type GivenName() =
inherit VMBase()
member this.First
with get() = this.Get(<@ this.First @>, String.Empty)
member this.Middle
with get() = this.Get(<@ this.Middle @>, String.Empty)
member this.Last
with get() = this.Get(<@ this.Last @>, String.Empty)
member this.Prefix
with get() = this.Get(<@ this.Prefix @>, String.Empty)
member this.Suffix
with get() = this.Get(<@ this.Suffix @>, String.Empty)
member this.FullName
with get() = this.Get(<@ this.FullName @>, String.Empty)
and set (value) = parseName value
member this.Generation
with get() = this.Get(<@ this.Generation @>, String.Empty)
override this.ToString() =