
时间:2010-10-29 19:54:48

标签: java text word-wrap line-breaks linewrap


  • 尊重现有的换行符
  • 分解超出字边界最大长度的行
  • 通过插入连字符来分解长度超过最大线宽的单词

编辑:此处没有“像素”,只有java.lang.String。 “最大宽度”是指一行中的字符数。

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:24)

答案 1 :(得分:1)




答案 2 :(得分:1)

我使用以下内容。这样可以保留所有水平的空白空间,允许多字符换行和断字序列,并允许为残破的单词悬挂或标记其他字符的缩进。 Javadoc旨在充分描述用法。

/**Wraps a source String into a series of lines having a maximum specified length.  The source is
 * wrapped at: spaces, horizontal tabs, system newLine characters, or a specified newLine character
 * sequence.  Existing newLine character sequences in the source string, whether they be the system
 * newLine or the specified newLine, are honored.  Existing whitespace (spaces and horizontal tabs)
 * is preserved.
 * <p>
 * When <tt>wrapLongWords</tt> is true, words having a length greater than the specified
 * <tt>lineLength</tt> will be broken, the specified <tt>longWordBreak</tt> terminator appended,
 * and a new line initiated with the text of the specified <tt>longWordLinePrefix</tt> string.  The
 * position of the break will be unceremoniously chosen such that <tt>ineLength</tt> is honored.
 * One use of <tt>longWordLinePrefix</tt> is to effect "hanging indents"  by specifying a series of
 * spaces for this parameter.  This parameter can contain the lineFeed character(s).  Although
 * <tt>longWordLinePrefix</tt> can contain the horizontal tab character, the results are not
 * guaranteed because no attempt is made to determine the quantity of character positions occupied by a
 * horizontal tab.</p>
 * <p>
 * Example usage:
 * <pre>
 * wrap( "  A very long word is Abracadabra in my book", 11, "\n", true, "-", "  ");</pre>
 * returns (note the effect of the single-character lineFeed):
 * <pre>
 *   A very
 * long word
 * is Abraca-
 *   dabra in
 * my book</pre>
 * Whereas, the following:
 * <pre>
 * wrap( "  A very long word is Abracadabra in my book", 11, null, true, null, "  ");</pre>
 * returns (due to the 2-character system linefeed):
 * <pre>
 *   A very
 * long
 * word is A
 *   bracada
 *   bra in
 * my book</pre></p>
 * @param src  the String to be word wrapped, may be null
 * @param lineLength the maximum line length, including the length of <tt>newLineStr</tt> and, when
 *        applicable, <tt>longWordLinePrefix</tt>.  If the value is insufficient to accommodate
 *        these two parameters + 1 character, it will be increased accordingly.
 * @param newLineStr the string to insert for a new line, or <code>null</code> to use the value
 *        reported as the system line separator by the JVM
 * @param wrapLongWords  when <tt>false</tt>, words longer than <tt>wrapLength</t> will not be broken
 * @param longWordBreak string with which to precede <tt>newLineStr</tt> on each line of a broken word,
 *        excepting the last line, or <tt>null</tt> if this feature is not to be used
 * @param longWordLinePrefix string with which to prefix each line of a broken word, subsequent
 *        to the first line, or <tt>null</tt> if no prefix is to be used
 * @return a line with newlines inserted, or <code>null</code> if <tt>src</tt> is null
public static String wrap( String src, int lineLength, String newLineStr, boolean wrapLongWords,
    String longWordBreak, String longWordLinePrefix ) {
  // Trivial case
  if ( src == null ) return null;

  if ( newLineStr == null )
    newLineStr = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );

  if ( longWordBreak == null )
    longWordBreak = "";

  if ( longWordLinePrefix == null )
    longWordLinePrefix = "";

  // Adjust maximum line length to accommodate the newLine string
  lineLength -= newLineStr.length();
  if ( lineLength < 1 )
    lineLength = 1;

  // Guard for long word break or prefix that would create an infinite loop
  if ( wrapLongWords && lineLength - longWordBreak.length() - longWordLinePrefix.length() < 1 )
    lineLength += longWordBreak.length() + longWordLinePrefix.length();

      remaining = lineLength,
      breakLength = longWordBreak.length();

  Matcher m = Pattern.compile( ".+?[ \\t]|.+?(?:" + newLineStr + ")|.+?$" ).matcher( src );

  StringBuilder cache = new StringBuilder();

  while ( m.find() ) {
    String word = m.group();

    // Breakup long word
    while ( wrapLongWords && word.length() > lineLength ) {
          .append( word.substring( 0, remaining - breakLength ) )
          .append( longWordBreak )
          .append( newLineStr );
      word = longWordLinePrefix + word.substring( remaining - breakLength );
      remaining = lineLength;
      } // if

    // Linefeed if word exceeds remaining space
    if ( word.length() > remaining ) {
          .append( newLineStr )
          .append( word );
      remaining = lineLength;
      } // if

    // Word fits in remaining space
      cache.append( word );

    remaining -= word.length();
    } // while

  return cache.toString();    
  } // wrap()

答案 3 :(得分:0)


答案 4 :(得分:0)

如果您正在尝试格式化某种方式的文档,那么还有旧的unix roff(或runoff)命令系列。你只需要插入格式化命令,让roff完成繁重的任务。

答案 5 :(得分:0)

public static List<String> stringBreak(String string, int maxChar) {

    List<String> subLines = new ArrayList<String>();

    int length = string.length();
    int start = 0;
    int end = maxChar;
    if (length > maxChar) {

        int noOfLines = (length / maxChar) + 1;

        int endOfStr[] = new int[noOfLines];

        for (int f = 0; f < noOfLines - 1; f++) {

            int end1 = maxChar;

            endOfStr[f] = end;

            if (string.charAt(end - 1) != ' ') {

                if (string.charAt(end - 2) == ' ') {

                    subLines.add(string.substring(start, end - 1));
                    start = end - 1;
                    end = end - 1 + end1;

                } else if (string.charAt(end - 2) != ' '
                        && string.charAt(end) == ' ') {

                    subLines.add(string.substring(start, end));
                    start = end;
                    end = end + end1;

                } else if (string.charAt(end - 2) != ' ') {

                    subLines.add(string.substring(start, end) + "-");
                    start = end;
                    end = end + end1;

                } else if (string.charAt(end + 2) == ' ') {
                    System.out.println("m here ............");
                    int lastSpaceIndex = string.substring(start, end)
                    subLines.add(string.substring(start, lastSpaceIndex));

                    start = lastSpaceIndex;
                    end = lastSpaceIndex + end1;

            } else {

                subLines.add(string.substring(start, end));
                start = end;
                end = end + end1;


        subLines.add(string.substring(endOfStr[noOfLines - 2], length));


    return subLines;

答案 6 :(得分:0)

使用word-wrap库(在Maven Central中可用)。


String text = "hello how are you going?";
String wrapped = 
    .insertHyphens(true) // true is the default


hi there
how are
you going?

该库在行上保留前导空格,这是对Apache commons-lang 产品行为的抱怨。您还可以指定stringWidth函数,以在渲染文本时获得像素精确的结果。



