我正在尝试加速我正在构建的R Shiny应用程序以探索一组数据。该应用程序显示一些数据的句子和一系列其他数据的条形图。其中每一个都是单独渲染的。
d <- read.csv("dm_survey.csv")
server <- function(input, output) {
output$surveyPlot1 <- renderPlot({
d <- d[d$"Frequency of Games" %in% c(input$frequency),]
d <- d[d$"Length of Games" %in% c(input$length),]
d <- d[d$"Primary Locations" %in% c(input$locations),]
d <- d[d$"Campaign Worlds" %in% c(input$worlds),]
d <- d[d$"Adventures" %in% c(input$adventures),]
d <- d[d$"Preferred Combat Type" %in% c(input$combat),]
d <- d[d$"Preparation Time" %in% c(input$preptime),]
output$textmain <- renderUI(HTML("<h1>2016 D&D Dungeon Master Survey</h1>"))
table_columns <- c("Campaign Worlds", "Primary Locations",
"Preferred Combat Type")
total_sentences <- c()
for (table_column in table_columns) {
num_respondents <- nrow(d[table_column])
question_title <- tolower(table_column)
sentence <- paste("Of", num_respondents, "respondents on", question_title, collapse = "")
tbl <- data.frame(sort(table(d[table_column]),decreasing = TRUE))
if (nrow(tbl) == 1) {
tbl <- data.frame("Activity" = d[table_column][1,], "Count" = nrow(d),"Freq" = 100)
} else {
tbl["Percentage"] <- round(tbl["Freq"] / colSums(tbl["Freq"]) * 100, 0)
for(i in 1:nrow(tbl)) {
answer_title <- tolower(as.character(tbl[i,1]))
answer_percentage <- tbl[i,3]
sentence <- paste(sentence, ", ", answer_percentage, "% answered ", answer_title, collapse="", sep = '')
sentence <- paste(sentence, ".", collapse="", sep = '')
total_sentences <- c(total_sentences, sentence)
output$text1 <- renderUI(HTML(paste(total_sentences[1],"<br/><br/>")))
output$text2 <- renderUI(HTML(paste(total_sentences[2],"<br/><br/>")))
output$text3 <- renderUI(HTML(paste(total_sentences[3],"<br/><br/>")))
output$text4 <- renderUI(HTML(paste(total_sentences[4],"<br/><br/>")))
column_name <- "Frequency of Games"
factor_labels <- c("Less than monthly","Monthly","Twice monthly","Weekly","Twice a week","More than twice weekly")
d[,column_name] <- factor(d[,column_name], levels = factor_labels)
p1 <- ggplot(d, aes(factor(d[,column_name])))
p1 + geom_bar() + coord_flip() + theme_minimal() +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(.1, 0)) +
labs(x = "",
title = column_name,
y=paste("Number of Respondants out of",nrow(d))) +
geom_text(aes(label = scales::percent((..count..)/sum(..count..))),
stat= "count", hjust=-.1)
output$surveyPlot2 <- renderPlot({
d <- d[d$"Frequency of Games" %in% c(input$frequency),]
d <- d[d$"Length of Games" %in% c(input$length),]
d <- d[d$"Primary Locations" %in% c(input$locations),]
d <- d[d$"Campaign Worlds" %in% c(input$worlds),]
d <- d[d$"Adventures" %in% c(input$adventures),]
d <- d[d$"Preferred Combat Type" %in% c(input$combat),]
d <- d[d$"Preparation Time" %in% c(input$preptime),]
column_name <- "Length of Games"
factor_labels <- c("Longer than eight hours","About eight hours","About six hours","About four hours","About three hours","About two hours","About an hour")
d[,column_name] <- factor(d[,column_name], levels = factor_labels)
p2 <- ggplot(d, aes(factor(d[,column_name])))
p2 + geom_bar() + coord_flip() + theme_minimal() +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(.1, 0)) +
labs(x = "",
title = column_name,
y=paste("Number of Respondants out of",nrow(d))) +
geom_text(aes(label = scales::percent((..count..)/sum(..count..))),
stat= "count", hjust=-.1)
output$surveyPlot3 <- renderPlot({
d <- d[d$"Frequency of Games" %in% c(input$frequency),]
d <- d[d$"Length of Games" %in% c(input$length),]
d <- d[d$"Primary Locations" %in% c(input$locations),]
d <- d[d$"Campaign Worlds" %in% c(input$worlds),]
