
时间:2016-11-12 14:40:39

标签: vba access-vba









4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


Function ReverseArray(arr As Variant) As Variant
    Dim val As Variant

    With CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") '<-- create a "temporary" array list with late binding 
        For Each val In arr '<--| fill arraylist
            .Add val
        Next val
        .Reverse '<--| reverse it
        ReverseArray = .Toarray '<--| write it into an array
    End With
End Function


Sub main()
    Dim arr As Variant

    arr = ReverseArray(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) '<-- it returns an array of Variant/Integer with values 5,4,3,2,1        
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:4)


Chip Pearson可以为你想要对阵列(和其他结构)做任何事情提供任何功能。

http://www.cpearson.com/excel/vbaarrays.htm - &gt; ReverseArrayInPlace


Ndx2 = UBound(InputArray)
' loop from the LBound of InputArray to the midpoint of InputArray
For Ndx = LBound(InputArray) To ((UBound(InputArray) - LBound(InputArray) + 1) \ 2)
    'swap the elements
    Temp = InputArray(Ndx)
    InputArray(Ndx) = InputArray(Ndx2)
    InputArray(Ndx2) = Temp
    ' decrement the upper index
    Ndx2 = Ndx2 - 1
Next Ndx

答案 2 :(得分:1)

Andre的答案指的是Chip Pearson的函数我认为for循环中的+1是错误的,在LBound和UBound的情况下,不是偶然或者两者都是ODD导致中点逆转被恢复。即LBound和UBound之间的差异是ODD。

考虑0 = LBound和9 = UBound。

9 + 1 = 10/2 = 5

因此循环将用于Ndx = 0到5.这是6次迭代。一次迭代太多了。

Ndx = 0,Ndx2 = 9:0&lt;&gt; 9 Ndx = 1,Ndx2 = 8:1&lt;&gt; 8 Ndx = 2,Ndx2 = 7:2&lt; 7&gt; Ndx = 3,Ndx2 = 6:3&lt; 6&gt; Ndx = 4,Ndx2 = 5:4&lt; 5&gt; 5 Ndx = 5,Ndx2 = 4:5&lt; 4&gt;


同样应将LBound添加到UBound中,而不是减去。如果减去则它仅适用于LBound为零。考虑50 = LBound,100 = UBound。这将导致For Ndx = 50到25.注意,这应该是FROM,TO计算而不是迭代计数计算。

这是我用于反转一维和二维数组的函数 他们还可以选择性地保留指定数量的标题行。

' Reverse array (one dimensional), optionally retain header rows.
Private Sub Reverse_Array_1d(ByRef Ary As Variant, Optional Header_Rows As Integer = 0)

 Dim Dimension_Y As Integer     ' Rows (height)
 Dim Y_first As Long
 Dim Y_last As Long
 Dim Y_last_plus_Y_first As Long
 Dim Y_next As Long

 Dimension_Y = 1
 Y_first = LBound(Ary, Dimension_Y) + Header_Rows
 Y_last = UBound(Ary, Dimension_Y)
 Y_last_plus_Y_first = Y_last + Y_first

 Dim tmp As Variant

 For Y = Y_first To Y_last_plus_Y_first / 2
    Y_next = Y_last_plus_Y_first - Y
    tmp = Ary(Y_next)
    Ary(Y_next) = Ary(Y)
    Ary(Y) = tmp

End Sub

ReDim Ary(0 To 9) As Variant
Header_Rows = 1
Call Reverse_1d_Array(Ary, CInt(Header_Rows))

' Reverse array (two dimensional), optionally retain header rows.
Private Sub Reverse_Array_2d(ByRef Ary As Variant, Optional Header_Rows As Integer = 0)

 Dim Dimension_Y As Integer     ' Rows (height)
 Dim Y_first As Long
 Dim Y_last As Long
 Dim Y_last_plus_Y_first As Long
 Dim Y_next As Long

 Dimension_Y = 1
 Y_first = LBound(Ary, Dimension_Y) + Header_Rows
 Y_last = UBound(Ary, Dimension_Y)
 Y_last_plus_Y_first = Y_last + Y_first

 Dim Dimension_X As Integer      ' Columns (width)
 Dim X_first As Long
 Dim X_last As Long

 Dimension_X = 2
 X_first = LBound(Ary, Dimension_X)
 X_last = UBound(Ary, Dimension_X)

 ReDim tmp(X_first To X_last) As Variant

 For Y = Y_first To Y_last_plus_Y_first / 2
    Y_next = Y_last_plus_Y_first - Y
    For X = X_first To X_last
        tmp(X) = Ary(Y_next, X)
        Ary(Y_next, X) = Ary(Y, X)
        Ary(Y, X) = tmp(X)

End Sub

ReDim Ary(0 To 9, 0 To 3) As Variant
Header_Rows = 1
Call Reverse_2d_Array(Ary, CInt(Header_Rows))

答案 3 :(得分:0)

(1):一种简单但有限的解决方案,如果您的数据是由单个字符或回文组成的。假设您的数组名为vTmp,并且您可以选择一个不在数据中出现的定界符-我将使用“ |”。那么单行方法是:

vTmp = VBA.Split(VBA.StrReverse(VBA.Join(vTmp, "|")), "|")


(2):完整的解决方案,作为完整的Excel VBA功能:

Public Function rxReverse(uInput) As Variant
  '' Simply reverses the order of items in input array.
  '' If Input is singular, then it reverses the content.
  '' v1 Rich Sulin 05-08-2019
  Dim vTmp As Variant
  Dim a1 As Long, a2 As Long, a3 As Long
  Dim i As Long, j As Long
    rxReverse = vbNullString
    '' uInput is a Range object?
    If TypeOf uInput Is Range Then
        a1 = 1
        If uInput.Columns.Count > 1 Then
            a2 = uInput.Columns.Count
            ReDim vTmp(a1 To a2) As Variant
            a3 = 1 + (a2 - a1) / 2
            For i = a1 To a3
                j = a2 - i + 1
                vTmp(j) = uInput(1, i).Value
                vTmp(i) = uInput(1, j).Value
            Next i
        ElseIf uInput.Rows.Count > 1 Then
            a2 = uInput.Rows.Count
            ReDim vTmp(a1 To a2) As Variant
            a3 = 1 + (a2 - a1) / 2
            For i = a1 To a3
                j = a2 - i + 1
                vTmp(j) = uInput(1, i).Value
                vTmp(i) = uInput(1, j).Value
            Next i
            vTmp = VBA.StrReverse(VBA.CStr(uInput.Value))
        End If
    '' uInput is an Array?
        Select Case VBA.VarType(uInput)
            Case Is >= vbArray
                a1 = LBound(uInput)
                a2 = UBound(uInput)
                ReDim vTmp(a1 To a2) As Variant
                a3 = 1 + (a2 - a1) / 2
                For i = a1 To a3
                    j = a2 - i + 1
                    vTmp(j) = uInput(i)
                    vTmp(i) = uInput(j)
                Next i
    '' uInput is an irrelevant type?
            Case vbNull, vbEmpty, vbError
                Exit Function
    '' uInput is a singular data; reverse it.
            Case Else
                vTmp = VBA.StrReverse(VBA.CStr(uInput))
        End Select
    End If
    rxReverse = vTmp
    '' If called from a Worksheet, vertically, then orient output array "vertically"
    If VBA.IsObject(Application.Caller) Then
        If Application.Caller.Rows.Count > 1 Then
            rxReverse = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vTmp)
        End If
    End If
End Function