这很奇怪:我有3个数据帧," prov_data" with包含提供者ID并依赖于区域和类别(即,提供者与这些区域和类别进行了多少次交互)。
prov_data = DataFrame({'aprov_id':[1122,3344,5566,7788],'prov_region_1':[0,0,4,0],'prov_region_2':[2,0,0,0],
" tender_data"它包含相同但招标。
tender_data = DataFrame({'atender_id':['AA12','BB33','CC45'],
最后是" no_match" DF包含提供者和招标之间的禁止匹配。
no_match = DataFrame({ 'prov_id':[1122,3344,5566],
我需要执行以下操作:创建一个新的df,它将追加prov_data&的行。 tender_data DataFrames如果它们(1)匹配一个或多个类别(即同一类别是> 0)和(2)匹配一个或多个区域AND(3)不在no_match列表上。
df = DataFrame({'aprov_id':[1122,3344,7788],'prov_region_1':[0,0,0],'prov_region_2':[2,0,0],
'prov_cat_4':[0,3,0], 'atender_id':['BB33','AA12','BB33'],
答案 0 :(得分:2)
<强> 码 强>
# the first columns of each dataframe are the ids
# i'm going to use them several times
tid = tender_data.values[:, 0]
pid = prov_data.values[:, 0]
# first columns [1, 2, 3, 4] are cat columns
# we could have used filter, but this is good
# for this example
pc = prov_data.values[:, 1:5]
tc = tender_data.values[:, 1:5]
# columns [5, 6, 7] are rgn columns
pr = prov_data.values[:, 5:]
tr = tender_data.values[:, 5:]
# I want to mave this an m x n array, where
# m = number of rows in prov df and n = rows in tender
nm = no_match.groupby(['prov_id', 'tender_id']).size().unstack()
nm = nm.reindex_axis(tid, 1).reindex_axis(pid, 0)
nm = ~nm.fillna(0).astype(bool).values * 1
# the dot products of the cat arrays gets a handy
# array where there are > 1 co-positive values
# this combined with the a no_match construct
a = pd.DataFrame(pc.dot(tc.T) * pr.dot(tr.T) * nm > 0, pid, tid)
a = a.mask(~a).stack().index
fp = a.get_level_values(0)
ft = a.get_level_values(1)
], axis=1)
index prov_cat_1 prov_cat_2 prov_cat_3 prov_cat_4 prov_region_1 \
0 1122 0 1 0 0 0
1 3344 2 0 0 3 0
2 7788 0 0 4 0 0
prov_region_2 prov_region_3 atender_id ten_cat_1 ten_cat_2 ten_cat_3 \
0 2 0 BB33 0 1 1
1 0 1 AA12 1 0 0
2 0 1 BB33 0 1 1
ten_cat_4 ten_region_1 ten_region_2 ten_region_3
0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 1
答案 1 :(得分:0)
prov_data['tkey'] = 1
tender_data['tkey'] = 1
df1 = pd.merge(prov_data,tender_data,how='outer',on='tkey')
df1 = pd.merge(df1,no_match,how='outer',left_on = 'aprov_id', right_on = 'prov_id')
df1['dropData'] = df1.apply(lambda x: True if x['tender_id'] == x['atender_id'] else False, axis=1)
df1['dropData'] = df1.apply(lambda x: (x['dropData'] == True) or not(
((x['prov_cat_1'] > 0 and x['ten_cat_1'] > 0) or
(x['prov_cat_2'] > 0 and x['ten_cat_2'] > 0) or
(x['prov_cat_3'] > 0 and x['ten_cat_3'] > 0) or
(x['prov_cat_4'] > 0 and x['ten_cat_4'] > 0)) and(
(x['prov_region_1'] > 0 and x['ten_region_1'] > 0) or
(x['prov_region_2'] > 0 and x['ten_region_2'] > 0) or
(x['prov_region_3'] > 0 and x['ten_region_3'] > 0))),axis=1)
df1 = df1[~df1.dropData]
df1 = df1[[u'aprov_id', u'atender_id', u'prov_cat_1', u'prov_cat_2', u'prov_cat_3',
u'prov_cat_4', u'prov_region_1', u'prov_region_2', u'prov_region_3',
u'ten_cat_1', u'ten_cat_2', u'ten_cat_3', u'ten_cat_4', u'ten_region_1',
u'ten_region_2', u'ten_region_3']].reset_index(drop=True)
print df1.equals(df)