如果在Telegram bot中按下inline_keyboard按钮,如何响应?蟒蛇

时间:2016-11-24 09:36:20

标签: python telegram telegram-bot



    $(".panelBody").stop(true, true).animate({
    marginLeft: "-400px"
  }, {duration: 2000, easing: 'easeOutExpo', queue: true});

    $(".panelBody").stop(true, true).animate({
    marginLeft: "-800px"
  }, {duration: 2000, easing: 'easeOutExpo', queue: true});

    $(".panelBody").stop(true, true).animate({
    marginLeft: "-1000px"
  }, {duration: 2000, easing: 'easeOutExpo', queue: true});


我需要一些帮助来弄清楚我做错了什么。当用户按下内联键盘按钮class WebhookHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def post(self): urlfetch.set_default_fetch_deadline(60) body = json.loads(self.request.body) logging.info('request body:') logging.info(body) self.response.write(json.dumps(body)) update_id = body['update_id'] message = body['message'] message_id = message.get('message_id') date = message.get('date') text = message.get('text') fr = message.get('from') chat = message['chat'] chat_id = chat['id'] try: callback_query = body['callback_query'] data = callback_query.get('data') except: pass b0 = u'\U0001F4FD'+' Intro' b1 = u'\U0001F4D6'+' Start the play!' b2 = u'\U0001F4D5'+' Scene 1' keym = 'keyboard' json_keyboard = json.dumps({keym: [[b0]], 'resize_keyboard': True,}) if not text: logging.info('no text') return def reply(msg=None, img=None, vid=None, aud=None): if msg: resp = urllib2.urlopen(BASE_URL + 'sendMessage', urllib.urlencode({ 'chat_id': str(chat_id), 'text': msg.encode('utf-8'), 'disable_web_page_preview': 'false', 'parse_mode': 'markdown', #'reply_to_message_id': str(message_id), 'reply_markup': json_keyboard, })).read() elif img: resp = multipart.post_multipart(BASE_URL + 'sendPhoto', [ ('chat_id', str(chat_id)), ('reply_markup', json_keyboard), ], [ ('photo', 'image.jpg', img), ]) elif vid: resp = multipart.post_multipart(BASE_URL + 'sendVideo', [ ('chat_id', str(chat_id)), ('reply_markup', json_keyboard), ], [ ('video', 'vid.mp4', vid), ]) elif aud: resp = multipart.post_multipart(BASE_URL + 'sendAudio', [ ('chat_id', str(chat_id)), #('caption', 'Music in the park'), ('reply_markup', json_keyboard), ], [ ('audio', 'Play', aud), ]) else: logging.error('no msg or img specified') resp = None logging.info('send response:') logging.info(resp) try: if data == '1': b2 = u'\U000025FC'+' Next' keym = 'inline_keyboard' json_keyboard = json.dumps({keym: [[{'text': b2, 'callback_data': '2'}]]}) line1 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 6) line2 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 7) line3 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 8) line4 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 9) line5 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 10) reply(u'\U000025FC'+line1+'\n'+line2+'\n'+line3+'\n'+line4+'\n'+line5) except: if text.startswith('/'): if text == '/start': setEnabled(chat_id, True) img = Image.open('statimg/zeroimg.jpg') output = StringIO.StringIO() img.save(output, 'JPEG') reply(img=output.getvalue()) elif text == '/stop': reply('Bot disabled') setEnabled(chat_id, False) else: reply('It\'s not time for this') elif text == u'\U0001F4FD'+' Intro': json_keyboard = json.dumps({keym: [[b1]], 'resize_keyboard': True, 'one_time_keyboard': False, 'hide_keyboard': False}) reply(vid=urllib.urlopen('statimg/vid1.mp4').read()) elif text == u'\U0001F4D6'+' Start the play!': json_keyboard = json.dumps({keym: [[b2]], 'resize_keyboard': True, 'one_time_keyboard': False}) img = Image.open('statimg/firstf.jpg') output = StringIO.StringIO() img.save(output, 'JPEG') reply(img=output.getvalue()) elif text == u'\U0001F4D5'+' Scene 1': b2 = u'\U000025FC'+' Next' keym = 'inline_keyboard' json_keyboard = json.dumps({keym: [[{'text': b2, 'callback_data': '1'}]]}) line1 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 1) line2 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 2) line3 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 3) line4 = linecache.getline('stattxt/sc1-1.txt', 4) 时,我想要if data == '1'中描述的resopnse。现在当用户按下此按钮时没有任何反应。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    message = body['message']
    message_id = message.get('message_id')
    date = message.get('date')
    text = message.get('text')
    fr = message.get('from')
    chat = message['chat']        
    chat_id = chat['id']
    callback_query = body['callback_query']
    data = callback_query['data']
    message = callback_query['message']
    date = callback_query['message'].get('date')
    text = callback_query['message'].get('text')
    fr = callback_query['message'].get('from')
    chat = callback_query['message'].get('chat')
    chat_id = chat['id']