
时间:2016-11-22 22:56:40

标签: python if-statement matplotlib plot



追踪(最近一次通话):   文件" /Users/itstest/Documents/workspace/Practice/src/PlutoModel.py" ;,第73行,在模块中   plt.plot(xr,P(xr))   文件" /Users/itstest/Documents/workspace/Practice/src/PlutoModel.py" ;,第55行,在P中     如果x> R:   ValueError:"具有多个元素的数组的真值是不明确的。使用a.any()a.all()。"


import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integ
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

rho = 1860
rhos = 250 #Assuming Nitrogen Ice
rhom = 1000 #Assuming Water
rhoc = 3500 #Assuming a mix of Olivine and Pyroxene

def rhof(x):
    if x > r:
        return "Point is outside of the planet"
    elif x < r and x > rm:
        return rhos
    elif x < rm and x > rc:
        return rhom
        return rhoc

r = 1.187e6
rc = 8.5e5 #Hypothesized
rm = 9.37e5 #Estimated based on crustal thickness of 250 km

Ts = 44
B = 0.15
G = 6.67e-11

m = 1.303e22
mc = (4*np.pi*rhoc*rc**3)/3
mm = (4*np.pi*rhom*((rm**3) - (rc**3)))/3
ms = (4*np.pi*rhos*((r**3) - (rm**3)))/3

Ic = 0.4*mc*rc**2
Im = 0.4*mm*rm**2
Is = 0.4*ms*r**2
Itot = Is + Im + Ic

def gi(x):
    if x == r:
        return G*m/r**2
    elif x > r:
        return "Point is outside of the planet"
    elif x > rc and x < rm:
        return (G*mc/rc**2) + (G*mm/((x**2) - (rc**2)))
    elif x > rm and x < r:
        return (G*mc/rc**2) + (G*mm/((rm**2) - (rc**2))) + (G*ms/((x**2) - (rm**2)))
        return G*((3*rhoc)/4*np.pi*x**3)/x**2   

def Psmb(z):
    return rhos*G*(4.0/3.0)*np.pi*(1/z**2)*(rhom*(rm**3) + rhos*(z - rm**3))
def Pmcb(z):
    return rhom*G*(4.0/3.0)*np.pi*(1/z**2)*(rhoc*(rc**3) + rhom*(z - rc**3))
def P(x):
    if x > r:
        return "The point is outside of the planet"
    elif x == r:
        return 1
    elif x > rm and x < r:
        return (integ.quad(1000*gi(x), x, r))[0]
    elif x == rm:
        return (integ.quad(Psmb, x, r))[0]
    elif x > rc and x < rm:
        return (integ.quad(1000*gi(x), x, rm) + P(rm))[0]
    elif x == rc:
        return (integ.quad(Pmcb, x, rm) + P(rm))[0]
    elif x < rc and x != 0:
        return (integ.quad(1000*gi(x), x, rc) + P(rc))[0]
        return ((2.0/3.0)*np.pi*G*(rhoc**2)*r**2)

xr = np.linspace(0, 1187000, 1000)
plt.plot(xr, P(xr))

print("Mass = " + str(m) + " kg")
print("Radius = " + str(r) + " m")
print("Density = " + str(rho) + " kg/m^3")
print("Moment of Inertia = " + str(Itot) + " kgm^2")
print("Mean Surface Temperature = " + str(Ts) + " K")
print("Magnetic Field = " + str(B) + " nT")
print("Surface Gravity = " + str(gi(r)) + " m/sec^2")
print("Pressure at Surface = " + str(P(r)) + " Pa")
print("Pressure at Crust-Mantle Boundary = " + str(P(rm)) + " Pa")
print("Pressure at Mantle-Core Boundary = " + str(P(rc)) + " Pa")
print("Pressure at the Center = " + str(P(0)) + " Pa")


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


pFunc = np.vectorize(P)
plt.plot(xr, pFunc(xr))

Vectorize本质上是 for 循环,因此不会加速你的代码。


import pandas as pd

xd = pd.Series(xr)

yr = xd.apply(lambda x: P(x))

plt.plot(xr, yr)

