
       0.01s 0.061% 77.25%      2.57s 15.76%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.Logger
       0.01s 0.061% 77.31%      0.37s  2.27%  net.(*TCPListener).AcceptTCP
       0.01s 0.061% 77.38%      0.68s  4.17%  net.(*conn).Read
       0.01s 0.061% 77.44%      1.62s  9.93%  net.(*conn).Write
       0.01s 0.061% 77.50%      4.62s 28.33%  net.(*netFD).connect
       0.01s 0.061% 77.56%      0.10s  0.61%  net.(*pollDesc).init
       0.01s 0.061% 77.62%      4.71s 28.88%  net.doDialTCP
       0.01s 0.061% 77.68%      0.09s  0.55%  net.runtime_pollClose
       0.01s 0.061% 77.74%      0.18s  1.10%  net/http.(*chunkWriter).writeHeader
       0.01s 0.061% 77.81%     10.38s 63.64%  net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP
       0.01s 0.061% 77.87%      0.43s  2.64%  net/http.tcpKeepAliveListener.Accept
       0.01s 0.061% 77.93%      0.14s  0.86%  runtime.adjustdefers
       0.01s 0.061% 77.99%      0.11s  0.67%  runtime.callers.func1
       0.01s 0.061% 78.05%      0.23s  1.41%  runtime.convT2E
       0.01s 0.061% 78.11%      0.12s  0.74%  runtime.deferproc
       0.01s 0.061% 78.17%      0.29s  1.78%  runtime.funcspdelta
       0.01s 0.061% 78.23%      0.14s  0.86%  runtime.futexsleep
       0.01s 0.061% 78.30%      0.24s  1.47%  runtime.gcAssistAlloc
       0.01s 0.061% 78.36%      1.18s  7.23%  runtime.gcDrain
       0.01s 0.061% 78.42%      0.20s  1.23%  runtime.gcDrainN
       0.01s 0.061% 78.48%      0.09s  0.55%  runtime.gcMarkTermination
       0.01s 0.061% 78.54%      0.10s  0.61%  runtime.netpoll
       0.01s 0.061% 78.60%      0.88s  5.40%  runtime.newstack
       0.01s 0.061% 78.66%      0.14s  0.86%  runtime.notesleep
       0.01s 0.061% 78.72%      0.64s  3.92%  runtime.park_m
       0.01s 0.061% 78.79%      0.10s  0.61%  runtime.runqsteal
       0.01s 0.061% 78.85%      0.59s  3.62%  runtime.scang
       0.01s 0.061% 78.91%      0.53s  3.25%  runtime.scanstack
       0.01s 0.061% 78.97%      0.14s  0.86%  runtime.startm
       0.01s 0.061% 79.03%      1.67s 10.24%  syscall.Write
           0     0% 79.03%      0.12s  0.74%  bufio.(*Reader).ReadLine
           0     0% 79.03%      1.82s 11.16%  bufio.(*Writer).Flush
           0     0% 79.03%      0.09s  0.55%  bytes.(*Buffer).Write
           0     0% 79.03%      0.14s  0.86%  fmt.Fprintf
           0     0% 79.03%      0.17s  1.04%  github.com/fatih/color.(*Color).SprintfFunc.func1
           0     0% 79.03%      0.17s  1.04%  github.com/fatih/color.BlueString
           0     0% 79.03%      0.17s  1.04%  github.com/fatih/color.printString
           0     0% 79.03%      5.21s 31.94%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*Pool).Get
           0     0% 79.03%      0.17s  1.04%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*conn).Close
           0     0% 79.03%      4.91s 30.10%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.(*xDialer).Dial
           0     0% 79.03%      4.93s 30.23%  github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis.Dial
           0     0% 79.03%      0.73s  4.48%  github.com/op/go-logging.(*LogBackend).Log
           0     0% 79.03%      0.74s  4.54%  github.com/op/go-logging.(*Logger).log
           0     0% 79.03%      0.49s  3.00%  github.com/op/go-logging.(*Record).Formatted
           0     0% 79.03%      0.74s  4.54%  github.com/op/go-logging.(*moduleLeveled).Log
           0     0% 79.03%      0.46s  2.82%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.(*Engine).StartServer
           0     0% 79.03%      0.30s  1.84%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.(*Session).Save
           0     0% 79.03%      0.73s  4.48%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.(*Session).Touch
           0     0% 79.03%      5.16s 31.64%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.InitSession.func1
           0     0% 79.03%      1.32s  8.09%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.Recover
           0     0% 79.03%      0.73s  4.48%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.Session.ShouldRenew
           0     0% 79.03%      0.09s  0.55%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.hashCookie
           0     0% 79.03%      0.24s  1.47%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/W.newSession
           0     0% 79.03%      0.27s  1.66%  gitlab.com/kokizzu/gokil/Z.(*TemplateChain).Reload
           0     0% 79.03%      0.24s  1.47%  log.(*Logger).Output
           0     0% 79.03%      0.52s  3.19%  main.Test
