我注意到正在运行的进程是javaw.exe * 32但是64位Eclipse正在使用进程javaw.exe。我从32位Eclipse中导出JAR并给它一个镜头,没有出现EMail。我检查了安装的JRE并看到了32位和64位,但我公司的策略只强制Java控制面板中的64位JRE。我和其他人一起工作,并且看到here已经安装并启用了。 JAR仍无法打开电子邮件。我甚至尝试禁用64位,它仍然无法正常工作。
package EDM_PKG;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OLE;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleFrame;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.Variant;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
public class CreateEmail {
private static Display display = new Display();
public static void sendEMail(String env) {
//String currUser = System.getProperty("user.name");
String msg = getMessage(env);
String sub = getSubject(env);
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
OleFrame frame = new OleFrame(shell, SWT.NONE);
// This should start outlook if it is not running yet
//OleClientSite site = new OleClientSite(frame, SWT.NONE,"OVCtl.OVCtl");
// Now get the outlook application
OleClientSite site2 = new OleClientSite(frame, SWT.NONE, "Outlook.Application");
OleAutomation outlook = new OleAutomation(site2);
OleAutomation mail = invoke(outlook, "CreateItem", 0 /* Mail item */).getAutomation();
setProperty(mail, "BodyFormat", 2 /* HTML */);
setProperty(mail, "Subject", sub);
setProperty(mail, "To", "example@gmail.com");
setProperty(mail, "HtmlBody", msg);
invoke(mail, "Display" /* or "Send" */);
display = null;
private static String getMessage(String env) {
String msg = "";
if (env.equalsIgnoreCase("quas")) {
msg = "<html><body>The <b>USER</b> excel has been migrated to <b>QUAS.</b><br><br> This email was generated by Excel Datatable Migrator.</body></html>";
} else if (env.equalsIgnoreCase("prod")) {
msg = "<html><body>The <b>QUAS</b> excel has been migrated to <b>PROD.</b><br><br>This email was generated by Excel Datatable Migrator.</body></html>";
} else {
msg = "Somthing happened with the automated message of EDM. Please contact the user with the eCode: "+System.getProperty("user.name")+".</body></html>";
return msg;
private static String getSubject(String env) {
String sub = "";
if (env.equalsIgnoreCase("quas")) {
sub = "EDM has been used to move USER to QUAS...";
} else if (env.equalsIgnoreCase("prod")) {
sub = "EDM has been used to move QUAS to PROD...";
} else {
sub = "Somthing didnt quite work right...";
return sub;
private static OleAutomation getProperty(OleAutomation auto, String name) {
Variant varResult = auto.getProperty(property(auto, name));
if (varResult != null && varResult.getType() != OLE.VT_EMPTY) {
OleAutomation result = varResult.getAutomation();
return result;
return null;
private static Variant invoke(OleAutomation auto, String command,
String value) {
return auto.invoke(property(auto, command),
new Variant[] { new Variant(value) });
private static Variant invoke(OleAutomation auto, String command) {
return auto.invoke(property(auto, command));
private static Variant invoke(OleAutomation auto, String command, int value) {
return auto.invoke(property(auto, command),
new Variant[] { new Variant(value) });
private static boolean setProperty(OleAutomation auto, String name,
String value) {
return auto.setProperty(property(auto, name), new Variant(value));
private static boolean setProperty(OleAutomation auto, String name,
int value) {
return auto.setProperty(property(auto, name), new Variant(value));
private static int property(OleAutomation auto, String name) {
return auto.getIDsOfNames(new String[] { name })[0];
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Program.launch("mailto:bla@blubb.com&subject=Subject&body=Message here");