
时间:2016-11-24 01:50:56

标签: java image printing labels




import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class LabelImage {

    public static final Map <String, Color> ColorMap = new HashMap <> ();

    // Define label size
    public static final int LABEL_WIDTH = 830;
    public static final int LABEL_HALF_WIDTH = LABEL_WIDTH / 2;
    public static final int LABEL_HEIGHT = 190;
    public static final int LABEL_HALF_HEIGHT = LABEL_HEIGHT / 2;

    // Define rectangle to print out digits in for the label
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_TLX = 15;
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_TLY = 30;
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH = 80;
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT = (LABEL_HEIGHT - (LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_TLY * 2));
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_TLX_OFFSET = -10;
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_TLY_OFFSET = 15;

    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_ROTATE_X = LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH / 2;
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_ROTATE_Y2 = LEFT_DIGIT_ROTATE_Y + (LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT / 2);

    // Create a separate image of the digits, then rotate the image
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_TLX = 20;
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_TLX2 = (LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT / 2) + LEFT_DIGIT_TLX;
    public static final int LEFT_DIGIT_TLY = (LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH - 25);
    public static final int ROTATE_X = 0;
    public static final int ROTATE_Y = 0;

    public static final float DIGIT_FRAME_THICKNESS = 5;

    public static final int CLIENT_ID_X = 380;
    public static final int CLIENT_ID_Y = 30;
    public static final int CLIENT_ID_Y2 = LABEL_HALF_HEIGHT + CLIENT_ID_Y;

    public static final int CLIENT_NAME_X = 450;
    public static final int CLIENT_NAME_Y = 30;
    public static final int CLIENT_NAME_Y2 = LABEL_HALF_HEIGHT + CLIENT_NAME_Y;

    public static final int PROJECT_NAME_X = CLIENT_NAME_X;
    public static final int PROJECT_NAME_Y = 50;
    public static final int PROJECT_NAME_Y2 = LABEL_HALF_HEIGHT + PROJECT_NAME_Y;

    public static final int OTHER_X = CLIENT_ID_X;
    public static final int OTHER_Y = 70;
    public static final int OTHER_Y2 = LABEL_HALF_HEIGHT + OTHER_Y;

    Font normalFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 14);
    Font leftDigitFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 42);

    static {
        ColorMap.put("0", new Color(255, 120, 130, 100));
        ColorMap.put("1", new Color(252, 0, 105, 100));
        ColorMap.put("2", new Color(255, 165, 10, 100));
        ColorMap.put("3", new Color(255, 85, 10, 100));
        ColorMap.put("4", new Color(122, 252, 12, 100));
        ColorMap.put("5", new Color(0, 145, 0, 100));
        ColorMap.put("6", new Color(60, 255, 255, 100));
        ColorMap.put("7", new Color(40, 0, 120, 100));
        ColorMap.put("8", new Color(222, 182, 245, 100));
        ColorMap.put("9", new Color(145, 55, 0, 100));

        ColorMap.put("0", new Color(196, 23, 27, 100));
        ColorMap.put("1", new Color(232, 85, 66, 100));
        ColorMap.put("2", new Color(236, 131, 101, 100));
        ColorMap.put("3", new Color(230, 229, 48, 100));
        ColorMap.put("4", new Color(184, 224, 101, 100));
        ColorMap.put("5", new Color(53, 161, 19, 100));
        ColorMap.put("6", new Color(66, 142, 232, 100));
        ColorMap.put("7", new Color(98, 83, 234, 100));
        ColorMap.put("8", new Color(26, 15, 126, 100));
        ColorMap.put("9", new Color(95, 17, 143, 100));

     * Prints a digit on the left hand side of the label, rotated 90 degrees 
     * clockwise. At the specified digit location.
     * @param digit the digit to print
     * @param ndx  the index location to print at
    private void printLeftDigit(Graphics2D g2, String digit, int ndx) {

        // find the top-left coordinate of the rectangle
        int tlx = LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_TLX + (LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH * ndx);
        int tly = LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_TLY;

        // Draw the colored rectangle
        Color origColor = g2.getColor();
        g2.fillRect(tlx, tly, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT);