d <- d[d$"Adventures" %in% c(input$adventures),]
d <- d[d$"Preferred Combat Type" %in% c(input$combat),]
d <- d[d$"Preparation Time" %in% c(input$preptime),]
column_name <- "Preparation Time"
factor_labels <- c("More than four hours","About four hours","About three hours","About two hours","About an hour","About 30 minutes","About 15 minutes","I don't prepare at all")
d[,column_name] <- factor(d[,column_name], levels = factor_labels)
p3 <- ggplot(d, aes(factor(d[,column_name])))
p3 + geom_bar() + coord_flip() + theme_minimal() +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(.1, 0)) +
labs(x = "",
title = column_name,
y=paste("Number of Respondants out of",nrow(d))) +
geom_text(aes(label = scales::percent((..count..)/sum(..count..))),
stat= "count", hjust=-.1)
output$surveyPlot4 <- renderPlot({
d <- d[d$"Frequency of Games" %in% c(input$frequency),]
d <- d[d$"Length of Games" %in% c(input$length),]
d <- d[d$"Primary Locations" %in% c(input$locations),]
d <- d[d$"Campaign Worlds" %in% c(input$worlds),]
d <- d[d$"Adventures" %in% c(input$adventures),]
d <- d[d$"Preferred Combat Type" %in% c(input$combat),]
d <- d[d$"Preparation Time" %in% c(input$preptime),]
# Set up a bunch of facets to show bar plots
l <- reshape(d,
varying = c("Campaign and Worldbuilding","Story and Adventures","Combat Encounters","NPC Development","Exploration and Roleplay","Treasure and Magic Items","Prop and Handouts"),
v.names = "Times",
timevar = "Activities",
times = c("Campaign and Worldbuilding","Story and Adventures","Combat Encounters","NPC Development","Exploration and Roleplay","Treasure and Magic Items","Prop and Handouts"),
direction = "long")
keeps <- c("Activities", "Times")
l <- l[keeps]
l[l=="None"] <- "None"
l[l=="About 5 minutes"] <- "5 min"
l[l=="About 15 minutes"] <- "15 min"
l[l=="About 30 minutes"] <- "30 min"
l[l=="About an hour"] <- "1 hr"
l[l=="About two hours"] <- "2 hrs"
l[l=="More than two hours"] <- "> 2 hrs"
factor_labels <- c("None","5 min","15 min","30 min","1 hr","2 hrs","> 2 hrs")
factor_charts <- c("Campaign and Worldbuilding","Story and Adventures","Combat Encounters","NPC Development","Exploration and Roleplay","Treasure and Magic Items","Prop and Handouts")
l[,"Times"] <- factor(l[,"Times"], levels = factor_labels)
l[,"Activities"] <- factor(l[,"Activities"], levels = factor_charts)
row_count <- nrow(d)
ggplot(l, aes(x=Times)) + geom_bar() + facet_wrap(~Activities, nrow = 2, scales="free_x") +
xlab(paste("Preparation Time for Specific Activities out of",nrow(d),"Respondants")) +
ylab("Number of respodants") +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(.1, 0)) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1),
axis.title.x=element_text()) +
geom_text(aes(row_count=row_count, label = paste(round((..count../row_count)*100,0),"%", sep="")),
stat= "count", vjust=-.2, size=3)
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("recalculate", "Recalculate"),
checkboxGroupInput("frequency", "Frequency of Games",
unique(d[,2]), selected = unique(d[,2])),
checkboxGroupInput("length", "Length of Games",
unique(d[,3]), selected = unique(d[,3])),
checkboxGroupInput("locations", "Primary Locations",
unique(d[,5]), selected = unique(d[,5])),
checkboxGroupInput("worlds", "Campaign Worlds",
unique(d[,6]), selected = unique(d[,6])),
checkboxGroupInput("adventures", "Adventures",
unique(d[,7]), selected = unique(d[,7])),
checkboxGroupInput("combat", "Combat Type",
unique(d[,8]), selected = unique(d[,8])),
checkboxGroupInput("preptime", "Preparation Time",
unique(d[,9]), selected = unique(d[,9]))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)