So I need to merge two data frames. The first one contains columns of the max and min values, and the second one contains a column of value that I want to use to match the min to max range of the first one. The result should be a data frame that contains information from both the first df and the second. How do I do this efficiently? Below is the codes that I currently am using. But it's super slow.
theatre_Friday_night_trips <- data.frame()
index <- 1
for (i in 1:nrow(theater_coord)){
lon_min <- theater_coord[i, "lon_min.y"]
lon_max <- theater_coord[i, "lon_max.y"]
lat_min <- theater_coord[i, "lat_min.y"]
lat_max <- theater_coord[i, "lat_max.y"]
for (j in 1:nrow(Friday_night_trips)){
if (Friday_night_trips[j, "pickup_longitude"] >= lon_min &
Friday_night_trips[j, "pickup_longitude"] <= lon_max &
Friday_night_trips[j, "pickup_latitude"] >= lat_min &
Friday_night_trips[j, "pickup_latitude"]<= lat_max) {
print ("found matched trip")
theatre_Friday_night_trips[index, "theatre_lat"] <- theater_coord[i, "lat.x"]
theatre_Friday_night_trips[index, "theatre_lon"] <- theater_coord[i, "lon.x"]
theatre_Friday_night_trips[index, "theatre_name"] <- theater_coord[i, "value.y"]
theatre_Friday_night_trips[index, "pickup_datetime"] <- Friday_night_trips[j, "tpep_pickup_datetime"]
theatre_Friday_night_trips[index, "pickup_longitude"] <- Friday_night_trips[j, "pickup_longitude"]
theatre_Friday_night_trips[index, "pickup_latitude"] <- Friday_night_trips[j, "pickup_latitude"]
theatre_Friday_night_trips[index, "dropoff_longitude"] <- Friday_night_trips[j, "dropoff_longitude"]
theatre_Friday_night_trips[index, "dropoff_latitude"] <- Friday_night_trips[j, "dropoff_latitude"]
index <- index +1