
时间:2016-11-18 17:35:45

标签: python fibonacci


def fibs():
    a,b = 0,1
    yield a
    yield b
    while True:
        a,b = b,a+b
        yield b

n = int(input("please, enter a number: "))
for fib in fibs():
    if n == fib:
        print("Yes! Your number is a Fibonacci number!")
    if fib > n:
        print("No! Your number is not a Fibonacci number!")

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


def fibs():
    a,b = 0,1
    yield a
    yield b
    while True:
        a,b = b,a+b
        yield b

def nearest_fib(n):
    ''' If n is a Fibonacci number return True and n
        Otherwise, return False and the nearest Fibonacci number
    for fib in fibs():
        if fib == n:
            return True, n
        elif fib < n:
            prev = fib
            # Is n closest to prev or to fib?
            if n - prev < fib - n:
                return False, prev
                return False, fib

# Test
for i in range(35):
    print(i, nearest_fib(i))


0 (True, 0)
1 (True, 1)
2 (True, 2)
3 (True, 3)
4 (False, 5)
5 (True, 5)
6 (False, 5)
7 (False, 8)
8 (True, 8)
9 (False, 8)
10 (False, 8)
11 (False, 13)
12 (False, 13)
13 (True, 13)
14 (False, 13)
15 (False, 13)
16 (False, 13)
17 (False, 21)
18 (False, 21)
19 (False, 21)
20 (False, 21)
21 (True, 21)
22 (False, 21)
23 (False, 21)
24 (False, 21)
25 (False, 21)
26 (False, 21)
27 (False, 21)
28 (False, 34)
29 (False, 34)
30 (False, 34)
31 (False, 34)
32 (False, 34)
33 (False, 34)
34 (True, 34)


这是一种更有效的方法,它使用Binet's formula来首先逼近y:F(y)= n。然后,它使用与matrix form相关的一对身份(可以在O(log(n))时间内计算F(n)),以递归方式找到最近的斐波纳契数到n。递归非常快,因为它使用缓存来保存已经计算过的值。没有缓存,这个算法与Rockybilly的速度大致相同。

from math import log, sqrt

def fast_fib(n, cache={0: 0, 1: 1}):
    if n in cache:
        return cache[n]
    m = (n + 1) // 2
    a, b = fast_fib(m - 1), fast_fib(m)
    fib = a * a + b * b if n & 1 else (2 * a + b) * b
    cache[n] = fib
    return fib

logroot5 = log(5) / 2
logphi = log((1 + 5 ** 0.5) / 2)

def nearest_fib(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    # Approximate by inverting the large term of Binet's formula
    y = int((log(n) + logroot5) / logphi)
    lo = fast_fib(y)
    hi = fast_fib(y + 1)
    return lo if n - lo < hi - n else hi

for i in range(35):
    print(i, nearest_fib(i))


0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 5
5 5
6 5
7 8
8 8
9 8
10 8
11 13
12 13
13 13
14 13
15 13
16 13
17 21
18 21
19 21
20 21
21 21
22 21
23 21
24 21
25 21
26 21
27 21
28 34
29 34
30 34
31 34
32 34
33 34
34 34

请注意,fast_fib使用default mutable argument作为缓存,但这没关系,因为我们希望缓存以记住其先前的内容。



实际上可以从函数外部清除默认的可变参数缓存。我们可以通过其.__default__属性(或旧版本的Python 2中的.func_defaults访问函数的默认参数; .__default__适用于Python 2.6,但不适用于2.5)。


d = fast_fib.__defaults__[0]
d.update({0: 0, 1: 1})

这是一些代码(在Python 2和Python 3上运行),它们对为此问题提交的一些算法执行时序测试。 Rockybilly与我的第一个版本非常相似,只是它避免了必须保存以前的值。我也让OP的fibs发生器更加紧凑。



#!/usr/bin/env python3

""" Find the nearest Fibonacci number to a given integer

    Test speeds of various algorithms

    See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40682947/fibonacci-in-python

