
时间:2016-11-20 09:39:26

标签: excel vba excel-vba

我是VBA的新手,所以如果有人帮助我解决我的问题,那么我会非常感激,因为我坚持了下来。 enter image description here 请看下面的附图,如果有人为我提供VBA代码,那么对我来说真的很有帮助。任务包含以下步骤。

1-在第11行中,相应列中提供了日期。像16 / 11,17 / 11,18 / 11等。



1-当我选择任何单元格/框时,用任何颜色填充该单元格上方(第10行)中可用的日期(自动进行/复制)到该任务所提到的指定单元格。 例如:我选择第21行AQR表示单元格,并通过填充颜色突出显示它,以便该单元格上方的日期自动进行/复制到上面提到的AQR演示文稿的指定单元格,同样我也需要处理每个单元格。





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


您需要使用事件例程。 Excel将“打开工作簿”,“激活工作表”,“更改选择”以及许多其他内容标识为事件。对于任何Excel事件,您可以在VBA中编写一个例程,Excel将在该事件发生时执行。

如果打开Excel的VB编辑器并单击 F2 ,您将获得所有类及其成员的列表。向下滚动“类”列表,直至到达“工作表”。右侧的列表将显示Worksheet类的所有成员。对他们有闪电符号的是事件:Activate,BeforeDelete,BeforeDoubleClick,BeforeRightClick,Calculate等。如果您在自己喜欢的搜索引擎中键入“excel vba工作表之前的双击事件”,您将获得解释该事件的网页,并通常给出该事件例程的示例。我发现文档有点模糊,我通常不得不尝试一个不熟悉的事件。

我已经为WorkBook Open事件和Worksheet Activate,Right Right Click和Selection Change事件编写了事件例程。不幸的是,没有“工作表更改单元格颜色”事件,所以我使用了“右键单击前工作表”事件。

打开VB Editor后,您将看到左侧的Project explorer。如果看不到,请单击 Ctrl + R 。您将看到的内容将是:

- VBAProject(Xxxxx.xlsm)
  - Microsoft Excel Objects
     Sheet1 (Kick off)
     Sheet2 (Sheet2)

您将拥有更多工作表,可能是一些用户表单和一些模块,但它们暂时无关紧要。如果您可以看到我显示减号的加号,请单击它以展开列表。我已经创建了一份启动工作表的副本,我将其命名为“Kick off”。你可能有一个不同的名字,但我会称之为“开球”。单击“Sheet1(启动)”,右侧将出现一个白色区域。这是为此工作表保留的代码区域。每个工作表都有类似的代码区域。如果单击“ThisWorkbook”,您将获得另一个代码区域。您可以将此代码区域用作普通模块,但我建议不要这样做。此代码区域应保留用于某些工作簿级别例程。


Option Explicit
Sub Workbook_Open()

  If ActiveSheet.Name = "Kick off" Then
    Worksheets("Kick off").Activate
  End If
End Sub

打开工作簿时,将自动执行此代码区域中名称为Workbook_Open的例程。将“Kick off”替换为此工作表的名称,并将“Sheet1”替换为任何其他工作表的名称。

如果工作簿“Kick off”在保存工作簿时处于活动状态,则在打开工作簿时不会自动执行其Activate例程。此代码的唯一目的是强制执行“启动”激活例程。

以下代码都属于Worksheet“Kick off”的代码区域。此代码不会完全按照您的要求执行,因此我将尝试详细解释它以使其适应您的要求,


  Const RowDate As Long = 11        ' Row holding dates




接下来是Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()。如果您的用户切换到另一个工作表,则会在切换回时自动调用此例程。它记录活动单元的位置并加载三个数组。这三个数组及其值是:

  Array entries ->    0   1
  RowActionSrc       16  21 
  RowActionDest       2   3
  ColActionDest      25  25



Approximation to OP's Kick off worksheet


返回Worksheet_BeforeRightClick;这是一个例程,它提供的功能是我能达到你所要求的最接近的匹配。正如我所说,没有基于着色细胞的事件。即使有,我也不确定我会觉得方便。我必须选择Home标签,然后选择Fill Color,然后选择我想要的颜色,然后才能触发事件。使用Before Right Click事件,我使用箭头键或鼠标或 F5 或我希望选择我想要激活的单元格。然后我单击鼠标右键。事件例程使用标准颜色为单元格着色并复制日期。


Option Explicit

  ' I define these column and row numbers as constants in case they change.
  ' If they do change, one amendment here and the code is updated. If the
  ' literal is used in the code, you have to search for and fix every use
  ' to update the code.
  Const ColDateFirst As Long = 3    ' The first column with a date
  Const ColTaskName As Long = 1     ' Column holding task names
  Const RowDate As Long = 11        ' Row holding dates
  Const RowTaskFirst As Long = 12   ' First row containing tasks

  ' Warning: If you change any of these colours, the values are BBGGRR which
  ' is Excel's standard and not RRGGB which is everyone else's standard.
  Const ClrCrntHeader As Long = &H99CCFF        ' Tan
  Const ClrSelectedCell As Long = &HFFFF&       ' Yellow

  ' The position of the active cell is recorded in these variable so
  ' when the active cell changes the old position is known. This is
  ' necessary to correctly maintain the row and column headers. If
  ' the row and column headers were not highlighted, these variables
  ' would not be needed.
  Dim ColPrev As Long
  Dim RowPrev As Long

  ' These arrays are loaded by Worksheet_Activate().  See that routine
  ' for an explanation of these arrays.
  Dim RowActionSrc() As Variant
  Dim RowActionDest() As Variant
  Dim ColActionDest() As Variant
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

  ' This routine is called when the worksheet is activated (selected)

  ' * If the active cell is within the monitored area, the header row and
  '   column will already be hightlighted. Record the current position of
  '   the active cell in ColPrev and RowPrev.
  ' * Load RowAction and ColAction arrays
  ' * The monitored area is ColDatFirst and right and RowTaskFirst amd down.