        // Draw a black outline for the box over the rectangle
        Stroke oldStroke = g2.getStroke();
        g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(DIGIT_FRAME_THICKNESS));
        g2.drawRect(tlx, tly, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH-1, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT);

        // Center of digit to rotate around
        int cdx = tlx + LEFT_DIGIT_ROTATE_X;

        // Write the digit in the rectangle
        AffineTransform origTransform = g2.getTransform();

        double angle = Math.toRadians(90.0);

        g2.rotate(angle, cdx, LEFT_DIGIT_ROTATE_Y);

        g2.rotate(angle, cdx, LEFT_DIGIT_ROTATE_Y2);

     * This method creates a 2nd image for the digits, then rotates the image and puts it 
     * over the label image.
     * @param g2
     * @param digit
     * @param ndx 
    private void printLeftDigit2(Graphics2D g2, String digit, int ndx) {

        // Width is the top to bottom rectangle size
        // height is the left to right rectangle width (because it will be rotated)
        //BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
        BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
        Graphics2D imageGraphics = image.createGraphics();

        // Fill the rectangle with the expected color
        imageGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH);

        // Draw a black outline for the box over the rectangle
        Stroke oldStroke = imageGraphics.getStroke();
        imageGraphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(DIGIT_FRAME_THICKNESS));
        imageGraphics.drawRect(0, 0, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_HEIGHT, LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH);

        // Draw the Digits in the rectangle (top-left of digit)
        imageGraphics.drawString(digit, LEFT_DIGIT_TLX, LEFT_DIGIT_TLY);
        imageGraphics.drawString(digit, LEFT_DIGIT_TLX2, LEFT_DIGIT_TLY);

        // Put the image on the current graphic
        AffineTransform aff = g2.getTransform();
        double theta = Math.toRadians(90.0);
        //AffineTransform rotate = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(theta, rotx, roty);
        //(x,y) = middle of rectangle
        AffineTransform rotate = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(theta, 40, 65);
        //x >0 moves down; <0 moves up
        //y >0: moves left; <0: moves right
        int moveright = 15 - (ndx * LEFT_DIGIT_RECT_WIDTH);
        rotate.translate(10, moveright);
        //g2.drawImage(image, rotate, this);

    public BufferedImage createImageWithText(ClientProject clientProject){

        //ARGB = transparent
        BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(830, 190,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
        Graphics g = bufferedImage.getGraphics();
        g.fillRoundRect(0, 0, LABEL_WIDTH, LABEL_HEIGHT, 10, 10);

        String clientId = String.valueOf(clientProject.getClientId());
        String clientName = clientProject.getClientName();
        String projectName = clientProject.getProjectName();
        String created = "DFC: " + DateUtil.format(clientProject.getCreated(), DateUtil.LABEL_DATE_PATTERN);

        // Setup for drawing to screen

        // write client id on tabs
        String tmp = clientId;
        if (clientId.length() > 4) {
            tmp = tmp.substring(0, 4);
            System.out.println("tmp = " + tmp);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(tmp);
        for (int ndx=0; ndx < sb.length(); ndx++) {
            try {
                printLeftDigit2((Graphics2D)g, String.valueOf(sb.charAt(ndx)), ndx);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

        // Write client id
        g.drawString(clientId, CLIENT_ID_X, CLIENT_ID_Y);
        g.drawString(clientId, CLIENT_ID_X, CLIENT_ID_Y2);

        // Write Client Name
        g.drawString(clientName, CLIENT_NAME_X, CLIENT_NAME_Y);
        g.drawString(clientName, CLIENT_NAME_X, CLIENT_NAME_Y2);

        // Write Project Name
        g.drawString(projectName, PROJECT_NAME_X, PROJECT_NAME_Y);
        g.drawString(projectName, PROJECT_NAME_X, PROJECT_NAME_Y2);

