
时间:2016-11-22 19:06:22

标签: vba ms-access access-vba





第一个(CurrentDB)总是显示" LastUpdated"作为创建日期,除非您修改模块的描述或界面中的某些内容。这告诉我这个属性纯粹是为了容器对象 - 而不是它中的内容。


所以我的下一步行动会更加激烈。我想我需要维护所有模块的列表,并使用VBA Extensions计算每个模块中的代码行。然后,如果代码行与列表记录的内容不同 - 那么我知道模块已被修改 - 我只是知道什么时候,除了"自上次我检查"


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

模块修改时无法知道。 VBIDE API甚至没有告诉你是否模块被修改了,所以你必须自己解决这个问题。

VBIDE API让你感到非常痛苦 - 正如你所注意到的那样。



Option Explicit

Sub DoSomething
    'todo: implement
End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub DoSomething
    DoSomethingElse 42
End Sub


一般的想法是获取CodeModule的内容,哈希,然后与之前的内容哈希进行比较 - 如果有任何修改,我们正在查看“脏”模块。它是C#,我不知道是否有一个COM库可以很容易地从VBA中散列字符串,但最糟糕的情况是你可以在.NET中编译一个小的实用程序DLL来暴露一个COM可见的函数,该函数需要{{1并且为它返回一个哈希值,不应该太复杂。



这里private string _previousContentHash; public string ContentHash() { using (var hash = new SHA256Managed()) using (var stream = Content().ToStream()) { return _previousContentHash = new string(Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(hash.ComputeHash(stream))); } } public string Content() { return Target.CountOfLines == 0 ? string.Empty : GetLines(1, CountOfLines); } public string GetLines(Selection selection) { return GetLines(selection.StartLine, selection.LineCount); } public string GetLines(int startLine, int count) { return Target.get_Lines(startLine, count); } 是一个Target对象 - 如果你在VBA领域,那么这只是Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.CodeModule,来自VBA可扩展性库;像这样的东西:



  • “保留所有模块的列表”将起作用,但如果您只存储模块名称,并且模块已重命名,则您的缓存过时,您需要一种方法使其无效。
  • 如果存储每个模块对象的Public Function IsModified(ByVal target As CodeModule, ByVal previousHash As String) As Boolean Dim content As String If target.CountOfLines = 0 Then content = vbNullString Else content = target.GetLines(1, target.CountOfLines) End If Dim hash As String hash = MyHashingLibrary.MyHashingFunction(content) IsModified = (hash <> previousHash) End Function 而不是它们的名称,我不确定它在VBA中是否可靠,但我可以告诉你,通过COM互操作,COM对象的哈希码不会出现在调用之间保持一致 - 所以你也会有一个过时的缓存和一种使它失效的方法。可能不是100%VBA解决方案的问题。



Rubberduck's Source Control panel

答案 1 :(得分:4)


  1. 计算每个模块的MD5哈希值。
  2. 将其存储在Versions表中。
  3. 在AutoExec期间为每个模块重新计算它,并将其与Versions表中的模块进行比较。如果它有所不同,您可以认为它已被更改(虽然MD5对安全性有害,但它的完整性仍然很可靠)。
  4. 要使用VBE Extensibility从模块获取文本,您可以执行

    Dim oMod As CodeModule
    Dim strMod As String
    Set oMod = VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(1).CodeModule
    strMod = oMod.Lines(1, oMod.CountOfLines)

    然后您可以使用this answer中的以下修改后的MD5哈希函数,如下所示,您可以将每个模块的哈希值存储起来,然后在AutoExec中进行比较。

    Public Function StringToMD5Hex(s As String) As String
        Dim enc
        Dim bytes() As Byte
        Dim outstr As String
        Dim pos As Integer
        Set enc = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
        'Convert the string to a byte array and hash it
        bytes = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode)
        bytes = enc.ComputeHash_2((bytes))
        'Convert the byte array to a hex string
        For pos = 0 To UBound(bytes)
            outstr = outstr & LCase(Right("0" & Hex(bytes(pos)), 2))
        StringToMD5Hex = outstr
        Set enc = Nothing
    End Function

答案 2 :(得分:3)

