
时间:2016-11-07 06:47:35

标签: json swift dictionary swift3 alamofire


 items are.....****************** ("user_img",     http://www.xxx/Content/Images/Products/NoImageAvailable.jpg)
  items are.....****************** ("user_posts", 10)
  items are.....****************** ("5", {
  "post_id" : 135,
  "post_img" : [
   "guid" : "http:\/\/www.xxx\/wp-     content\/uploads\/2016\/10\/IMG_1477393867.jpg"
items are.....****************** ("9", {
"post_id" : 143,
"post_img" : [
    "guid" : "http:\/\/www.xxx\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/10\/IMG_1477453054.jpg"
items are.....****************** ("2", {
"post_id" : 129,
"post_img" : [
    "guid" : "http:\/\/www.xxx\/wp-  content\/uploads\/2016\/10\/IMG_1477280037.jpg"
items are.....****************** ("1", {
 "post_id" : 112,
 "post_img" : [
    "guid" : "http:\/\/www.xxx\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/10\/IMG_1475494067.jpg"
items are.....****************** ("8", {
 "post_id" : 141,
 "post_img" : [
  "guid" : "http:\/\/www.xxx\/wp-   content\/uploads\/2016\/10\/IMG_1477452361.jpg"


 func getJSON(){

    let getEndPoint: String = "http://xxx/api/get_user_profile_info/"
        .responseJSON { response in

            guard response.result.error == nil else {
                // got an error in getting the data, need to handle it
                print("error calling GET")

            if let value = response.result.value {

                let json = JSON(value)
               // print(jsonM)
                //print("message are***********************************************")
                let message = json["message"].dictionary

                for items in message! {

                    print("items are.....******************", items)


                 //DispatchQueue.main.async {
                // self.afData = 1
               // self.tableView.reloadData()




class ProfileJSON {

    var user_Image: URL?
    var post_image:URL?

    init(items: JSON) {

        self.user_Image = items["user_img"].URL

        let post_imgAA = items["post_img"].array
        for itemsIMG in post_imgAA! {
            self.post_image = itemsIMG["guid"].URL


我想让 user_img 显示为个人资料图片和 post_img 用于在 CollectionViewCell 中显示图片。发现难以将 JSON 字典转换为 Swift MutableObject 。任何建议,任何教程链接对我都有很大的帮助。我刚从本月开始使用 JSON ,发现很难。

enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

ProfileJSON中,您需要为URL创建post_image类型的数组,因为user_Image只有post_image但是post_image会多次出现,然后您可以从这样的字典中获取class ProfileJSON { var user_Image: URL? var post_image: [URL?] = [URL?]() init(dic: [String: Any]) { if let userUrl = dic["user_img"] as? String { self.user_Image = URL(string: userUrl) } //For getting only number keys with ascending order let keys = (Array(dic.keys) as [String]).filter { (Int($0) != nil) }.sorted { (s1, s2) -> Bool in return s1.localizedStandardCompare(s2) == .orderedAscending } //Loop through the keys Array and append all your `post_image`. for key in keys { if let innerDic = dic[key] as? [String: Any], let post_imgArray = innerDic["post_img"] as? [[String: Any]] { for post in post_imgArray { if let postUrl = post["guid"] as? String { self.post_image.append(URL(string: postUrl)) } } } } } }


现在,在message初始化之后创建if let message = json["message"] as? [String: Any] { let profileJSON = ProfileJSON(dic: message) } 的对象。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

您可以使用DicitonaryObject.objectForKey(“KEYNAME”)从字典中提取详细信息吗?数据类型 。 数据类型将存储在该键中的值。 将其存储在变量中,并在任何地方使用它。