
时间:2016-11-07 13:59:24

标签: sql oracle12c



Document   | Volume    | BAC     | CO
TA1        | 4         | 2       | 0


Document   | Volume    | BAC     | CO      | ID
TA1        | 1         | 0       | 0       | 1
TA1        | 1         | 0       | 0       | 2
TA1        | 1         | 0       | 0       | 3
TA1        | 1         | 0       | 0       | 4
TA1        | 0         | 1       | 0       | 5
TA1        | 0         | 1       | 0       | 6


PS:行数需要等于(Volume + Bac + CO)。

ORACLE 12中是否可以进行此操作?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



     test_data ( document, volume, bac, co ) as (
       select 'TA1', 4, 2, 0 from dual union all
       select 'TA2', 0, 0, 1 from dual union all
       select 'TA5', 0, 0, 0 from dual
-- end of test data; actual solution (SQL query) begins below this line
select document,
       case when level <= volume                           then 1 else 0 end as volume,
       case when level >  volume and level <= volume + bac then 1 else 0 end as bac,
       case when level >  volume + bac                     then 1 else 0 end as co,
       level as id
from   test_data
where  volume + bac + co > 0
connect by level <= volume + bac + co
    and prior document = document
    and prior sys_guid() is not null
order by document, id    --  ORDER BY is optional

DOC     VOLUME        BAC         CO         ID
--- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
TA1          1          0          0          1
TA1          1          0          0          2
TA1          1          0          0          3
TA1          1          0          0          4
TA1          0          1          0          5
TA1          0          1          0          6
TA2          0          0          1          1

 7 rows selected 

答案 1 :(得分:0)

你可以尝试这个 - &gt;首先,创建一个临时派生表,其中包含的行数等于允许的最大数量:

SELECT s.num_col,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY 1) as rnk 
     SELECT 1 as num_col FROM dual
     UNION ALL SELECT 1 as num_col FROM dual
     UNION ALL SELECT 1 as num_col FROM dual 
     UNION ALL SELECT 1 as num_col FROM dual
     ...... As many necessary) s


SELECT p.num_col as volume,0 as BAC,0 as CO
JOIN YourTable t
 ON(t.Volume >= p.rnk)
SELECT 0 as volume,p.num_col as BAC,0 as CO
JOIN YourTable t
 ON(t.BAC >= p.rnk)
SELECT 0 as volume,0 as BAC,p.num_col as CO
JOIN YourTable t
 ON(t.CO >= p.rnk)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

select      t.document
           ,decode(t.col,'V',1,0)       as volume
           ,decode(t.col,'B',1,0)       as bac
           ,decode(t.col,'C',1,0)       as co
           ,row_number () over 
               partition by t.document order by decode(t.col,'V',1,'B',2,'C',3)
           ) as id

from              t unpivot (n for col in (volume as 'V',bac as 'B',co as 'C')) t                       
            join  (select level as n from dual connect by level <= (select max(greatest(volume,bac,co)) from t)) c
            on    c.n <= t.n

select      t.document
           ,decode(t.col,'V',1,0)       as volume
           ,decode(t.col,'B',1,0)       as bac
           ,decode(t.col,'C',1,0)       as co
           ,t.pre + c.n                 as id

from              (select t.*,0 as pre_v,volume as pre_b,volume+bac as pre_c from t) t 
                          unpivot ((n,pre) for col in ((volume,pre_v) as 'V',(bac,pre_b) as 'B',(co,pre_c) as 'C')) t

            join  (select level as n from dual connect by level <= (select max(greatest(volume,bac,co)) from t)) c
            on    c.n <= t.n

 order by   1,id

with    r (col,Document,col_val,n,id) as
            select  c.col,t.Document,decode (c.col,1,t.Volume,2,t.BAC,3,t.CO),1,decode (c.col,1,1,2,t.Volume+1,3,t.Volume+t.BAC+1)
            from    t cross join (select level as col from dual connect by level <= 3) c
            where   decode (c.col,1,t.Volume,2,t.BAC,3,t.CO) > 0

            union all  

            select  r.col,r.Document,r.col_val,r.n+1,r.id+1
            from    r join (select level as col from dual connect by level <= 3) c
                    on c.col = r.col and r.n < r.col_val 

select  Document
       ,decode (col,1,1,0)      as Volume
       ,decode (col,2,1,0)      as BAC
       ,decode (col,3,1,0)      as CO

from    r

order by 1,5

with    r_Volume (Document,col_val,Volume,Bac,Co,n) as (select Document,Volume,1,0,0,1 from t where Volume > 0 union all select Document,col_val,Volume,Bac,Co,n+1 from r_Volume where n < col_val)
       ,r_Bac    (Document,col_val,Volume,Bac,Co,n) as (select Document,Bac   ,0,1,0,1 from t where Bac    > 0 union all select Document,col_val,Volume,Bac,Co,n+1 from r_Bac    where n < col_val)
       ,r_Co     (Document,col_val,Volume,Bac,Co,n) as (select Document,Co    ,0,0,1,1 from t where Co     > 0 union all select Document,col_val,Volume,Bac,Co,n+1 from r_Co     where n < col_val)

select  Document,Volume,Bac,Co,row_number () over (partition by Document order by Volume desc,Bac desc,Co desc) as id

from    (             select Document,Volume,Bac,Co from r_Volume
         union all    select Document,Volume,Bac,Co from r_Bac
         union all    select Document,Volume,Bac,Co from r_Co
        ) r

答案 3 :(得分:0)


WITH sample_data( document, volume, bac, co ) AS (
  SELECT 'TA1', 4, 2, 0
    FROM dual
, recursive( document, col_id, col_cnt, id ) AS (
  SELECT document -- First unpivot the data for each document
       , col_id
       , col_cnt
       , SUM( col_cnt ) over( partition BY document order by col_id ) - col_cnt + 1
    FROM sample_data UNPIVOT( col_cnt FOR col_id IN( volume AS 1,
                                                     bac    AS 2,
                                                     co     AS 3 ) )
   WHERE col_cnt > 0 -- But throw away rows with zero col_cnts.


  SELECT document
       , col_id
       , col_cnt - 1 -- Recursively decrement the col_cnt
       , id      + 1 -- and increment id
    FROM recursive
   WHERE col_cnt > 1 -- until col_cnt is no longer > 1
SELECT document -- Finally pivot the recursive data
     , volume   -- back to its original columns
     , bac
     , co
     , id
  FROM recursive PIVOT( COUNT( * ) FOR col_id IN( 1 AS volume, 2 AS bac, 3 AS co ) )
 ORDER BY document
     , id;