Prolog:错误:> / 2:参数没有充分实例化

时间:2016-11-10 09:29:53

标签: prolog clpfd zebra-puzzle instantiation-error



布朗,克拉克,琼斯和史密斯是4名服务的重要公民   他们的社区是建筑师,银行家,医生和律师,但不是   必然分别。布朗比谁更保守   琼斯,但比史密斯更自由,是一个比男人更好的高尔夫球手   比他年轻,收入比男人多   比克拉克更老。       这位银行家的收入高于建筑师,既不是最年轻也不是最年长的。


比律师更差的高尔夫球手的医生更少   比建筑师保守。        正如可以预料的那样,最年长的人是最保守的,收入最多的人,最年轻的男人是最好的高尔夫球手。        每个人的职业是什么?


ERROR: >/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated


% We represent each "person" with a six-tuple of the form
% [ name , profession , age , income , politics , golf ranking ]
% where name is either brown, clark, jones, or smith
%       profession is either banker, lawyer, doctor, or architect
%       age is a range 1 .. 4, with 1 being the youngest and 4 the oldest
%       income is a range 1 .. 4, with 1 being the least and 4 the most
%       politics is a range 1 .. 4, with 1 being conservative, 4 liberal
%       golf ranking is a range 1 .. 4, 1 for the best rank, 4 for the worst

solutions(L) :- L = [ [brown, _, _, _, _, _], [clark, _, _, _, _, _],
                      [jones, _, _, _, _, _], [smith, _, _, _, _, _] ],

% clue #1
% brown, who is more conservateive than jones but
% more liberal than smith, is a better golfer than
% the men who are younger than he is and has a larger
% income than the men who are older than clark

clue1(L) :- member(P1,L), member(P2,L), member(P3,L),
            P1 = [brown, _, A1, _, L1, G1],
            P2 = [jones, _, _, _, L2, _],
            P3 = [smith, _, _, _, L3, _],
            liberaler( P2, P1 ),
            liberaler( P1, P3 ),
            not( clue1_helper_a(L) ),
            not( clue1_helper_b(L) ).

% for all men younger than brown he is a better golfer ===>
% it is not the case that there exists a man younger than brown
% such that brown is not a better golfer than him.
% The "is not the case" is taken care of in clue1.

clue1_helper_a(L) :- member(P1,L), P1 = [brown, _, A1, _, L1, G1],
                     member(PU,L), PU = [_, _, AU, _, _, GU],
                     not(golfier(P1, PU)).

% for all men older than clark, brown makes more money than they do ===>
% it is not the case that there exists a man older than clark such that
% brown does not make more money than him.
% The "is not the case" is taken care of in clue1.

clue1_helper_b(L) :- member(P1,L), P1 = [brown, _, _, _, _, _],
                     member(P2,L), P2 = [clark, _, _, _, _, _],
                     member(PU,L), PU = [_, _, _, _, _, _],
                     not(richer(P1, PU)).

% clue #2
% the banker, who earns more than the archiect, is
% neither the youngest nor the oldest

clue2(L) :- member(P1,L), member(P2,L),
            P1 = [_, banker, A1, I1, _, _],
            P2 = [_, architect, _, I2, _, _],
            not( A1 = 1 ),
            not( A1 = 4 ).

% clue #3
% the doctor, who is a pooer golfer than the lawyer, is
% less conservative than the architect. 

clue3(L) :- member(P1, L), member(P2, L), member(P3,L),
            P1 = [_,doctor, _, _, L1, G1],
            P2 = [_,lawyer, _, _, _, G2],
            P3 = [_,architect, _, _, L3, _],

% clue #4
% as might be expected, the oldest man is the most
% conservative and has the largest income, and the 
% youngest man is the best golfer.

clue4(L) :- member(P1,L), member(P2,L),
            P1 = [_, _, 4, 4, 1, _],
            P2 = [_, _, 1, _, _, 1].

% relations

younger(X,Y) :- X = [_, _, AX, _, _, _], Y = [_, _, AY, _, _, _], AX < AY.

liberaler(X,Y) :- X = [_, _, _, _, LX, _], Y = [_, _, _, _, LY, _], LX > LY.

golfier(X,Y) :- X = [_, _, _, _, _, GX], Y = [_, _, _, _, _, GY], GX < GY.

richer(X,Y) :- X = [_, _, _, IX, _, _], Y = [_, _, _, IY, _, _], IX > IY.

% constraints

constrained_profession(L) :-
    member(P1,L), member(P2,L), member(P3,L), member(P4,L),
    P1 = [_, banker, _, _, _, _],
    P2 = [_, lawyer, _, _, _, _],
    P3 = [_, doctor, _, _, _, _],
    P4 = [_, architect, _, _, _, _].

constrained_age(L) :-
    member(P1,L), member(P2,L), member(P3,L), member(P4,L),
    P1 = [_, _, 1, _, _, _],
    P2 = [_, _, 2, _, _, _],
    P3 = [_, _, 3, _, _, _],
    P4 = [_, _, 4, _, _, _].

constrained_income(L) :-
    member(P1,L), member(P2,L), member(P3,L), member(P4,L),
    P1 = [_, _, _, 1, _, _],
    P2 = [_, _, _, 2, _, _],
    P3 = [_, _, _, 3, _, _],
    P4 = [_, _, _, 4, _, _].

constrained_politics(L) :-
    member(P1,L), member(P2,L), member(P3,L), member(P4,L),
    P1 = [_, _, _, _, 1, _],
    P2 = [_, _, _, _, 2, _],
    P3 = [_, _, _, _, 3, _],
    P4 = [_, _, _, _, 4, _].

constrained_golf_rank(L) :-
    member(P1,L), member(P2,L), member(P3,L), member(P4,L),
    P1 = [_, _, _, _, _, 1],
    P2 = [_, _, _, _, _, 2],
    P3 = [_, _, _, _, _, 3],
    P4 = [_, _, _, _, _, 4].

% end


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


为了更一般地推理整数,请使用Prolog系统的 CLP(FD)约束 而不是

例如,在GNU Prolog中,只需(>)/2替换为(#>)/2 就可以更加声明地推理整数。

在其他Prolog系统中,您当前可能需要导入专用库。例如,在SICStus Prolog中,您需要添加指令:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).



younger(X,Y) :- X = [_, _, AX, _, _, _], Y = [_, _, AY, _, _, _], AX #< AY.

liberaler(X,Y) :- X = [_, _, _, _, LX, _], Y = [_, _, _, _, LY, _], LX #> LY.

golfier(X,Y) :- X = [_, _, _, _, _, GX], Y = [_, _, _, _, _, GY], GX #< GY.

richer(X,Y) :- X = [_, _, _, IX, _, _], Y = [_, _, _, IY, _, _], IX #> IY.


?- solutions(L).

