我在几个地方读出了带有时间和湿度数据的记录器。为了探索数据并分发它,我使用Python(通过jupyter notebook)和Bokeh 为了简化数据探索,我希望能够在几个位置启用和禁用I读出记录器以及时间和湿度数据。为了探索数据并分发它,我使用Python(通过jupyter notebook)和Bokeh 为了简化数据探索,我希望能够启用和禁用位置图(以及将来的湿度和/或温度)。为此,我想使用multiselect。
我根据this post选择了多行,但是当我尝试它时,它会选择第一个 n 位置,而不是我选择的位置。
import numpy as np
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
from bokeh.io import push_notebook, show, output_notebook, output_file
from bokeh.layouts import row
from bokeh.palettes import Set1_6
from bokeh.plotting import figure as bf
from bokeh.models import MultiSelect, CustomJS, Range1d, LinearAxis, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.resources import CDN
def generate_example_data(x, param=1):
t = 20 + param + np.sin(x * (1 + param))
rh = 50 + param + 10 * np.tan(x * (1 + param))
return {"x": x.copy(), "t": t, "rh": rh}
def generate_selector_code(locations):
for index, location in enumerate(locations):
res_str = """ if (%(index)i in multiselect.attributes.value) {
%(loc)s_t.visible = true;
%(loc)s_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling0 %(loc)s' );
} else {
%(loc)s_t.visible = false;
%(loc)s_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling0 %(loc)s' );
if ('%(index)i' in multiselect.attributes.value) {
%(loc)s_t.visible = true;
%(loc)s_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling1 %(loc)s' );
} else {
%(loc)s_t.visible = false;
%(loc)s_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling1 %(loc)s' );
if ('%(loc)s' in multiselect.attributes.value) {
%(loc)s_t.visible = true;
%(loc)s_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling2 %(loc)s' );
} else {
%(loc)s_t.visible = false;
%(loc)s_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling2 %(loc)s' );
"""%({"index": index, "loc": location})
# other method's I've tested but which result into an error which states that Object does not have an attribute includes
# if (multiselect.attributes.value.includes('%(index)i')) {
# %(loc)s_t.visible = true;
# %(loc)s_rh.visible = true;
# console.log('enabling3 %(loc)s' );
# } else {
# %(loc)s_t.visible = false;
# %(loc)s_rh.visible = false;
# console.log('disabling3 %(loc)s' );
# }
# if (multiselect.attributes.value.includes('%(loc)s')) {
# %(loc)s_t.visible = true;
# %(loc)s_rh.visible = true;
# console.log('enabling4 %(loc)s' );
# } else {
# %(loc)s_t.visible = false;
# %(loc)s_rh.visible = false;
# console.log('disabling4 %(loc)s' );
# }
yield res_str
locations = ["loc_one", "loc_two", "loc_three"]
x = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 20)
data_per_loc = OrderedDict()
for i, loc in enumerate(locations):
data_per_loc[loc] = generate_example_data(x, i)
tools="pan,box_zoom,reset,resize,save,crosshair,hover,xbox_zoom, wheel_zoom"
def generate_plot(data_per_loc):
palet = itertools.cycle(Set1_6)
p = bf(title="test", plot_height=500, plot_width=1000, tools=tools, y_range=(17, 27),
p.xaxis.axis_label = "x"
p.yaxis.axis_label = "Temperature [°C]"
p.extra_y_ranges = {"humidity": Range1d(start=30, end=80)}
p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="humidity", axis_label="Relative Humidity [%Rh]"), 'right')
plot_locations = OrderedDict()
for location, datadict in data_per_loc.items():
colour = next(palet)
source = ColumnDataSource(datadict)
t = p.line(x='x', y='t', color=colour, source=source, legend=location)
rh = p.line(x='x', y='rh', source=source, color=colour,
legend=location, y_range_name='humidity',
line_dash="dashed", )
plot_locations.update({location+"_t": t, location+"_rh": rh})
code = "console.log('value: ' + multiselect.attributes.value);\n " + "console.log('value_type: ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(multiselect.attributes.value).slice(8, -1));\n " + "console.log('options: ' + multiselect.attributes.options);\n " + "".join(generate_selector_code(data_per_loc.keys()))
return p, code, plot_locations
"console.log('value: ' + multiselect.attributes.value);
console.log('value_type: ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(multiselect.attributes.value).slice(8, -1));
console.log('options: ' + multiselect.attributes.options);
if (0 in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_one_t.visible = true;
loc_one_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling0 loc_one' );
} else {
loc_one_t.visible = false;
loc_one_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling0 loc_one' );
