
时间:2016-11-08 00:32:40

标签: assembly ascii mips


str:        .space  128     # space for the output string

    # examples of macros, for printing. 
    .macro print_int (%x)
    add $a0, $zero, %x
    li  $v0, 1

    .macro print_str (%x)
    la  $a0, %x
    li  $v0, 4

    # str address is in a register
    .macro print_str_r (%x)
    add $a0, $zero, %x
    li  $v0, 4

    .text           # Code segment
    .globl  main        # declare main to be global

    print_str(name)     # use macro 

    # You can read the number with a system call
    #li $s0, 49
    #li $v0, 5      #read an integer
    #move   $s0, $v0    #save the user input

    li  $s0, 0xFFFFFFFF # pseudo instruction for loading large constant
    la  $s1, str

    # You need to construct a loop to use radices 2 .. 16
    # for $s2 = 2, $s2 < 17, $s2 ++
    li  $s2, 2

    #call itoa
    move    $a0, $s0    #save n to $s0
    move    $a1, $s1    
    move    $a2, $s2
    jal     itoa

    # print the radix
    print_int($s2)      # note $a0 and $v0 are overwritten 

    # Need to jump back to the beginning of the loop

Exit:   li  $v0,10      # System call, type 10, standard exit
    syscall         # ...and call the OS

# function itoa (value, buffer, radix)
# it only returns '0' for now.
# you can return an empty string '' if the radix is not supported.
     addi $t0,$zero,10 # t0=10
     addi $t1,$t1,a0   # t1=a0
          div $t1,$t0    #t1/10
          mflo $t1      #t1 = quotient
          mfhi $t2      #t2 =remainder
          addi $t2,$t2,0x30 #Convert to ASCII
          addi $sp,$sp,-1 #Make space for 1 byte in the stack
          sb $t2,0($sp) #Push t2 in the stack
          addi $v0,$v0,1 #v0=v0+1
          bne $t1,$zero,Loop #If t1<>0 go to Loop
              sw $t0,$v0  #t0=v0
          lb $t1,0($sp) #pop the last byte for the stack
          addi $sp,$sp,1 #Reduce the stack size by 1 byte
          add $t2,$v0,-$t0 #t2=v0-t0
          sb $t1,$t2($a1) # savebyte to the proper location of memory
          addi $t0,$t0,-1 #t0=t0-1
          bne $to,$zero,order #If t0<>0 go to order
     sb 0x0,$v($a0) # add null character to the end of the string
     jr $ra

编辑: 以下是我需要翻译的一些C代码,但我不确定如何使Radix循环工作

#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <stdlib.h>

char    * my_itoa(unsigned int  v, char *p, int r)
    unsigned int c;
    char    *p_old, *q;
    static char   hexdigits[32] = "0123456789ABCDEF";

    if (r < 2 || r > 16) {
        *p = 0;
        return p;

    if (v == 0) {       // return '0'
        p[0] = '0'; 
        p[1] = 0;   // end of the string.
        return p;

    p_old = p;      // save the starting address of the buffer

    // doing the conversion
    // p points to the location where to store the next character
    while (v > 0) {
        // You can get both c an v with ONE MIPS instruction 
        c = v % r;
        v = v / r;
        *p = hexdigits[c];
        p ++; // increment p 

    *p = 0;     // end of the string

    // reverse the string

    // q points to the head and p points to the tail
    q = p_old;
    p = p - 1;

    while (q < p) {
        // swap *q and *p
        c = *q;
        *q = *p;
        *p = c;

        // increment q and decrement p
        q ++;
        p --;

    return p_old;

char    buf[128];

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    int r;
    unsigned int n = (argc > 1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : (unsigned int)-1; 

    for (r = 2; r <= 16; r ++) 
        printf("r=%d\t%s\n", r, my_itoa(n, buf, r));

    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    ; first instruction of loop
    ; ... other part of loop (can also send execution completely elsewhere)
    ; but should return back into loop (or you need to have duplicate loop test)

    ; end of loop, do the "loop test"
    ; (here you also may want to do things like increment loop counter, etc)

    ; calculate the loop-exit expressions, if not true
    ; jump to define_some_loop_label_at_first_instruction_of_loop

在您的情况下,您似乎在$s2中有基数值。 评论说:

# for $s2 = 2, $s2 < 17, $s2 ++

哪个是正确的,但不准确,你想循环到$ s2&lt; = 16。 所以应该是这样的:

    load s2 with 2
    ... do the stuff (s2 contains radix value)
    test s2 against 16
    when less or equal, jump to radix_loop
    ; on MIPS the test + jump can be single (pseudo) instruction
    ; similar to the "bne $t1,$zero,Loop" in your other code

    ; here radix is 17 -> continue with any "exit" code you wish

    bne $to,$zero,order #If t0<>0 go to order

