
时间:2016-11-02 23:30:55

标签: vba macros

我正在运行一个可能需要一些时间在Excel中的宏。有时我可能需要提前终止宏。因此,这会导致宏不执行它的清理功能,例如:Application.ScreenUpdating = True,因为它在我使用的False语句之前设置为Do...Loop。这会导致明显的问题,我通常会在宏的最开头添加True语句后跟End,以解决问题。



Option Explicit

Dim ATC As AccuTermClasses.AccuTerm, A As Session, Sheet As Worksheet

Function RemoveSpaces(MyString As String) As String
    Do Until Right(MyString, 1) <> " "
        MyString = Left(MyString, Len(MyString) - 1)
    RemoveSpaces = MyString
End Function

Sub CopyEntireFeeBoard()

    Set ATC = GetObject(, "AtWin32.AccuTerm")
    Set Sheet = Workbooks("2016 FEE BOARD.XLSM").ActiveSheet
    Set A = ATC.ActiveSession

    Dim xlRow As Long, aRow As Integer   'Excel's and AccuTerm's Row #s
    Dim Rate As Single, Name As String, Client As String, Desk As Byte
    xlRow = 2   'Starting row
    aRow = 3

    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        Rate = 0
        On Error Resume Next    'Incase Rate is blank
        Rate = A.GetText(47, aRow, 4, 1)
        On Error GoTo 0

        Client = RemoveSpaces(A.GetText(10, aRow, 7, 1))
        If Client = "100AAA" Then Client = ""
        Name = RemoveSpaces(A.GetText(26, aRow, 16, 1))
        Desk = A.GetText(56, aRow, 2, 1)

        Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 1).Value = A.GetText(0, aRow, 8, 1)      'Date
        Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 2).Value = Client                        'Client
        Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 3).Value = A.GetText(18, aRow, 7, 1)     'DNUM
        Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 4).Value = Name                          'Name
        Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 5).Value = A.GetText(43, aRow, 3, 1)     'TC
        If Rate <> 0 Then Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 6).Value = Rate        'Rate
        Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 7).Value = A.GetText(52, aRow, 3, 1)     'STS
        Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 8).Value = Desk                          'DESK
        Sheet.Cells(xlRow, 9).Value = A.GetText(59, aRow, 10, 1)    'AMOUNT
        xlRow = xlRow + 1
        aRow = aRow + 1

        ' Reached the end of host application's page.
        If aRow = 22 Then

            'Will go ahead and refresh Excel at this point
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

            aRow = 3 'Reset AccuTerm's Starting Row
            A.Output Chr(13)    'Enter key

            ' Give time for the next screen to refresh
            Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        End If

    Loop Until A.GetText(26, aRow, 1, 1) = " "

    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

    Set ATC = Nothing
    Set Sheet = Nothing
    Set A = Nothing

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

如果在按下 End 键时Do Loop,我修改了您的代码以退出。



Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Long
Const VK_END = &H23

Dim ATC As AccuTermClasses.AccuTerm, A As Session

Sub CopyEntireFeeBoard()

    Set ATC = GetObject(, "AtWin32.AccuTerm")
    Set A = ATC.ActiveSession
    Dim AllData, RowData(1 To 9)

    Dim xlRow As Long, x As Long   'Excel's and AccuTerm's Row #s
    Dim Rate As Single, Name As String, Client As String, Desk As Byte
    aRow = 3
    ReDim AllData(0)

        ReDim Preserve AllData(x)

        Rate = 0
        On Error Resume Next    'Incase Rate is blank
        Rate = A.GetText(47, aRow, 4, 1)
        On Error GoTo 0

        Client = RTrim(A.GetText(10, aRow, 7, 1))
        If Client = "100AAA" Then Client = ""
        Name = RemoveSpaces(A.GetText(26, aRow, 16, 1))
        Desk = A.GetText(56, aRow, 2, 1)

        RowData(1).Value = A.GetText(0, aRow, 8, 1)       'Date
        RowData(2).Value = Client                        'Client
        RowData(3).Value = A.GetText(18, aRow, 7, 1)     'DNUM
        RowData(4).Value = Name                          'Name
        RowData(5).Value = A.GetText(43, aRow, 3, 1)     'TC
        If Rate <> 0 Then RowData(6).Value = Rate        'Rate
        RowData(7).Value = A.GetText(52, aRow, 3, 1)     'STS
        RowData(8).Value = Desk                          'DESK
        RowData(9).Value = A.GetText(59, aRow, 10, 1)    'AMOUNT

        AllData(x) = RowData
        aRow = aRow + 1

        ' Reached the end of host application's page.
        If aRow = 22 Then

            aRow = 3 'Reset AccuTerm's Starting Row
            A.Output Chr(13)    'Enter key

            ' Give time for the next screen to refresh
            Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")

        End If

        x = x + 1
    Loop Until A.GetText(26, aRow, 1, 1) = " " Or GetKeyState(VK_END)

    'Converts the Array of Arrays into a 2 Dimensional array
    AllData = Transpose(AllData)
    AllData = Transpose(AllData)

    With Workbooks("2016 FEE BOARD.XLSM")
        .Range("A1").Resize(UBound(data, 1) + 1, 9).Value = AllData
    End With

    Set ATC = Nothing
    Set Sheet = Nothing
    Set A = Nothing

End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)

添加例如UserForm,其中一个按钮用于执行长时间运行的操作,另一个按钮用于提前终止。当您决定提前终止操作时,只需单击 cancel 按钮设置bool变量,do-loop将退出。


用户表单代码   (添加两个名为CancelCommandButton和ExecuteCommandButton的命令按钮)

Private Sub CancelCommandButton_Click()
    CancelRequest = True
End Sub

Private Sub ExecuteCommandButton_Click()
    CancelRequest = False
End Sub


Public CancelRequest As Boolean

Public Sub LongRunningTask() ' e.g. like CopyEntireFeeBoard()
    ' ...

    Dim result As Long
        result = result + 1

        ' ...

        ' At the and of the loop check the bool variable and exit if necessary
        If CancelRequest Then
            ' Do some cleanup
            Exit Do
        End If
    Loop Until result = 100000000 ' A.GetText(26, aRow, 1, 1) = " "

    ' ...
End Sub