Private Sub OptionButton31_Click ()
'This button is well displays the tables to hide
Tables = ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
N = 1
ActiveDocument.Tables (N) .Range.Font.Hidden = False
N = N + 1
Loop While N <= Tables
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton41_Click ()
'This button is well hidden tables that have that kind of line (wdlinestyledashsmallgap)
Tables = ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
N = 1
If ActiveDocument.Tables (N) .Range.Borders (wdBorderLeft) .LineStyle = (wdLineStyleDashSmallGap) Then
ActiveDocument.Tables (N) .Range.Font.Hidden = True
End If
N = N + 1
Loop While N <= Tables
'Here function calls (tabladentro which is not working)
Call tabladentro
End Sub
Function tabladentro ()
'This is the function that I have bad
'This function is what I want to do is to hide tables with the previous button that linestyle being inside another table, if I normally hidden tables occupied but this conceals those within others.
inside = ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
N = 1
If ActiveDocument.Tables (N) .Range.Cells (1) .Tables (1) .Borders (wdBorderLeft) .LineStyle = (wdLineStyleDashSmallGap) Then
ActiveDocument.Tables (N) .Range.Cells (1) .Range.Font.Hidden = True
End If
N = N + 1
Loop While N <= Tables
End Function
我需要知道如何隐藏彼此嵌入的表格。 提前谢谢。