R中的chol()函数保持返回Upper Triangular(我需要Lower Triangular)

时间:2016-11-09 06:14:27

标签: r matrix matrix-decomposition

我正在尝试使用chol()函数在R中获得以下矩阵的下三角Cholesky分解。然而,它不断返回上三角分解,即使在查看文档之后,我也无法找到获得下三角分解的方法。以下是我正在使用的代码 -

x <- matrix(c(4,2,-2, 2,10,2, -2,2,5), ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
Q <- chol(x)
#       [,1] [,2]      [,3]
#  [1,]    2    1 -1.000000
#  [2,]    0    3  1.000000
#  [3,]    0    0  1.732051

我基本上需要找到Q矩阵QQ' = X。谢谢你的帮助!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


x <- matrix(c(4,2,-2, 2,10,2, -2,2,5), ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
R <- chol(x)  ## upper tri
L <- t(R)  ## lower tri
all.equal(crossprod(R), x)  ## t(R) %*% R
# [1] TRUE
all.equal(tcrossprod(L), x)  ## L %*% t(L)
# [1] TRUE


来自R base的


#function (x, pivot = FALSE, LINPACK = FALSE, tol = -1, ...) 
#    if (is.complex(x)) 
#        stop("complex matrices not permitted at present")
#    .Internal(La_chol(as.matrix(x), pivot, tol))
#<bytecode: 0xb5694b8>
#<environment: namespace:base>

// from: R_<version>/src/modules/lapack.c
static SEXP La_chol(SEXP A, SEXP pivot, SEXP stol)
  // ...omitted part...
if(!piv) {
int info;
F77_CALL(dpotrf)("Upper", &m, REAL(ans), &m, &info);
if (info != 0) {
    if (info > 0)
    error(_("the leading minor of order %d is not positive definite"),
    error(_("argument %d of Lapack routine %s had invalid value"),
      -info, "dpotrf");
} else {
double tol = asReal(stol);
SEXP piv = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, m));
int *ip = INTEGER(piv);
double *work = (double *) R_alloc(2 * (size_t)m, sizeof(double));
int rank, info;
F77_CALL(dpstrf)("U", &m, REAL(ans), &m, ip, &rank, &tol, work, &info);
if (info != 0) {
    if (info > 0)
    warning(_("the matrix is either rank-deficient or indefinite"));
    error(_("argument %d of Lapack routine %s had invalid value"),
          -info, "dpstrf");
// ...omitted part...
return ans;

正如你所看到的,它通过&#34; Upper&#34;或&#34; U&#34;到LAPACK。

在统计学中更常见的上三角因子的原因是我们经常在最小二乘计算中将Cholesky分解与QR分解进行比较,而后者仅返回上三角。要求chol.default始终返回上三角提供代码重用。例如,chol2inv函数用于查找最小二乘估计的未缩放协方差,我们可以在其中提供chol.defaultqr.default的结果。有关详细信息,请参阅How to calculate variance of least squares estimator using QR decomposition in R?