        // Write created
        g.drawString(created, OTHER_X, OTHER_Y);
        g.drawString(created, OTHER_X, OTHER_Y2);

        return bufferedImage;


import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.Paper;
import java.awt.print.Printable;
import static java.awt.print.Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
import static java.awt.print.Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

public class PrintLabel {

    protected static double fromCMToPPI(double cm) {            
        return toPPI(cm * 0.393700787);            

    protected static double toPPI(double inch) {            
        return inch * 72d;            

    protected static String dump(Paper paper) {            
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
           append(paper.getImageableY()).append(" - ").append(paper
        return sb.toString();            

    protected static String dump(PageFormat pf) {    
        Paper paper = pf.getPaper();            
        return dump(paper);    

    public void process() {

        PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
        if (pj.printDialog()) {
            PageFormat pf = pj.defaultPage();
            Paper paper = pf.getPaper();
            double width = fromCMToPPI(20.3);
            double height = fromCMToPPI(25.4);

            paper.setSize(width, height);
                            width - fromCMToPPI(0.35), 
                            height - fromCMToPPI(1));

            System.out.println("Before- " + dump(paper));
            System.out.println("After- " + dump(paper));
            System.out.println("After- " + dump(pf));

            PageFormat validatePage = pj.validatePage(pf);
            System.out.println("Valid- " + dump(validatePage));

            MyPrintable printable = new MyPrintable();
            printable.labels.add(new ClientProject(112, 208, "Taxes", "Tax Refund"));

            pj.setPrintable(printable, pf);

            try {
            } catch (PrinterException ex) {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        PrintLabel pl = new PrintLabel();

    public class MyPrintable implements Printable {

        public int startAtLabel = 0;
        public int totalPages = 0;
        public List <ClientProject> labels = new ArrayList <> ();
        private List <ClientProject> printed = new ArrayList <> ();

         * Determines how many pages to print, there are 6 labels per page. If we
         * start at index 5 (the last one) and there are 2 labels, there are 2
         * pages to print.
        public void determinePageCount() {
            int max = this.startAtLabel + this.labels.size();
            this.totalPages = max / 6;
            if ((max % 6) != 0) {

        public int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) 
                throws PrinterException {

            int result = NO_SUCH_PAGE;    
            // first page is index 0, if 1 page max index is 0
            if (pageIndex < this.totalPages) {                    

                Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics;                    
                System.out.println("[Print] " + dump(pageFormat));                    

                double width = pageFormat.getImageableWidth();
                double height = pageFormat.getImageableHeight();    
                g2d.translate((int) pageFormat.getImageableX(), 
                    (int) pageFormat.getImageableY());
                System.out.printf("wxh = (%fx%f)", width,height);

                // Max of 6 labels per page
                int maxLabelsOnPage = 6;
                if (pageIndex == 0) {
                    maxLabelsOnPage = 6 - startAtLabel;

                // Loop for up to the max number of labels or until we run out 
                // of labels
                for (int labelCnt=0; labelCnt < maxLabelsOnPage; labelCnt++) {

                    // We have run out of labels and there is nothing left to print
                    if (this.labels.isEmpty()) {

                    // Remove the label from the list and add it to the printed list
                    ClientProject cp = this.labels.remove(0);

                    // Create the image for the label
                    BufferedImage image = null;
                    try {

                        // Create the image for the label
                        LabelImage li = new LabelImage();
                        BufferedImage bi = li.createImageWithText(cp);

                        // Load the label image
                        //image = ImageIO.read(new File("C:\\Consulting\\Development\\JJCPA\\finland.png"));
                        System.out.printf("image %d x %d%n", bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight());

                        // Draw the image at the label offset
                        graphics.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), null);

                        // Write to a file to verify the image is valid
                        File outputfile = new File("image.png");
                        ImageIO.write(bi, "png", outputfile);
                    } catch (IOException e) {

                result = PAGE_EXISTS;    
            return result;    


public class ClientProject {

    private final SimpleIntegerProperty projectId;
    private final SimpleIntegerProperty clientId;
    private final SimpleStringProperty category;
    private final SimpleStringProperty type;
    private final SimpleStringProperty projectDesc;
    private final SimpleStringProperty projectName;
    private final SimpleStringProperty projectName2;
    private final SimpleStringProperty fileOrBinder;
    private final ObjectProperty <LocalDate> created;
    private final ObjectProperty <LocalDate> destroyed;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

逻辑错误。我想我可以在调用方法时轻松渲染单个页面,直到我为每个标签创建图像。 0thus,我跟踪了我打印的标签。这是错的。我需要为索引1打印一个通过b标签多次调用索引1,然后在每次传递索引2时打印下一组标签,重写此逻辑解决了问题。