问题: 将有多个帐户,并且accounds将拥有多个用户。在一个特定帐户中,用户将进行一些实时更新 - 但其他帐户不会受到这些实时更改的影响,每个帐户都将是私有的。
// client side code
$( "#messageForm" ).submit( function() {
var nameVal = $( "#nameInput" ).val();
var msg = $("#messageInput").val();
socket.emit( 'message', { name: nameVal, message: msg } );
// Ajax call for saving datas
url: "./ajax/insertMessage.php",
type: "POST",
data: { name: nameVal, message: msg },
success: function(data) {
return false;
socket.on( 'message', function( data ) {
var actualContent = $( "#messages" ).html();
var newMsgContent = '<li> <strong>' + data.name + '</strong> : ' + data.message + '</li>';
var content = newMsgContent + actualContent;
$( "#messages" ).append( newMsgContent );
//server side codes
var socket = require( 'socket.io' );
var express = require( 'express' );
var http = require( 'http' );
var app = express();
var server = http.createServer( app );
var io = socket.listen( server );
io.sockets.on( 'connection', function( client ) {
console.log( "New client !" );
client.on( 'message', function( data ) {
console.log( 'Message received ' + data.name + ":" + data.message );
//client.broadcast.emit( 'message', { name: data.name, message: data.message } );
io.sockets.emit( 'message', { name: data.name, message: data.message } );
server.listen( 8080 );
答案 0 :(得分:0)
// usernames which are currently connected to the chat
var usernames = {};
// rooms which are currently available in chat
var rooms = ['room1','room2','room3'];
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
// when the client emits 'adduser', this listens and executes
socket.on('adduser', function(username){
// store the username in the socket session for this client
socket.username = username;
// store the room name in the socket session for this client
socket.room = 'room1';
// add the client's username to the global list
usernames[username] = username;
// send client to room 1
// echo to client they've connected
socket.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', 'you have connected to room1');
// echo to room 1 that a person has connected to their room
socket.broadcast.to('room1').emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', username + ' has connected to this room');
socket.emit('updaterooms', rooms, 'room1');
// when the client emits 'sendchat', this listens and executes
socket.on('sendchat', function (data) {
// we tell the client to execute 'updatechat' with 2 parameters
io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('updatechat', socket.username, data);
socket.on('switchRoom', function(newroom){
// leave the current room (stored in session)
// join new room, received as function parameter
socket.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', 'you have connected to '+ newroom);
// sent message to OLD room
socket.broadcast.to(socket.room).emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', socket.username+' has left this room');
// update socket session room title
socket.room = newroom;
socket.broadcast.to(newroom).emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', socket.username+' has joined this room');
socket.emit('updaterooms', rooms, newroom);
// when the user disconnects.. perform this
socket.on('disconnect', function(){
// remove the username from global usernames list
delete usernames[socket.username];
// update list of users in chat, client-side
io.sockets.emit('updateusers', usernames);
// echo globally that this client has left
socket.broadcast.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', socket.username + ' has disconnected');
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8080');
// on connection to server, ask for user's name with an anonymous callback
socket.on('connect', function(){
// call the server-side function 'adduser' and send one parameter (value of prompt)
socket.emit('adduser', prompt("What's your name?"));
// listener, whenever the server emits 'updatechat', this updates the chat body
socket.on('updatechat', function (username, data) {
$('#conversation').append('<b>'+username + ':</b> ' + data + '<br>');
// listener, whenever the server emits 'updaterooms', this updates the room the client is in
socket.on('updaterooms', function(rooms, current_room) {
$.each(rooms, function(key, value) {
if(value == current_room){
$('#rooms').append('<div>' + value + '</div>');
else {
$('#rooms').append('<div><a href="#" onclick="switchRoom(\''+value+'\')">' + value + '</a></div>');
function switchRoom(room){
socket.emit('switchRoom', room);
// on load of page
// when the client clicks SEND
$('#datasend').click( function() {
var message = $('#data').val();
// tell server to execute 'sendchat' and send along one parameter
socket.emit('sendchat', message);
// when the client hits ENTER on their keyboard
$('#data').keypress(function(e) {
if(e.which == 13) {
<div style="float:left;width:100px;border-right:1px solid black;height:300px;padding:10px;overflow:scroll-y;">
<div id="rooms"></div>
<div style="float:left;width:300px;height:250px;overflow:scroll-y;padding:10px;">
<div id="conversation"></div>
<input id="data" style="width:200px;" />
<input type="button" id="datasend" value="send" />