
时间:2016-11-23 08:48:58

标签: javascript asynchronous callback es6-promise


function msgAfterTimeout (who, timeout, onDone) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        onDone(" Hello " + who + "!");
    }, timeout);
var test="";
var list = [{name:"foo",surname:"bar"},{name:"Jean",surname:"dupond"}];

function dispName(cb)
    list.forEach(function(item, index)
        msgAfterTimeout(item.name, 200, function (msg) 





3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

<form method="POST" action="{{ action('ProductController@addToCart') }}/add">



你好foo!   你好让!   完成所有工作!

答案 1 :(得分:0)


val usersTable = sqlContext.sql("select a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, as, at from abcdef").rdd

usersTable: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = MapPartitionsRDD[39] at rdd at <console>:67

val finalUsers = usersTable.flatMap(e => (e(0).toString, e(1).toString, e(2).toString, e(3).toString, e(4).toString, e(5).toString, e(6).toString, e(7).toString, e(8).toString, e(9).toString, e(10).toString, e(11).toString, e(12).toString, e(13).toString, e(14).toString, e(15).toString, e(16).toString, e(17).toString, e(18).toString, e(19).toString, e(20).toString, e(21).toString, e(22).toString, e(23).toString, e(24).toString, e(25).toString, e(26).toString, e(27).toString, e(28).toString, e(29).toString, e(30).toString, e(31).toString, e(32).toString, e(33).toString, e(34).toString, e(35).toString, e(36).toString, e(37).toString, e(38).toString, e(39).toString, e(40).toString, e(41).toString, e(42).toString, e(43).toString, e(44).toString, e(45).toString))

error: object Tuple46 is not a member of package scala


答案 2 :(得分:0)

forEach处理系列中的内容,因此为了这个答案,我们假设这是一个要求。 @georg演示的Promise.all将处理 parallel 中的项目 - 这是一个很好的答案,但如果系列是您真正需要的,它将无法帮助您。< / p>



function reducek (f, acc, [x, ...xs], k) {
  if (x === undefined)
    return k (acc)
    return f (acc, x, y => reducek (f, y, xs, k))

function msgAfterTimeout (who, timeout, onDone) {
  return setTimeout(onDone, timeout, "Hello " + who + "!")

function messageReducer (acc, item, done) {
  return msgAfterTimeout(item.name, 200, function (text) {
    return done([...acc, text])

function displayName (list, done) {
  // use our async reduce here
  return reducek (messageReducer, [], list, done)

var list = [{name:"foo",surname:"bar"},{name:"Jean",surname:"dupond"}]

displayName (list, function (texts) {
  console.log("Done!", texts.join(' '))

// Done! Hello foo! Hello Jean!


  1. 不再手动执行reduce - 而不是使用以test状态初始化的''变量(空字符串),reducek接受初始值作为参数。

  2. 在这里,我们使用[](空数组)的初始状态来存储每个文本。完成后,我们会使用texts.join(' ')一起加入文本。

  3. 不是另一场仪式......


    // instead of returning a timeout, return a Promise
    function msgAfterTimeout (who, timeout) {
      return new Promise(function (resolve) {
        setTimeout(resolve, timeout, "Hello " + who + "!")
    // new async/await syntax - work with Promises in a most elegant fashion
    // no more callback parameter; async implicitly returns a Promise
    async function displayName (list) {
      let texts = []
      for (let item of list)
        texts.push(await msgAfterTimeout(item.name, 200))
      return texts
    var list = [{name:"foo",surname:"bar"},{name:"Jean",surname:"dupond"}]
    // instead of a callback, chain a .then on the returned Promise
    displayName(list).then(texts => console.log("Done!", texts.join(' ')))
    // Done! Hello foo! Hello Jean!

    注意:如果您需要支持较旧的浏览器,则需要使用像Babel这样的内容来转换async / await