Tkinter / Matplotlib动画辅助

时间:2016-11-23 04:54:21

标签: python matplotlib tkinter


from Tkinter import *               #Used for GUI elements
import time                         #Used for timing elements
import matplotlib                   #Used for graphing
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2TkAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import numpy as np                  #Used for arrays to find min/max of float array
import random                       #Only used for fake data input

class tkgui:
    def __init__(self, parent):
        #--------------The following are variables that need to be accessed by other functions----------------------
        #Raw input values
        self.x = 209500
        self.y = 0
        self.timeElapsed = 0

        #State values
        self.curFrame = 1

        #List Values
        self.timeList = np.array([])
        self.yList = np.array([])
        self.xList = np.array([])

        self.lastX = 0

        #Make Tkinter fullscreen
        w, h = 320,240 #int(str(root.winfo_screenwidth())), int(str(root.winfo_screenheight())) #320, 240 is the RPiTFT

        #The base layer of the GUI
        topLevelContainer = Frame(parent)

        #The two 'screens' to switch between. They contain everything on the GUI
        self.buttonsFrame = Frame(topLevelContainer)
        self.graphFrame = Frame(topLevelContainer)

        #Stack the frames so that they are switchable
        for frame in self.buttonsFrame, self.graphFrame:
            frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=(10, 10))

        buttonsFrameButtons = Frame(self.buttonsFrame)
        buttonsFrameButtons.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(0, 50))

        #X button
        self.xButton = Button(buttonsFrameButtons, command=self.xButtonClick)
        self.xButton.configure(text="X", background="#C8C8C8", width=6, padx=35, pady=35)
        self.xButton.pack(side=TOP, pady=10)

        #Y button
        self.yButton = Button(buttonsFrameButtons, command=self.yButtonClick)
        self.yButton.configure(text="Y", background="#C8C8C8", width=6, padx=35, pady=35)
        self.yButton.pack(side=TOP, pady=10)

        #Bar graph
        buttonsFrameBar = Frame(self.buttonsFrame)

        self.fBar = Figure(figsize=(2, 4), dpi=50)
        aBar = self.fBar.add_subplot(111)
        self.xBar =[0, 1], [0, 0], width=1)

        lAxes = self.fBar.gca()

        aBar.set_ylim([-30000, 30000])


        #Setup the matplotlib graph
        self.fGraph = Figure(figsize=(5, 3), dpi=50)
        #Create the Y axis
        aGraph = self.fGraph.add_subplot(111)
        aGraph.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
        self.yLine, = aGraph.plot([],[], "r-")

        #Create the X axis
        a2Graph = aGraph.twinx()
        self.xLine, = a2Graph.plot([], [])

        #Final matplotlib/Tkinter setup
        self.canvasGraph = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fGraph, master=self.graphFrame)
        self.canvasGraph.get_tk_widget().pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        self.canvasBar = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fBar, master=buttonsFrameBar)
        self.canvasBar.get_tk_widget().pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        #Resize the plot to fit all of the labels in
        self.fGraph.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.13, left=0.15, right=0.87)       

    def refreshGraph(self, frameno):     #Redraw the graph with the updated arrays and resize it accordingly
        #Update data
        self.yLine.set_data(self.timeList, self.yList)
        self.xLine.set_data(self.timeList, self.xList)

        #Update y axis
        ax = self.canvasGraph.figure.axes[0]
        ax.set_xlim(self.timeList.min(), self.timeList.max())
        ax.set_ylim(self.yList.min(), self.yList.max())

        #Update x axis
        ax2 = self.canvasGraph.figure.axes[1]
        ax2.set_xlim(self.timeList.min(), self.timeList.max())
        ax2.set_ylim(self.xList.min(), self.xList.max())


    def refreshBar(self, frameno):
        curX = self.x
        dif = curX - self.lastX
        i = [dif]
        for rect, h in zip(self.xBar, i):
            if dif > 0:


    def switchFrame(self):      #Switch the current screen. Either x/y buttons or graph
        if self.curFrame:
            self.curFrame = 0
            self.curFrame = 1

    def xButtonClick(self):

    def yButtonClick(self):