    Written by PM 2Ring 2016.11.19
    Incorporating code by Rockybilly and Douglas

from __future__ import print_function, division
from math import log, sqrt
from time import time

def fibs():
    a, b = 0, 1
    while True:
        yield a
        a, b = b, a + b

def nearest_fib_Rocky(n):
    ''' Find the nearest Fibonacci number to n '''
    fibgen = fibs()
    for fib in fibgen:
        if fib == n:
            return n
        elif fib > n:
            next_fib = next(fibgen)
            return next_fib - fib if 2 * n < next_fib else fib

def nearest_fib_Doug(n):
    a = 5 * n * n
    if sqrt(a + 4)%1 == 0 or sqrt(a - 4)%1 == 0:
        return n
    c = 1
    while True:
        m = n + c
        a = 5 * m * m
        if sqrt(a + 4)%1 == 0 or sqrt(a - 4)%1 == 0:
            return m
        m = n - c
        a = 5 * m * m
        if sqrt(a + 4)%1 == 0 or sqrt(a - 4)%1 == 0:
            return m
        c += 1

cache={0: 0, 1: 1}
def fast_fib(n):
    if n in cache:
        return cache[n]
    m = (n + 1) // 2
    a, b = fast_fib(m - 1), fast_fib(m)
    fib = a * a + b * b if n & 1 else (2 * a + b) * b
    cache[n] = fib
    return fib

logroot5 = log(5) / 2
logphi = log((1 + 5 ** 0.5) / 2)

def nearest_fib_PM2R(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    # Approximate by inverting the large term of Binet's formula
    y = int((log(n) + logroot5) / logphi)
    lo = fast_fib(y)
    hi = fast_fib(y + 1)
    return lo if n - lo < hi - n else hi

funcs = (

# Verify that all the functions return the same result
def verify(lo, hi):
    for n in range(lo, hi):
        a = [f(n) for f in funcs]
        head, tail = a[0], a[1:]
        if not all(head == u for u in tail):
            print('Error:', n, a)
            return False
        return True

def time_test(lo, hi):
    print('lo =', lo, 'hi =', hi)
    for f in funcs:
        start = time()
        for n in range(lo, hi):
        t = time() - start
        print('{0:18}: {1}'.format(f.__name__, t))

verify(0, 1000)
cache={0: 0, 1: 1}
time_test(0, 1000)

funcs = funcs[:-1]
cache={0: 0, 1: 1}
time_test(1000, 50000)


lo = 0 hi = 1000
nearest_fib_PM2R  : 0.005465507507324219
nearest_fib_Rocky : 0.02432560920715332
nearest_fib_Doug  : 0.45461463928222656

lo = 1000 hi = 50000
nearest_fib_PM2R  : 0.26880311965942383
nearest_fib_Rocky : 1.266334056854248

这些时间是在Linux上运行Python 3.6的旧2GHz 32位机器上。 Python 2.6提供了类似的时间。

FWIW,Rockybilly和我的代码都可以轻松处理非常大的数字。这是time_test(10**1000, 10**1000 + 1000)的时间输出:

nearest_fib_PM2R  : 0.011492252349853516
nearest_fib_Rocky : 7.556792497634888

答案 1 :(得分:2)



gen = fibs()

n = int(input("please, enter a number: "))
for fib in gen:
    if n == fib:
        print("Yes! Your number is a Fibonacci number!")
    if fib > n:
        print("No! Your number is not a Fibonacci number!")

        next_fib = next(gen)
        prev = next_fib - fib 
        closest = prev if n - prev < fib - n else fib # Search for Python ternary operator
                                                      # If you are a stranger to this line of code. 
        print("The closest fibonacci number to your entry is %s" % closest)


编辑:我首先使用gen.next()来获取yield的下一个值,但是我忘了在Python 3中,它被重命名为gen.__next__()的用法。请小心使用它。 next(gen)是两个Python版本的预期用途。

答案 2 :(得分:1)


n = int(input("please, enter a number: "))
for fib, next_fib in itertools.izip(fibs(), itertools.islice(fibs(), 1, None)):
    if n == fib:
        print("Yes! Your number is a Fibonacci number!")
    if next_fib > n:
        closest = fib if n - fib < next_fib - n else next_fib
        print("The closest Fibonacci number is {}".format(closest))


答案 3 :(得分:1)




from math import *

n = int(input("Enter a number:"))

if sqrt(5*n**2+4)%1==0 or sqrt(5*n**2-4)%1==0:
    print("Your number is a Fibonacci number!")
    print("Your number is not a Fibonacci number.")
    c = 0
    while 1:
        c += 1
        if sqrt(5*(n+c)**2+4)%1==0 or sqrt(5*(n+c)**2-4)%1==0:
            print("%s is the closest Fibonacci number to your entry." % str(n+c))
        if sqrt(5*(n-c)**2+4)%1==0 or sqrt(5*(n-c)**2-4)%1==0:
            print("%s is the closest Fibonacci number to your entry." % str(n-c))


如果(5 * n ^ 2 + 4)或(5 * n ^ 2 - 4)是完美的平方,则n是斐波那契数。


Enter a number: 9999999999
Your number is not a Fibonacci number.
9999816735 is the closest Fibonacci number to your entry.

Enter a number: 9999816735
Your number is a Fibonacci number!