if ('0' in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_one_t.visible = true;
loc_one_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling1 loc_one' );
} else {
loc_one_t.visible = false;
loc_one_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling1 loc_one' );
if ('loc_one' in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_one_t.visible = true;
loc_one_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling2 loc_one' );
} else {
loc_one_t.visible = false;
loc_one_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling2 loc_one' );
if (1 in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_two_t.visible = true;
loc_two_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling0 loc_two' );
} else {
loc_two_t.visible = false;
loc_two_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling0 loc_two' );
if ('1' in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_two_t.visible = true;
loc_two_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling1 loc_two' );
} else {
loc_two_t.visible = false;
loc_two_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling1 loc_two' );
if ('loc_two' in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_two_t.visible = true;
loc_two_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling2 loc_two' );
} else {
loc_two_t.visible = false;
loc_two_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling2 loc_two' );
if (2 in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_three_t.visible = true;
loc_three_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling0 loc_three' );
} else {
loc_three_t.visible = false;
loc_three_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling0 loc_three' );
if ('2' in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_three_t.visible = true;
loc_three_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling1 loc_three' );
} else {
loc_three_t.visible = false;
loc_three_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling1 loc_three' );
if ('loc_three' in multiselect.attributes.value) {
loc_three_t.visible = true;
loc_three_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling2 loc_three' );
} else {
loc_three_t.visible = false;
loc_three_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling2 loc_three' );
p, code, plot_locations = generate_plot(data_per_loc)
ms_options = locations
ms_value = locations
callback = CustomJS(code=code, args={})
multiselect = MultiSelect(title="Location:", options=ms_options, value=ms_value, callback=callback)
callback.args = dict(**plot_locations, multiselect=multiselect)
layout = row(p, multiselect)
p, code, plot_locations = generate_plot(data_per_loc)
ms_options = [(str(i), v) for i , v in enumerate(locations)]
ms_value = [str(i) for i in range(len(locations))]
callback = CustomJS(code=code, args={})
multiselect = MultiSelect(title="Location:", options=ms_options value=ms_value, callback=callback)
callback.args = dict(**plot_locations, multiselect=multiselect)
layout = row(p, multiselect)
Bokeh绘制线条没有问题,但选择很奇怪。它没有显示我想要的位置,而是给出了第一个 n 行,前两个选择方法,第三个没有。
的内容value: loc_two
value_type: Array
options: loc_one,loc_two,loc_three
enabling0 loc_one
enabling1 loc_one
disabling2 loc_one
disabling0 loc_two
disabling1 loc_two
disabling2 loc_two
disabling0 loc_three
disabling1 loc_three
disabling2 loc_three
value: loc_two,loc_three
value_type: Array
options: loc_one,loc_two,loc_three
enabling0 loc_one
enabling1 loc_one
disabling2 loc_one
enabling0 loc_two
enabling1 loc_two
disabling2 loc_two
disabling0 loc_three
disabling1 loc_three
disabling2 loc_three
我已经在我的github repo my github repo上添加了所有示例代码,以及javascript控制台输出。所有这些都是通过IE11(公司限制)测试的。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
res_str = """\
if (multiselect.attributes.value.indexOf('%(loc)s')>-1) {
%(loc)s_t.visible = true;
%(loc)s_rh.visible = true;
console.log('enabling5 %(loc)s' );
} else {
%(loc)s_t.visible = false;
%(loc)s_rh.visible = false;
console.log('disabling5 %(loc)s' );
"""%({"index": index, "loc": location})
是def generate_selector_code(locations):
在审核the bokeh example中使用CustomJS.from_coffeescript()
并浏览CoffeeScript documentation
of => in
in => no JS equivalent
答案 1 :(得分:0)
res_str = """\
if '%(loc)s' in multiselect.attributes.value
%(loc)s_t.visible = true
%(loc)s_rh.visible = true
console.log 'enabling %(loc)s'
} else {
%(loc)s_t.visible = false
%(loc)s_rh.visible = false
console.log 'disabling %(loc)s'
"""%({"index": index, "loc": location})