
时间:2016-11-19 15:13:19

标签: android android-edittext padding


public class LimitedEditText extends EditText

    private Paint limit_text_paint;

     * Current size of text displayed in the EditView.
    private int current_text_size;
     * Maximum text size allowed.
    private int maximum_text_size;
     * Default limit indicator X margin used.
    private final int DEFAULT_X_MARGIN= 10;
     * Default limit indicator Y margin used.
    private final int DEFAULT_Y_MARGIN= 20;
     * Flag indicating text size limit is unlimited.
    public static final int UNLIMITED= -100;

     * LimitedEditText constructor.
     * @param context Context that will display this view.
     * @param attrs Set of attributes defined for this view.
     * @param defStyle Style defined for this view.
    public LimitedEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) 
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
     * LimitedEditText constructor.
     * @param context Context that will display this view.
     * @param attrs Set of attributes defined for this view.
    public LimitedEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
        super(context, attrs);
     * LimitedEditText constructor.
     * @param context Context that will display this view.
    public LimitedEditText(Context context)

     * Initialize the UI components.
     * @param attrs Set of attributes defined for this view.
    private void initComponents(AttributeSet attrs)
        limit_text_paint= new Paint();
        maximum_text_size= UNLIMITED;
        current_text_size= 0;
        if(attrs!=null) //android:maxLength 
            maximum_text_size= attrs.getAttributeIntValue("android", "maxLength", UNLIMITED);

        super.addTextChangedListener(new  TextWatcher(){

            public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) 
                if(maximum_text_size != UNLIMITED)
                    current_text_size= getText().toString().length();
            public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {}
            public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,int count) {}

     * Set maximum text size for given EditText.
     * @param max Maximum number of characters allowed.
    public void setMaxTextSize(int max)
        maximum_text_size= max;
        if(max== UNLIMITED)
            setFilters(new InputFilter[]{new InputFilter.LengthFilter(max)});
     * Remove text size limit. 
     * This will stop drawing the amount of characters left.
    public void removeTextSizeLimit()
     * Get the X position of limit indicator.
     * @param text Text to be drawn on the limit indicator.
     * @return X position of limit indicator.
    protected float getLimitIndicatorX(String text)
        float widths[]= new float1;
        limit_text_paint.getTextWidths(text, widths);

        float sum= 0;
        for(float w: widths)
            sum+= w;
        return getWidth() + getScrollX() - sum - DEFAULT_X_MARGIN;
     * Get the Y position of limit indicator.
     * @param text Text to be drawn on the limit indicator.
     * @return Y position of limit indicator.
    protected float getLimitIndicatorY(String text)
        return DEFAULT_Y_MARGIN + getScrollY();

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
        if(maximum_text_size== UNLIMITED)

        String text= current_text_size+"/"+maximum_text_size;
        canvas.drawText(text, getLimitIndicatorX(text), getLimitIndicatorY(text), limit_text_paint);


my result


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