我使用mongoose为MongoDB开发Express API。在下面的代码中,我试图找到一定距离内的GeoJson对象,对它们进行排序,使最新的对象首先出现,在返回指定数量的对象之前跳到某个文档,然后在" limit& #34 ;.
// Find all of the stacks in a given radius
router.param("range", function(req, res, next, range) {
if(range === "1") {
var radius = 8125; // Meters. (5 Miles)
} else if(range === "0") {
var radius = 45.75; // Meters. (150 Feet)
var skipTo = parseInt(req.params.skip);
var origin = [parseFloat(req.params.lon), parseFloat(req.params.lat)]; // [longitude, latitude]
var userLocation = { type: "Point", coordinates: origin };
var options = { maxDistance: radius,
spherical : true,
sort: {
createdAt: -1 // Sort by Date Added DESC
skip: skipTo, // Skip to a specific point
limit: 15 // How many returned
Stack.geoNear(userLocation, options, function(err, result, stats) {
if(err) return next(err);
if(!result) {
err = new Error("Not Found");
err.status = 404;
return next(err);
req.locals = result;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Stack.geoNear(userLocation, options, function(err, result, stats) {
var options = { maxDistance: radius, spherical : true };
Stack.geoNear(userLocation, options)
.sort({CreatedAt: -1})
.exec(function(err, result, stats) {
答案 1 :(得分:0)
// Find all of the stacks in a given radius
router.param("range", function(req, res, next, range) {
if(range === "1") {
var radius = 8125; // Meters. (5 Miles)
} else if(range === "0") {
var radius = 45.75; // Meters. (150 Feet)
var skipTo = parseInt(req.params.skip);
var origin = [parseFloat(req.params.lon), parseFloat(req.params.lat)]; // [longitude, latitude]
var userLocation = { type: "Point", coordinates: origin };
var options = { maxDistance: radius,
spherical: true,
limit: 15 // How many returned
// Query database for Stack Objects
{ '$geoNear': {
'near': userLocation, // The point where the user is located
'distanceField': 'dist.calculated', // The distance the Stack Object is from the user
'maxDistance': radius, // The furthest distance a Stack Object can be from the user
'spherical': true
{ '$sort': { 'createdAt': -1 } }, // Return newest Stack Object first
{ '$skip': skipTo }, // Paginate
{ '$limit': 15 } // Number of Stacks returned
]).exec(function(err, result, stats) {
if(err) return next(err);
if(!result) {
err = new Error("No Stacks Found");
err.status = 404;
return next(err);
req.locals = result;