I'm using SQL Server 2012 to extract rolling sales info for sales agents. These agents are paid bonuses if they achieve 15 sales within a rolling time period of 6 or less days. If they make target, the rolling count resets. Sundays should be ignored.
So given the following AgentID, Date and Sales data:
SELECT 1 AgentID,'2016-10-31' Date,1 Sales
INTO #Sales
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-01',2
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-02',1
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-03',5
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-04',3
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-05',2
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-07',6
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-08',5
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-09',4
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-10',6
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-11',1
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-12',3
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-14',2
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-15',2
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-16',4
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-17',2
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-18',2
The Dates that I expect the target to be hit are:
2016-11-07 (period 2016-11-01 -> 2016-11-07)
2016-11-10 (period 2016-11-08 -> 2016-11-10)
2016-11-18 (period 2016-11-12 -> 2016-11-18)
AgentID Date Sales Qualify
1 2016-10-31 1 0
1 2016-11-01 2 0
1 2016-11-02 1 0
1 2016-11-03 5 0
1 2016-11-04 3 0
1 2016-11-05 2 0
1 2016-11-07 6 1
1 2016-11-08 5 0
1 2016-11-09 4 0
1 2016-11-10 6 1
1 2016-11-11 1 0
1 2016-11-12 3 0
1 2016-11-14 2 0
1 2016-11-15 2 0
1 2016-11-16 4 0
1 2016-11-17 2 0
1 2016-11-18 2 1
I've tried a few approaches but I can't find a way to reset the rolling totals.
I think that window functions are the way to go.
Looking at posts like Window Functions - Running Total with reset
I think this is similar to what I need but can't quite get it to work correctly.
UPDATE: The first thing I tried was to create rolling 6 day windows but I don't see this working in a set-based approach. I could use a cursor to step through these rows but I really don't like the idea.
SELECT DATEADD(DAY,-6,a.Date) StartDate,Date EndDate,a.AgentID,a.Sales,
(SELECT SUM(b.Sales)
FROM cteSales b
WHERE b.Date <= a.Date
AND b.Date >= DATEADD(DAY,-6,a.Date)) TotalSales
FROM cteSales a
I then tried to use the script mentioned in the URL above but I don't really understand what it's doing. I'm just changing things in the hope of stumbling across the solution and that just isn't working.
WITH c1 as
select *,
sum(sales) over(order by IDDate rows unbounded preceding) as rt
from cteSales
SELECT date, sales, rt,
SalesTarget_rt - lag(SalesTarget_rt, 1, 0) over(order by date) as SalesTarget,
rt * SalesTarget_rt as new_rt
from c1
cross apply(values(case when rt >= 15 then 1 else 0 end)) as a1(SalesTarget_rt);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
和任何日期序列,假设任何缺失日期不包括在奖励应计期间 - 即:如果您忽略星期日和星期三,则计算期间因此:
Day Period Day
Monday 1
Tuesday 2
Thursday 3
Friday 4
Saturday 5
Monday 6
declare @t table(AgentID int
,DateValue Date
,Sales int
insert into @t
select 1,'2016-10-31',1 union all
select 1,'2016-11-01',2 union all
select 1,'2016-11-02',1 union all
select 1,'2016-11-03',5 union all
select 1,'2016-11-04',3 union all
select 1,'2016-11-05',2 union all
select 1,'2016-11-07',6 union all
select 1,'2016-11-08',5 union all
select 1,'2016-11-09',4 union all
select 1,'2016-11-10',6 union all
select 1,'2016-11-11',1 union all
select 1,'2016-11-12',3 union all
select 1,'2016-11-14',2 union all
select 1,'2016-11-15',2 union all
select 1,'2016-11-16',4 union all
select 1,'2016-11-17',2 union all
select 1,'2016-11-18',2 union all
select 2,'2016-10-31',1 union all
select 2,'2016-11-01',7 union all
select 2,'2016-11-02',0 union all
select 2,'2016-11-03',0 union all
select 2,'2016-11-04',0 union all
select 2,'2016-11-05',0 union all
select 2,'2016-11-07',0 union all
select 2,'2016-11-08',0 union all
select 2,'2016-11-09',1 union all
select 2,'2016-11-10',3 union all
select 2,'2016-11-11',2 union all
select 2,'2016-11-12',3 union all
select 2,'2016-11-14',7 union all
select 2,'2016-11-15',6 union all
select 2,'2016-11-16',3 union all
select 2,'2016-11-17',5 union all
select 2,'2016-11-18',3;
-- Set the number of days that sales can accrue towards a Bonus.
declare @DaysInBonusPeriod int = 6;
with rn -- Derived table to get incremental ordering for recursice cte. This is useful as Sundays are ignored.
select t.AgentID
,row_number() over (order by t.AgentID, t.DateValue) as rn
from @t t
,prev -- Using the row numbering above, find the number of sales in the day before the bonus accrual period. We have to use the row numbers as Sundays are ignored.
select t.AgentID
,isnull(tp.Sales,0) as SalesOnDayBeforeCurrentPeriod
from rn t
left join rn tp
on(t.AgentID = tp.AgentID
and tp.rn = t.rn - @DaysInBonusPeriod -- Get number of sales on the day before the max Bonus period.
,cte -- Use a recursive cte to calculate running totals based on sales, whether the bonus was achieved the previous day and if the previous bonus was more than 5 days ago.
select rn
,Sales as TotalSales
,case when Sales >= 15 then 1 else 0 end as Bonus
,1 as DaysSinceLastBonus
from prev
where rn = 1 -- Select just the first row in the dataset.
union all
select t.rn
-- If the previous row was for the same agent and not a bonus, add the day's sales to the total, subtracting the sales from the day before the 6 day bonus period if it has been more than 6 days since the last bonus.
,case when t.AgentID = c.AgentID
then case when c.Bonus = 0
then t.Sales + c.TotalSales - case when c.DaysSinceLastBonus >= @DaysInBonusPeriod then t.SalesOnDayBeforeCurrentPeriod else 0 end
else t.Sales
else t.Sales
end as TotalSales
-- If the value in the TotalSales field above is 15 or more, flag a bonus.
,case when
case when t.AgentID = c.AgentID --\
then case when c.Bonus = 0 -- \
then t.Sales + c.TotalSales - case when c.DaysSinceLastBonus >= @DaysInBonusPeriod then t.SalesOnDayBeforeCurrentPeriod else 0 end -- \ Same statement
else t.Sales -- / as TotalSales
end -- /
else t.Sales --/
end >= 15
then 1
else 0
end as Bonus
-- If there is no flag in Bonus field above, increment the number of days since the last bonus.
,case when
case when --\
case when t.AgentID = c.AgentID -- \
then case when c.Bonus = 0 -- |
then t.Sales + c.TotalSales - case when c.DaysSinceLastBonus >= @DaysInBonusPeriod then t.SalesOnDayBeforeCurrentPeriod else 0 end -- |
else t.Sales -- \ Same statement
end -- / as Bonus
else t.Sales -- |
end >= 15 -- |
then 1 -- /
else 0 --/
end = 0
then c.DaysSinceLastBonus + 1
else 0
end as DaysSinceLastBonus
from prev t
inner join cte c
on(t.rn = c.rn+1)
select AgentID
from cte
order by rn
option (maxrecursion 0);