    def close(e):               #Exit the program

#Initialisation of global variables
lastTime = 0        #Used for the 'last time' iterated
yState = 0       

def updateNumbers():        #Used to generate fake input variables. Will be replaced by ADC values
    global lastTime
    global yState

    curTime = time.time()                                           #Update the time each time the function is called
    if curTime - lastTime > 0.5:                                    #Only update numbers every 0.5 seconds
        gui.x = random.randrange(200000, 230000)                   #Generates x
        if yState:
            gui.y = gui.y - 20                                #Decrease y
            if gui.y < 1:
                yState = 0                                       #Until it gets to a minimum of 0
            gui.y = gui.y + 20                                #Increase y
            if gui.y > 1300:
                yState = 1                                       #Until it reaches a maximum of 1300
        gui.yList = np.append(gui.yList, gui.y)            #Add the new y values to the array
        gui.xList = np.append(gui.xList, gui.x/10000.0)          #Add the new x values to the array
        lastTime = time.time()                                      #Record the last time iterated for timing purposes
        gui.timeElapsed += 0.5                                      
        gui.timeList = np.append(gui.timeList, gui.timeElapsed)     #Add the latest time to the array
##        gui.refreshGraph()                                          #Call the function that will redraw the graph with the new figures

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = Tk()         #Root Tkinter setup
    gui = tkgui(root)   #Setup the gui class

    aniGraph = animation.FuncAnimation(gui.fGraph,gui.refreshGraph,interval=500,frames=100,repeat=True)
    aniBar = animation.FuncAnimation(gui.fBar,gui.refreshBar,interval=500,frames=100,repeat=True)

    while(1):                   #Main loop
        updateNumbers()         #Update fake values

        root.update()           #Update the gui loop

    root.mainloop()             #Tkinter main loop


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答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的代码适合我 - 我看到了所有动画 - 但如果您在没有y = c(" word ", " another ", " final ", " more ") (或更多pythonic While(1):)的情况下运行它,那么您可以使用While True:。您可以使用它代替root.after(milliseconds, function_name)

它可以让你控制功能 - 开始/停止它。



if self.run_bar:
   root.after(100, self.refreshBar)


