作者说: -
之后,作者继续解释表达式的执行: -
17:36:12 - DEBUG: Preparing Injection Hibernate Session and Transaction process: /addStudent - Method: com.struts2hibernatepagination.action.AddStudentAction.execute()
17:36:12 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin's Session Factory: destroy factory required...
17:36:12 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin's Session Factory: C3P0 not found
17:36:12 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin's Session Factory: All SessionFactories Destroyed sucessful
17:36:12 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session Required (from current Thread) - SessionFactory required: (default)
17:36:12 - DEBUG: No Hibernate Session in current thread. New Hibernate Session will be created and returned (SessionFactory "(default)")
17:36:12 - DEBUG: New Hibernate Session required - SessionFactory required: (default)
17:36:12 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin's Session Factory build started...
17:36:12 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin's Session Factory using Hibernate Annotation Configuration
17:36:13 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin's Session Factory configuration file "/hibernate.cfg.xml" configured
17:36:14 - DEBUG: SessionFactory "" configured from "/hibernate.cfg.xml" file
17:36:14 - DEBUG: "" configured as the *default* SessionFactory of the Full Hibernate Plugin's Session Factory
17:36:14 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin's Session Factory built successful
17:36:14 - DEBUG: New Hibernate Session created and returned (SessionFactory "")
17:36:14 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session from Full Hibernate Plugin's Hibernate Session Factory
17:36:14 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session injected (by annotation) into Action. Field "session". Class "com.struts2hibernatepagination.dao.StudentDAO"
17:36:14 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin Validation in class com.struts2hibernatepagination.action.AddStudentAction
17:36:14 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin Validation found no erros.
Hibernate: insert into student (last_name, first_name, marks) values (?, ?, ?)
**TinaDutta44Inside execute method**
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Hibernate Transation org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction@1d4fbd1 rolledback by Full Hibernate Plugin
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session closed
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session closed by Full Hibernate Plugin's Hibernate Session Factory
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Hibernate Transaction Committed
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Injection Hibernate Session and Transaction process for /addStudent - Method: com.struts2hibernatepagination.action.AddStudentAction.execute() finished
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Preparing Injection Hibernate Session and Transaction process: /listStudents - Method: com.struts2hibernatepagination.action.AddStudentAction.listStudents()
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session Required (from current Thread) - SessionFactory required: (default)
17:36:15 - DEBUG: No Hibernate Session in current thread. New Hibernate Session will be created and returned (SessionFactory "(default)")
17:36:15 - DEBUG: New Hibernate Session required - SessionFactory required: (default)
17:36:15 - DEBUG: New Hibernate Session created and returned (SessionFactory "")
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session from Full Hibernate Plugin's Hibernate Session Factory
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session injected (by annotation) into Action. Field "session". Class "com.struts2hibernatepagination.dao.StudentDAO"
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin Validation in class com.struts2hibernatepagination.action.AddStudentAction
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin Validation found no erros.
Inside validate method!!**
17:36:15 - DEBUG: Full Hibernate Plugin found custom validation errors: {} [Please Enter First Name !!!]
17:36:16 - DEBUG: Hibernate Transation org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction@6ee964 rolledback by Full Hibernate Plugin
17:36:16 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session closed
17:36:16 - DEBUG: Hibernate Session closed by Full Hibernate Plugin's Hibernate Session Factory
17:36:16 - DEBUG: Hibernate Transaction Committed
17:36:16 - DEBUG: Injection Hibernate Session and Transaction process for /listStudents - Method: com.struts2hibernatepagination.action.AddStudentAction.listStudents() finished
结果有点违背了我对预期输出的直觉。我认为答案只是列表: - 虽然作者的解释足以理解执行过程以及我们如何得到最终结果,但它并没有解释为什么它的工作方式如此。filter (< 3) [1..]
答案 0 :(得分:5)
出于这个原因,在你提到的例子filter (< 3) [1..]
之后永远不会有任何元素满足(< 3)
表示的无限列表只包含两个小于3的元素,但Haskell没有任何这样的分析能力 - 它只是一种函数式编程语言。
接近无限列表,但没有它,它只是一个计算 - 我们总能产生的承诺如果我们想要更多元素,但与数学无限集不同,它不是对真正无限元素集的一些高级描述。它只是一组有限的元素,具有任意大小,并描述了如何获得更多。