在插件内容对象中为onMissingView渲染Mura Site 404

时间:2016-11-01 19:36:54

标签: mura

在我看来,当请求不存在的Mura FW / 1插件动作时抛出404是有意义的。



public any function onMissingView(any rc) {
    var $ = rc.$;
    // yields redirect loop
    // application.serviceFactory.getBean('contentServer').render404();

    /* yields:
    *  variable [OUT] doesn't exist at lucee.runtime.type.scope.UndefinedImpl.get(UndefinedImpl.java:226):226 at
    *   includes.fw1_cfc$cf.udfCall5(/var/www/vmhost/apps/mysite/cfml/deployment_root/wwwroot/plugins/calendar/includes/fw1.cfc:825):82
    *  ... */
    //$.event('content', $.getBean('content').loadBy(filename='404'));

    // yields: component [calendar.Application] has no function with name [doAction]

    // works, sort of, but not well: gives a 302, then the plugin-specific
    // 404 view kicks in and returns 404
    //redirect(action="public:errors.404"); // , queryString="template=json"

    // yields: component [calendar.Application] has no function with name [doAction]

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