Javascript - 对象的属性具有NaN的值,即使我明确地为其指定了数字值

时间:2016-11-19 19:34:32

标签: javascript javascript-objects nan object-properties

我正在闲暇时间制作一款基本的平台游戏,而我正在尝试增加引力。游戏在画布中运行,因此我使用黑色像素作为实体对象。我正在制作的精灵应该在没有接触到黑色实线时掉下来。要做到这一点,我使用context.getImageData()和我的精灵对象的x位置,y位置,宽度和高度属性。当我创建播放器精灵时,我将它指定为x位置10,ay位置10,宽度50,高度100:var player = new Sprite (10, 10, 50, 100);我的问题是当我尝试绘制精灵或使用它时在context.getImageData()中的y位置,它表示y位置是Nan。下面的代码是一个只有相关变量的简化版本。

var gravityValue = 1;		//amount of change that gravity makes per move
var fallBoxThickness = 1;	//thickness of fall-box check

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");		//get the canvas object
	canvas.width = 800;		//set the canvas width
	canvas.height = 600;	//set the canvas height
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");					//get the canvas's context, 2d

function Sprite (x,y,width,height) {		//sprite object
	this.x = x;				//sprite x position
	this.y = y;				//sprite y position
	this.width = width;		//image width
	this.height = height;	//image height
	this.dx = 0;			//sprite x movement
	this.dy = 0;			//sprite y movement
	this.gravityEnabled = true;	//allows sprite falling, must be manually disabled
	this.draw = function () {	//draw method
		  //context.drawImage(this.src, this.x, this.y);
          //draws the sprite to the canvas
      //it used to do the above, now it outputs it to the output span
      document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = this.y;
	this.move = function () {	//move method
		if (this.gravityEnabled === true) {	//if the sprite can fall
			var hit = false;			//a hit is not yet detected
			var checkSpace = context.getImageData(	//get pixels to see if the sprite ...
				this.x, parseInt(this.y + this.height), 		//... will hit an object below it's lower edge
				this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height, + fallBoxThickness);
			var i = 0;	//set i to 0
			while (i < checkSpace.length && hit === false) {	
				//while the check hasn't finished and a hit isn't detected
				if (checkSpace[i] < 5		//
				  && checkSpace[i+1] < 5	//if there is a black pixel
				  && checkSpace[i+2] < 5) {	//
					hit = true;		//record that there is a hit
				i = i + 4;	//add 4 to i
			if (hit === false) {	//if the check didn't hit
				this.dy += gravityValue;	//add to the fall of the sprite
			} else {
				this.dy = 0;
		this.y += this.dy;

//------------PLAYER CREATION---------//
var player = new Sprite (10, 10, 50, 100);	//create the player object

function drawCanvas () {	//draw everything on the canvas
	player.draw();	//draw the player

function moveSprites () {
function main () {
	moveSprites();	//move the sprites
	drawCanvas();	//draw the screen

setInterval(main,100); 	//run main 10 times a second,
			//start the program
<canvas id="canvas" style="border:1px solid black;"></canvas>
there was images here but the javascript never gets far enough to render them because of the y-position error.<br>
Instead I am just outputting the value of the player sprite's y-position to the span below.<br>
:<span id="output">this is to prevent it from occasionally being undefined</span>


document.getElementById("map").style.display = "none";		//hide the map image
document.getElementById("sprite").style.display = "none";	//hide the sprite image

var gravityValue = 1;		//amount of change that gravity makes per move
var fallBoxThickness = 1;	//thickness of fall-box check

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");		//get the canvas object
	canvas.width = 800;		//set the canvas width
	canvas.height = 600;	//set the canvas height
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");					//get the canvas's context, 2d

function Sprite (x,y,src,width,height,dx,dy) {		//sprite object
	this.x = x;				//sprite x position
	this.y = y;				//sprite y position
	this.src = document.getElementById(src);	//sprite source image
	this.width = width;		//image width
	this.height = height;	//image height
	this.dx = dx;			//sprite x movement
	this.dy = dy;			//sprite y movement
	this.gravityEnabled = true;	//allows sprite movement, must be manually disabled
	this.draw = function () {	//draw method
		context.drawImage(this.src, this.x, this.y);	//draws the sprite to the canvas
	this.move = function () {	//move method
		if (this.gravityEnabled === true) {	//if the sprite can fall
			var hit = false;			//a hit is not yet detected
			var checkSpace = context.getImageData(	//get pixels to see if the sprite ...
				this.x, parseInt(this.y + this.height), 		//... will hit an object below it's lower edge
				this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height, + fallBoxThickness);
			var i = 0;	//set i to 0
			while (i < checkSpace.length && hit === false) {	
				//while the check hasn't finished and a hit isn't detected
				if (checkSpace[i] < 5		//
				  && checkSpace[i+1] < 5	//if there is a black pixel
				  && checkSpace[i+2] < 5) {	//
					hit = true;		//record that there is a hit
				i = i + 4;	//add 4 to i
			if (hit === false) {	//if the check didn't hit
				this.dy += gravityValue;	//add to the fall of the sprite
			} else {
				this.dy = 0;
		this.y += this.dy;

var player = new Sprite (10, 10, "sprite", 50, 100);	//create the player object
var map = new Sprite (0, 0, "map", 800, 600);			//create the map sprite
	map.gravityEnabled = false;			//prevents the map from falling
function drawCanvas () {	//draw everything on the canvas
	map.draw();		//draw the map
	player.draw();	//draw the player

function moveSprites () {
function main () {
	moveSprites();	//move the sprites
	drawCanvas();	//draw the screen

setInterval(main,100); 	//run main 10 times a second,
			//start the program
<canvas id="canvas" style="border:1px solid black;"></canvas>
<img id="map" src = "assets/map03.png">
<img id="sprite"src = "assets/sprite.png">
<script src = "main.js"></script>


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