self.run_bar = True

查看代码中的所有self.run_bar = False

# <--

编辑:当然,您可以在from Tkinter import * #Used for GUI elements import time #Used for timing elements import matplotlib #Used for graphing matplotlib.use("TkAgg") from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2TkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure import matplotlib.animation as animation import numpy as np #Used for arrays to find min/max of float array import random #Only used for fake data input class TkGUI: # <-- CamelCase names for classes # <-- empty line for readabelity def __init__(self, parent): #--- The following are variables that need to be accessed by other functions---------------------- #Raw input values self.x = 209500 self.y = 0 self.timeElapsed = 0 #State values self.curFrame = 1 #List Values self.timeList = np.array([]) self.yList = np.array([]) self.xList = np.array([]) self.lastX = 0 #----------------------------------------------------------- #Make Tkinter fullscreen w, h = 320,240 #int(str(root.winfo_screenwidth())), int(str(root.winfo_screenheight())) #320, 240 is the RPiTFT #The base layer of the GUI topLevelContainer = Frame(parent) topLevelContainer.pack() #The two 'screens' to switch between. They contain everything on the GUI self.buttonsFrame = Frame(topLevelContainer) self.graphFrame = Frame(topLevelContainer) #Stack the frames so that they are switchable for frame in self.buttonsFrame, self.graphFrame: frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=(10, 10)) buttonsFrameButtons = Frame(self.buttonsFrame) buttonsFrameButtons.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(0, 50)) #X button self.xButton = Button(buttonsFrameButtons, command=self.xButtonClick) self.xButton.configure(text="X", background="#C8C8C8", width=6, padx=35, pady=35) self.xButton.pack(side=TOP, pady=10) #Y button self.yButton = Button(buttonsFrameButtons, command=self.yButtonClick) self.yButton.configure(text="Y", background="#C8C8C8", width=6, padx=35, pady=35) self.yButton.pack(side=TOP, pady=10) #Bar graph buttonsFrameBar = Frame(self.buttonsFrame) buttonsFrameBar.pack(side=LEFT) self.fBar = Figure(figsize=(2, 4), dpi=50) aBar = self.fBar.add_subplot(111) self.xBar =[0, 1], [0, 0], width=1) lAxes = self.fBar.gca() lAxes.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) aBar.set_ylim([-30000, 30000]) self.fBar.tight_layout() self.buttonsFrame.tkraise() #Setup the matplotlib graph self.fGraph = Figure(figsize=(5, 3), dpi=50) #Create the Y axis aGraph = self.fGraph.add_subplot(111) aGraph.set_xlabel("Time (s)") aGraph.set_ylabel("Y") self.yLine, = aGraph.plot([],[], "r-") #Create the X axis a2Graph = aGraph.twinx() self.xLine, = a2Graph.plot([], []) a2Graph.set_ylabel("X") #Final matplotlib/Tkinter setup self.canvasGraph = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fGraph, master=self.graphFrame) self.canvasGraph.get_tk_widget().pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.canvasBar = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fBar, master=buttonsFrameBar) self.canvasBar.get_tk_widget().pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1) #Resize the plot to fit all of the labels in self.fGraph.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.13, left=0.15, right=0.87) def refreshGraph(self): # <-- without argument '''Redraw the graph with the updated arrays and resize it accordingly''' # <-- docstring used by documentation generator and IDE as help #Update data self.yLine.set_data(self.timeList, self.yList) self.xLine.set_data(self.timeList, self.xList) #Update y axis ax = self.canvasGraph.figure.axes[0] ax.set_xlim(self.timeList.min(), self.timeList.max()) ax.set_ylim(self.yList.min(), self.yList.max()) #Update x axis ax2 = self.canvasGraph.figure.axes[1] ax2.set_xlim(self.timeList.min(), self.timeList.max()) ax2.set_ylim(self.xList.min(), self.xList.max()) #Redraw self.canvasGraph.draw() # run again after 100ms (0.1s) root.after(100, self.refreshGraph) # <-- run again like in loop def refreshBar(self): # <-- without argument curX = self.x dif = curX - self.lastX i = [dif] for rect, h in zip(self.xBar, i): rect.set_height(h) if dif > 0: rect.set_color('b') else: rect.set_color('r') self.canvasBar.draw() self.lastX=curX # run again after 100ms (0.1s) root.after(100, self.refreshBar) # <-- run again like in loop def switchFrame(self): #Switch the current screen. Either x/y buttons or graph if self.curFrame: self.graphFrame.tkraise() self.curFrame = 0 else: self.buttonsFrame.tkraise() self.curFrame = 1 def xButtonClick(self): self.switchFrame() def yButtonClick(self): self.close() def close(e): # Exit the program sys.exit() #Initialisation of global variables lastTime = 0 #Used for the 'last time' iterated yState = 0 def updateNumbers(): #Used to generate fake input variables. Will be replaced by ADC values global lastTime global yState curTime = time.time() #Update the time each time the function is called if curTime - lastTime > 0.5: #Only update numbers every 0.5 seconds gui.x = random.randrange(200000, 230000) #Generates x if yState: gui.y = gui.y - 20 #Decrease y if gui.y < 1: yState = 0 #Until it gets to a minimum of 0 else: gui.y = gui.y + 20 #Increase y if gui.y > 1300: yState = 1 #Until it reaches a maximum of 1300 gui.yList = np.append(gui.yList, gui.y) #Add the new y values to the array gui.xList = np.append(gui.xList, gui.x/10000.0) #Add the new x values to the array lastTime = time.time() #Record the last time iterated for timing purposes gui.timeElapsed += 0.5 gui.timeList = np.append(gui.timeList, gui.timeElapsed) #Add the latest time to the array # run again after 100ms (0.1s) root.after(100, updateNumbers) # <-- run again like in loop if __name__ == "__main__": root = Tk() gui = TkGUI(root) # <-- vvv - without While and without FuncAnimation - vvv updateNumbers() # run first time gui.refreshBar() # run first time gui.refreshGraph() # run first time # <-- ^^^ - without While and without FuncAnimation - ^^^ root.mainloop() # Tkinter main loop 之后保留FuncAnimation并仅在after
