如何将命令发送到给定的iTerm 2选项卡?

时间:2016-11-15 19:04:12

标签: macos applescript iterm2

将命令发送到iTerm 2中给定标签 在另一个窗口中 的好方法是什么?我认为AppleScript可能是一个好方法,但它应该在另一个iTerm窗口中运行。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)





  • git pull发送到名为" Github"
  • 的会话
  • 请求所有未处理内容的会话回显其唯一ID

tell application "iTerm"
    repeat with aWindow in windows
        tell aWindow
            repeat with aTab in tabs
                tell aTab
                    repeat with aSession in sessions
                        tell aSession
                            if (name = "GitHub") then
                                write text "git pull"
                            end if
                            if (is at shell prompt) then
                                set uniqueID to "echo StackoverFlow: " & id
                                write text uniqueID
                            end if
                        end tell
                    end repeat
                end tell
            end repeat
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell


id (text, r/o) : The unique identifier of the session.
is processing (boolean) : The session has received output recently.
is at shell prompt (boolean) : The terminal is at the shell prompt. Requires shell integration.
columns (integer)
rows (integer)
tty (text, r/o)
contents (text) : The currently visible contents of the session.
text (text, r/o) : The currently visible contents of the session.
background color (RGB color)
bold color (RGB color)
cursor color (RGB color)
cursor text color (RGB color)
foreground color (RGB color)
selected text color (RGB color)
selection color (RGB color)
ANSI black color (RGB color)
ANSI red color (RGB color)
ANSI green color (RGB color)
ANSI yellow color (RGB color)
ANSI blue color (RGB color)
ANSI magenta color (RGB color)
ANSI cyan color (RGB color)
ANSI white color (RGB color)
ANSI bright black color (RGB color)
ANSI bright red color (RGB color)
ANSI bright green color (RGB color)
ANSI bright yellow color (RGB color)
ANSI bright blue color (RGB color)
ANSI bright magenta color (RGB color)
ANSI bright cyan color (RGB color)
ANSI bright white color (RGB color)
background image (text)
name (text)
transparency (real)
unique ID (text, r/o)
profile name (text, r/o) : The session's profile name
answerback string (text) : ENQ Answerback string