  Application.EnableEvents = False

  If ActiveCell.Row >= RowTaskFirst And ActiveCell.Column >= ColDateFirst Then
    ' Active cell was within the monitored area when the workbook was closed or
    ' the user switched to another worksheet. The appropriate row and column
    ' headers will still be highlighted.
    ColPrev = ActiveCell.Column
    RowPrev = ActiveCell.Row
    ' The active cell was outside the monitored area. No row or column header
    ' is highlighted
    ColPrev = 0
    RowPrev = 0
  End If

  ' If the active cell is right clicked when it is in one of the rows
  ' listed in RowActionSrc:
  '   1) The active cell is coloured ClrSelectedCell
  '   2) The date above the active cell is copied to the row and column
  '      specified in the cell specified by the matching positions
  '      in RowActionDest and ColActionDest.
  RowActionSrc = VBA.Array(16, 21)
  RowActionDest = VBA.Array(2, 3)
  ColActionDest = VBA.Array(25, 25)
  ' For example:
  '  * If cell(16,20) is right clicked, the date in cell(11, 20) is copied
  '    to cell(2,25).
  '  * If cell(21,27) is right clicked, the date in cell(11, 27) is copied
  '    to cell(3,25).

  Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

  ' * The active cell has been right clicked.
  ' * If the active cell is within the monitored area and if active row is
  '   specified in RowActionSrc, copy the data above the active cell to the
  '   specified destination cell.

    Dim CellColoured As Range

  Application.EnableEvents = False

  Dim InxC As Long

  If ActiveCell.Row >= RowTaskFirst And ActiveCell.Column >= ColDateFirst Then
    ' Active cell was within the monitored area
    For InxC = 0 To UBound(RowActionSrc)
      If RowActionSrc(InxC) = ActiveCell.Row Then
        ' The active cell is in a row for which the date above it is to be
        ' copied to a specified destination. In addition, the active cell is
        ' to be coloured

        ' First remove colour from any previously selected cell
        Application.FindFormat.Interior.Color = ClrSelectedCell
        Do While True
          ' What:="*" will only match cells with a value
          ' What:="" will match cells with or without a value
          Set CellColoured = Rows(ActiveCell.Row).Find(What:="", SearchFormat:=True)
          If CellColoured Is Nothing Then
            Exit Do
          End If
          CellColoured.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone    ' Remove colour
          CellColoured.Value = ""                      ' Remove value if any

        ' Colour selected cell
        Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Interior.Color = ClrSelectedCell
        ' Move date for active column to specified cell
        Cells(RowActionDest(InxC), ColActionDest(InxC)).Value = Cells(RowDate, ActiveCell.Column).Value
      End If
  End If

  Cancel = True  ' Surpress default action for Right Click

  Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

  Application.EnableEvents = False

  ' A new cell has been selected; that is, there is a new active cell.

  If ColPrev <> 0 Then
    ' Remove highlighting from previous task name and date
    Cells(RowPrev, ColTaskName).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
    Cells(RowDate, ColPrev).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
  End If

  If ActiveCell.Row >= RowTaskFirst And ActiveCell.Column >= ColDateFirst Then
    ' Active cell is within the monitored area
    ColPrev = ActiveCell.Column
    RowPrev = ActiveCell.Row
    ' Highlight task name and date
    Cells(RowPrev, ColTaskName).Interior.Color = ClrCrntHeader
    Cells(RowDate, ColPrev).Interior.Color = ClrCrntHeader
    ColPrev = 0   ' No previous active cell
    RowPrev = 0
  End If

  Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub


原始代码会为通过右键单击选择的单元格着色,但不会从先前选定的单元格中删除颜色。新代码定位活动行中的任何单元格ClrSelectedCell(=黄色=&amp; HFFFF&amp;)并删除颜色和值(如果有)。

Find通常用于搜索值,但可以搜索格式。如果格式搜索功能有任何体面的文档,我找不到它。额外的代码是通过实验而不是遵循官方指示开发的。此代码已使用Excel 2016进行测试,但我没有理由相信它不适用于早期版本。

更改包含一个新变量(Dim CellColoured As Range),并且在新选择的单元格着色之前包含此代码:

    Application.FindFormat.Interior.Color = ClrSelectedCell
    Do While True
      ' What:="*" will only match cells with a value
      ' What:="" will match cells with or without a value
      Set CellColoured = Rows(ActiveCell.Row).Find(What:="", SearchFormat:=True)
      If CellColoured Is Nothing Then
        Exit Do
      End If
      CellColoured.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone    ' Remove colour
      CellColoured.Value = ""                      ' Remove value if any


注意:我使用ColorIndex = xlNone而不是Colour = vbWhite清除颜色。如果将单元格的颜色设置为白色,则会丢失边框,但如果将颜色索引设置为无,则不会丢失。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Function NOTWHITE(rng As Range) As Boolean
    If rng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Or rng.Interior.Color = vbWhite Then
        NOTWHITE = False
        NOTWHITE = True
    End If
End Function


=IF(NOTWHITE(D12); D$11; "")
