
时间:2016-11-20 17:39:16

标签: java javafx combobox

我制作了一个基本的Movie Rental模拟器应用程序,我目前在将TextFields和我的ComboBox的输入存储到变量时遇到了问题。我设法将大部分变量转换为字符串,但是当我尝试打印输出来测试它时,它总是返回" null。"


implements Initializable{ /** TextField Objects **/ @FXML private TextField nameField, rentedOnField, dueBackField; /** String for NameField **/ String name, rentedOn, dueBack; /** Game ComboBox ID's **/ @FXML private ObservableList<GameType> cbGameOptions; @FXML private ComboBox<GameType> cbGame; /** Console ComboBox ID's **/ @FXML private ObservableList<PlayerType> cbConsoleOptions; @FXML private ComboBox<PlayerType> cbConsole; /** GameType object **/ private GameType game; /** PlayerType Object **/ private PlayerType console; /** Button ID's **/ @FXML Button cancel, addToCart; /** Counter for calculating total **/ int gameCounter; /** Stage for closing GUI **/ private Stage currentStage; @Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { /** Select Console **/ cbConsoleOptions = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for (PlayerType p : PlayerType.values()) { cbConsoleOptions.addAll(p); } cbConsole.getItems().addAll(cbConsoleOptions); /** Select Game **/ cbGameOptions = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for (GameType g : GameType.values()){ cbGameOptions.addAll(g); } cbGame.getItems().addAll(cbGameOptions); } public String getName(){ name = nameField.getText(); try { String[] firstLast = name.split(" "); String firstName = firstLast[0]; String lastName = firstLast[1]; } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return name; } public void getGame() { GameType gameChoice = cbGame.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); } public void getConsole() { PlayerType player = cbConsole.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); } public String getRentedOn() throws ParseException { rentedOn = rentedOnField.getText(); DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); Date rentedOnDate = format.parse(rentedOn); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setLenient(false); cal.setTime(rentedOnDate); try { cal.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { System.exit(0); } return rentedOn; } public String getDueBack() throws ParseException { dueBack = dueBackField.getText(); DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); Date dueBackDate = format.parse(dueBack); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setLenient(false); cal.setTime(dueBackDate); try { cal.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { System.exit(0); } return dueBack; } /************************************* * This is the method to call the other * String methods so their output can be * put into my main GUI * * Current problem: game.toString() and console.toString() throw an InvocationTargetException * @return * @throws ParseException *************************************/ public String storePurchaseData() throws ParseException { gameCounter++; //Problem //Problem String toList = getName() + " " + game.toString() + " " + console.toString() + " " + getRentedOn() + " " + getDueBack(); return toList; //Returns "null null null" } @FXML public void handleCancelButtonAction (ActionEvent event) { currentStage = (Stage) cancel.getScene().getWindow(); currentStage.close(); } @FXML public void addToCartButton (ActionEvent event) throws ParseException { System.out.println(storePurchaseData()); currentStage = (Stage) cancel.getScene().getWindow(); currentStage.close(); }}

public enum PlayerType {
Xbox360("Xbox 360"),
PS4("Playstation 4"),
XBoxOne("Xbox One"),
WiiU("Wii - U"),
PS3("Playstation 3"),
Wii("Nintendo Wii");

private String console;

PlayerType(String console) { this.console = console; }

public String PlayerType() { return console; }

@Override public String toString() { return console; }}


public enum GameType {
THE_WITCHER("The Witcher 3"),
CALL_OF_DUTY_AW("Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare"),
CALL_DUTY_BLOP3("Call of Duty: Black Ops 3"),
CALL_OF_DUTY_IW("Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare"),
THE_ELDER_SCROLLS("The Elder Scrolls IV: Skyrim");

private String game;

GameType(String game) {
    this.game = game;

public String GameType() { return game; }

@Override public String toString() { return game; }}



GUI Snapshot

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



public void getGame()  //Void return type
    GameType gameChoice = cbGame.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();



public GameType getGame() //Instead of void, the type you are trying to get
    return cbGame.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();


GameType selectedGame = getGame();


public String getGame()
    return cbGame.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString();