#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/*Func line takes in a file, and places a line number at the beginning of every
non blank line */
void line(FILE *input, FILE *output) {
char a, c;
int lineNum = 0;
int startOfLine = 1;
char ch;
fprintf(output, "%d ", ++lineNum);
//copy the contents of the input file into the output file
do {
a = fgetc(input);
fputc(a, output);
c = getc(input);
if(a == '\n' && c != '\n') {
if(lineNum > 9)
fprintf(output, "%d ", ++lineNum);
fprintf(output, "%d ", ++lineNum);
ungetc(c, input);
} while (a != EOF);
printf("ran line: \n");
/* Func cross takes in a file, and finds each identifier, marks its definition, and every
use and returns that in the output file */
void cross(FILE *input, FILE *output) {
FILE *temp = fopen("temp.txt", "a+");
int lineNum = 0;
int startOfLine = 1;
char identifier[20][10];
char a, c, i;
int j, k, p;
int size=0;
int def[20];
int use[20][50];
char tempstr[80];
fprintf(output, "Identifier\tDefinition\t Use\n");
fprintf(temp, "%d ", ++lineNum);
//copy contents of input into a temp file
do {
a = fgetc(input);
fputc(a, temp);
c = getc(input);
if(a == '\n' && c != '\n') {
if(lineNum > 9)
fprintf(temp, "%d ", ++lineNum);
fprintf(temp, "%d ", ++lineNum);
ungetc(c, input);
} while (a != EOF);
fopen("temp.txt", "r");
//checks to see if current line has an Identifier and if so saves it to an array
//along with the line number it was defined on
while(fgets(tempstr, 80, temp)) {
if(isalpha(tempstr[4]) || tempstr[4] == '_') {
sscanf(tempstr, "%d %[0-9_A-Z_a-z_]", &def[j], identifier[j]);
fopen("temp.txt", "r");
//checks for each identifier, on every line whether or not that identifier is used
while(fgets(tempstr, 80, temp)) {
char *tempNum;
sscanf(tempstr, "%s", tempNum);
int tempN = atoi(tempNum);
int n;
for(n=0; n<size; n++) {
if(strstr(tempstr, identifier[n]) && tempN > def[n] && tempstr[4] != '#') {
use[n][p] = tempN;
//writes the identifier, definition, and uses to the file
for(k=0;k<size;k++) {
fprintf(output, "%s\t\t %d\t\t ", identifier[k], def[k]);
for(p=0; p<50; p++) {
if(use[k][p] != NULL && use[k][p] < lineNum && use[k][p] > def[k])
fprintf(output,"%d ", use[k][p]);
fprintf(output, "\n");
printf("ran cross: \n");
/*Func both returns the file with numbered lines and a cross reference table at the bottom of the file */
void both(FILE *input, FILE *output, char *outputName) {
FILE *lineFile = fopen("line.txt", "a+");
FILE *crossFile = fopen("cross.txt", "a+");
char ch;
line(input, lineFile);
cross(input, crossFile);
while( (ch = fgetc(lineFile)) != EOF)
fputc(ch, output);
fprintf(output, "\n\t\t\tCross Reference Table\n");
while( (ch = fgetc(crossFile)) != EOF)
fputc(ch, output);
printf("ran both: \n");
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
FILE *input, *output;
output = fopen(argv[4], "a+");
char outputName[50];
strcpy(outputName, argv[4]);
//Error testing
if(argc > 5)
if(strcmp(argv[2], "-l") != 0 && strcmp(argv[2], "-c") != 0 && strcmp(argv[2], "-b") != 0) {
printf("Incorrect flag syntax... Exiting\n");
if((input = fopen(argv[3], "r+")) == NULL) {
printf("Input file could not be opened... Exiting\n");
else {
if(strcmp(argv[2], "-l") == 0) {
line(input, output);
else if(strcmp(argv[2], "-c") == 0)
cross(input, output);
else {
both(input, output, outputName);
printf("ran main: \n");
return 0;