基于Firebase Observable值的Firebase Observable过滤器

时间:2016-11-22 20:59:11

标签: angular firebase firebase-realtime-database observable angularfire2


//html code
<div *ngFor="let lis of (classes | async | classFilter)">

//component.ts code tied to the html page
constructor(public classService: ClassService) {
   //just calling a service to do this:
   this.classes =this.classService.getObservable();

export class ClassFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
    public scheduleService: ScheduleService,
    public UserService: UserService) {

  transform(value: any, args?: any): any {
     return value.filter(value2 => {
      let bool = true;
      //just getting the currently logged in user so i can grab 
      //the key of their schedule in firebase
      this.UserService.getUser().subscribe(user => {
        //grab the schedule based on that key from firebase
     this.scheduleService.getObjectObservable(user.schedule).subscribe(schedule               => {
         //schedule is just the form: {key1:true,key2:true...}
         //where the keys are associated to class keys in firebase
         bool = schedule.hasOwnProperty(value2.$key);
      return bool;



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