我以为我会为哈希/校验和生成模块添加我想出的最终代码,因为那真的是我缺少的那部分。感谢@BlackHawk通过展示你可以延迟绑定.NET类来填补空白的答案 - 这将为我现在开辟很多可能性。


  1. 调整表或查询中的列的大小会更改LastUpdated日期。
  2. 编译任何模块编译所有模块,从而更新所有模块的LastUpdated日期(已经指出)
  3. 在“查看”模式下向表单添加过滤器会导致更新表单的“过滤器”字段,从而更新LastUpdated日期。
  4. 在表单或报表上使用SaveAsText时,更改打印机或显示驱动程序会影响PrtDevMode编码,因此在计算校验和之前必须将其删除
  5. 对于Tables,我构建了一个字符串,它是表名的串联,所有字段名都有它们的大小和数据类型。然后我计算了那些哈希。





    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Private objProvider As Object          ' Late Bound object variable for MD5 Provider
    Private objEncoder As Object           ' Late Bound object variable for Text Encoder
    Private strArrHex(255) As String       ' Hexadecimal lookup table array
    Public Enum hashServiceProviders
    End Enum
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
      Const C_HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF"
      Dim intIdx As Integer               ' Our Array Index Iteration variable
      ' Instantiate our two .NET class objects
      Set objEncoder = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
      Set objProvider = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
      ' Initialize our Lookup Table (array)
      For intIdx = 0 To 255
        ' A byte is represented within two hexadecimal digits.
        ' When divided by 16, the whole number is the first hex character
        '                     the remainder is the second hex character
        ' Populate our Lookup table (array)
        strArrHex(intIdx) = Mid(C_HEX, (intIdx \ 16) + 1, 1) & Mid(C_HEX, (intIdx Mod 16) + 1, 1)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
      ' Explicity remove the references to our objects so Access can free memory
      Set objProvider = Nothing
      Set objEncoder = Nothing
    End Sub
    Public Property Let Provider(NewProvider As hashServiceProviders)
      ' Switch our Cryptographic hash provider
      Select Case NewProvider
        Case MD5:
          Set objProvider = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
        Case SHA1:
          Set objProvider = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider")
        Case SHA256:
          Set objProvider = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed")
        Case SHA384:
          Set objProvider = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Managed")
        Case SHA512:
          Set objProvider = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed")
        Case Else:
          Err.Raise vbObjectError + 2029, "CryptoHash::Provider", "Invalid Provider Specified"
      End Select
    End Property
    ' Converts an array of bytes into a hexadecimal string
    Private Function Hash_BytesToHex(bytArr() As Byte) As String
      Dim lngArrayUBound As Long         ' The Upper Bound limit of our byte array
      Dim intIdx As Long                 ' Our Array Index Iteration variable
      ' Not sure if VBA re-evaluates the loop terminator with every iteration or not
      ' When speed matters, I usually put it in its own variable just to be safe
      lngArrayUBound = UBound(bytArr)
      ' For each element in our byte array, add a character to the return value
      For intIdx = 0 To lngArrayUBound
        Hash_BytesToHex = Hash_BytesToHex & strArrHex(bytArr(intIdx))
    End Function
    ' Computes a Hash on the supplied string
    Public Function Compute(SourceString As String) As String
      Dim BytArrData() As Byte           ' Byte Array produced from our SourceString
      Dim BytArrHash() As Byte           ' Byte Array returned from our MD5 Provider
      ' Note:
      ' Because some languages (including VBA) do not support method overloading,
      ' the COM system uses "name mangling" in order to allow the proper method
      ' to be called.  This name mangling appends a number at the end of the function.
      ' You can check the MSDN documentation to see how many overloaded variations exist
      ' Convert our Source String into an array of bytes.
      BytArrData = objEncoder.GetBytes_4(SourceString)
      ' Compute the MD5 hash and store in an array of bytes
      BytArrHash = objProvider.ComputeHash_2(BytArrData)
      ' Convert our Bytes into a hexadecimal representation
      Compute = Hash_BytesToHex(BytArrHash)
      ' Free up our dynamic array memory
      Erase BytArrData
      Erase BytArrHash
    End Function