所以我试图让用户输入一个字符串,我需要计算用户字符串中出现的字母数。防爆。 “你好”H = 1,e = 1,l = 2,等等。
当我得到字符串的长度例如“Hello”时stringLength = 5但是当我将stringLength传递给我的过程时,存储该值的参数(arrayLength)不等于5但是就像一些疯狂的数字8398473。当我将stringLength传递给函数GetNumLetters时,我只是不明白为什么arrayLength不等于5。 (我没有测试函数的其余部分,因为我无法得到字符串的大小)。
我的想法是stringLength传递8位,其他24位被随机填充。但是,在这种情况下,我不知道如何将类型转换stringLength填充为32位,高24位= 0。
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
INCLUDE Macros.inc
GetNumLetters PROTO, arrayInput: PTR BYTE, arrayCount: PTR BYTE, arrayLength: BYTE
PrintNumLetters PROTO, arrayCount: PTR BYTE, arrayLength: BYTE
charInput BYTE 132 DUP (?) ;an array that stores the users input of 132 values
charCount BYTE 123 DUP (0) ;an array to store the instances of letters ONLY CARE ABOUT ASCII CHAR A-Z,a-z,0-9
stringLength BYTE 0 ;length of the string
msg BYTE "Enter String: ",0
main proc
xor edx, edx
xor eax, eax
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, OFFSET msg
Call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET charInput ;point to buffer you want input stored
mov ecx, SIZEOF charInput ;specify length of string
call ReadString ;get string from user
mov stringLength, BYTE PTR eax ;make 32bit to 8bit
INVOKE GetNumLetters, OFFSET charInput, OFFSET charCount, stringLength
main ENDP
GetNumLetters PROC, arrayInput: PTR BYTE, arrayCount: PTR BYTE, arrayLength: BYTE
;might need to put arrayInput and arrayCount into esi edi
push ecx
push eax
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
xor ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
movzx ecx, arrayLength
movzx eax, arrayLength
call WriteDec
;check for letters 0-9
mov eax, DWORD PTR [arrayInput + ecx]
dec ecx ;decrease loop counter
cmp eax, 48 ;check if eax < 0
jb LoopG1 ; if eax < 0 try another letter
cmp eax, 57 ;check if eax > 9
ja LoopG1 ; if eax > 9 try another letter
inc DWORD PTR [arrayCount + eax] ;increment the letter's count
jmp LoopG1
xor ecx, ecx
mov ecx, DWORD PTR arrayLength
;check for letters A-Z
mov eax, DWORD PTR [arrayInput + ecx]
dec ecx ;decrease loop counter
cmp eax, 65 ;check if eax is < A
jb LoopG2 ; if eax < A try another letter
cmp eax, 90 ;else check if eax > Z
ja LoopG2 ; if eax > Z try another letter
inc DWORD PTR [arrayCount + eax] ;increment the letter's count
jmp LoopG2
xor ecx, ecx
mov ecx, DWORD PTR arrayLength
;check for letters a-z
mov eax, DWORD PTR [arrayInput + ecx]
dec ecx ;decrease loop counter
cmp eax, 97 ;check if eax is < a
jb LoopG3 ; if eax < a try another letter
cmp eax, 122 ;else check if eax > z
ja LoopG3 ; if eax > z try another letter
inc DWORD PTR [arrayCount + eax] ;incrememnt the letter's count
jmp LoopG3
pop ebp
pop eax
pop ecx
ret 12 ;return 12 bytes to esp for the 3 parameters (take up 4 bytes each)
; even though they are BYTE
GetNumLetters ENDP
答案 0 :(得分:0)
为什么不使用反汇编程序来查看MASM对INVOKE GetNumLetters, OFFSET charInput, OFFSET charCount, stringLength
Note that there is no PUSH r/m8
您可能也打破了MASM在push ebp
/ mov ebp, esp
之前通过其他推送来帮助您的尝试。我不知道MASM,但我认为GetNumLetters PROC, arrayInput: PTR BYTE, arrayCount: PTR BYTE, arrayLength: BYTE
请注意,通常的调用约定是EAX,ECX和EDX被call-clobbered,所以你应该编写函数来假设他们调用的任何函数都会破坏那些regs,并且在你自己的函数中不浪费指令保存/恢复它们。即完全删除push ecx
和push eax
,而不是在push ebp