           0     0% 79.03%      0.46s  2.82%  main.main
           0     0% 79.03%      4.81s 29.49%  net.(*Dialer).Dial
           0     0% 79.03%      4.81s 29.49%  net.(*Dialer).DialContext
           0     0% 79.03%      0.36s  2.21%  net.(*TCPListener).accept
           0     0% 79.03%      0.58s  3.56%  net.(*conn).Close
           0     0% 79.03%      0.58s  3.56%  net.(*netFD).Close
           0     0% 79.03%      1.61s  9.87%  net.(*netFD).Write
           0     0% 79.03%      0.57s  3.49%  net.(*netFD).decref
           0     0% 79.03%      0.57s  3.49%  net.(*netFD).destroy
           0     0% 79.03%      4.65s 28.51%  net.(*netFD).dial
           0     0% 79.03%      0.10s  0.61%  net.(*netFD).init
           0     0% 79.03%      0.09s  0.55%  net.(*pollDesc).close
           0     0% 79.03%      4.81s 29.49%  net.Dial
           0     0% 79.03%      0.11s  0.67%  net.accept
           0     0% 79.03%      4.74s 29.06%  net.dialSerial
           0     0% 79.03%      4.71s 28.88%  net.dialTCP
           0     0% 79.03%      4.69s 28.76%  net.internetSocket
           0     0% 79.03%      4.69s 28.76%  net.socket
           0     0% 79.03%      0.26s  1.59%  net/http.(*Cookie).String
           0     0% 79.03%      0.46s  2.82%  net/http.(*Server).ListenAndServe
           0     0% 79.03%      0.46s  2.82%  net/http.(*Server).Serve
           0     0% 79.03%      0.18s  1.10%  net/http.(*chunkWriter).Write
           0     0% 79.03%      0.47s  2.88%  net/http.(*conn).close
           0     0% 79.03%      0.61s  3.74%  net/http.(*conn).readRequest
           0     0% 79.03%      0.47s  2.88%  net/http.(*conn).serve.func1
           0     0% 79.03%      0.10s  0.61%  net/http.(*response).WriteHeader
           0     0% 79.03%      0.46s  2.82%  net/http.ListenAndServe
           0     0% 79.03%      0.26s  1.59%  net/http.SetCookie
           0     0% 79.03%      0.40s  2.45%  net/http.checkConnErrorWriter.Write
           0     0% 79.03%      0.16s  0.98%  net/textproto.(*Reader).ReadLine
           0     0% 79.03%      0.16s  0.98%  net/textproto.(*Reader).ReadMIMEHeader
           0     0% 79.03%      0.12s  0.74%  net/textproto.(*Reader).readLineSlice
           0     0% 79.03%      0.20s  1.23%  os.(*File).Write
           0     0% 79.03%      0.20s  1.23%  os.(*File).write
           0     0% 79.03%      0.22s  1.35%  os.Stat
           0     0% 79.03%      0.17s  1.04%  runtime.(*mcache).nextFree
           0     0% 79.03%      0.11s  0.67%  runtime.(*mcache).nextFree.func1
           0     0% 79.03%      0.11s  0.67%  runtime.(*mcache).refill
           0     0% 79.03%      0.13s   0.8%  runtime.Caller
           0     0% 79.03%      0.30s  1.84%  runtime._System
           0     0% 79.03%      0.11s  0.67%  runtime.callers
           0     0% 79.03%      0.86s  5.27%  runtime.copystack
           0     0% 79.03%      0.14s  0.86%  runtime.futexwakeup
           0     0% 79.03%      0.20s  1.23%  runtime.gcAssistAlloc.func1
           0     0% 79.03%      1.07s  6.56%  runtime.gcBgMarkWorker
           0     0% 79.03%      0.09s  0.55%  runtime.gcMarkDone
           0     0% 79.03%      0.19s  1.16%  runtime.gchelper
           0     0% 79.03%        14s 85.84%  runtime.goexit
           0     0% 79.03%      0.16s  0.98%  runtime.goexit0
           0     0% 79.03%      0.46s  2.82%  runtime.main
           0     0% 79.03%      0.59s  3.62%  runtime.markroot.func1
           0     0% 79.03%      0.87s  5.33%  runtime.mcall
           0     0% 79.03%      0.13s   0.8%  runtime.minit
           0     0% 79.03%      0.26s  1.59%  runtime.mstart
           0     0% 79.03%      0.26s  1.59%  runtime.mstart1
           0     0% 79.03%      0.12s  0.74%  runtime.notewakeup
           0     0% 79.03%      0.32s  1.96%  runtime.scanstack.func1
           0     0% 79.03%      0.24s  1.47%  runtime.slicebytetostring
           0     0% 79.03%      0.35s  2.15%  runtime.stopm
           0     0% 79.03%      0.13s   0.8%  runtime.sysmon
           0     0% 79.03%      0.10s  0.61%  syscall.Accept4
           0     0% 79.03%      0.43s  2.64%  syscall.Close
           0     0% 79.03%      4.56s 27.96%  syscall.Connect
           0     0% 79.03%      0.57s  3.49%  syscall.Read
           0     0% 79.03%      0.21s  1.29%  syscall.Stat
           0     0% 79.03%      0.10s  0.61%  syscall.accept4
           0     0% 79.03%      4.56s 27.96%  syscall.connect
           0     0% 79.03%      1.66s 10.18%  syscall.write
           0     0% 79.03%      0.18s  1.10%  time.Time.Format

