CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `GetMyEvent_SP`(in employeeId varchar(45),
in eventType int,
in searchTermtext text,
in skillIdArray text,
in startDate varchar(50),
in endDate varchar(50),
in offsetvalue int,
in recordlimit int,
out total int
declare totalcount int default 0;
SET @Whereclause='where 1=1 and isMyEvent=1';
SET @empID = concat('"',employeeId,'"');
SET @SearchTerm=concat('"%',searchTermtext,'%"');
SET @startdate=concat('"',startDate,'"');
SET @enddate=concat('"',endDate,'"');
SET @currentdate=concat('"',curdate(),'"');
SET @skillid=concat('"',skillIdArray,'"');
if(skillIdArray is not null and skillIdArray <> '') then
set @Whereclause=CONCAT(@Whereclause," and FIND_IN_SET(skills,",@skillid,")" );
end if;
if(eventType is not null and eventType=0 and eventType<>-1 ) then
set @Whereclause=CONCAT(@Whereclause," and date(scheduledDate)<",@currentdate );
end if;
if(eventType is not null and eventType=1) then
set @Whereclause=CONCAT(@Whereclause," and date(scheduledDate)>",@currentdate);
end if;
if(searchTermtext is not null and searchTermtext<>'') then
set @Whereclause=CONCAT(@Whereclause," and searchTerm like ",@SearchTerm );
end if;
if(startDate is not null and endDate is not null and startDate<>'1111/11/11' and endDate<>'1111/11/11' ) then
set @Whereclause=CONCAT(@Whereclause," and (date(scheduledDate) between ",@startdate," and ",@enddate,")" );
end if;
set @SQLQuery =CONCAT("select eventId,scheduleId,description,events,eventType,
attendingStatus,meetingRoom,hasRequested from EventList_View ", @Whereclause);
set @CountSQLQuery=concat("select count(*) from EventList_View ", @Whereclause," into ",total);
if(offsetvalue<recordlimit) then
set @QueryfforPagination=CONCAT(@SQLQuery," limit ",recordlimit );
PREPARE querystatement FROM @QueryfforPagination;
EXECUTE querystatement;
DEALLOCATE PREPARE querystatement;
set @QueryfforPagination=CONCAT(@SQLQuery," limit ",recordlimit," offset ",offsetvalue);
PREPARE querystatement FROM @QueryfforPagination;
EXECUTE querystatement;
DEALLOCATE PREPARE querystatement;
end if;
select @CountSQLQuery;
set @CountSQLQuery=concat("select count(*) from EventList_View ", @Whereclause," into ",total);