我将使用Swift创建Web应用程序。我与MySQL的连接有问题。我使用PhpMyAdmin进行MySQL数据库管理。在我看来,最好的方法是使用完美。我按照Perfect - MySQL Connector完成了所有事情!不幸的是,我在main.swift中调用函数useMysql时遇到问题。我想知道它是否写得正确。我在文件main.swift中调用函数useMysql:
//This route will be used to fetch data from the mysql database
routes.add(method: .get, uri: "/use", handler: useMysql)
public func useMysql(_ request: HTTPRequest, response: HTTPResponse)
//function body
我不确定但也许我应该这样称呼它? -
routes.add(method: .get, uri: "/use", handler: useMysql(request: object of HTTPRequest, response: object of HTTPResponse))
我没有任何错误但是函数useMysql似乎永远不会被执行。我知道从项目文件中附加代码并不是一个好习惯,但也许它会很有用。 Here is my code有什么建议吗?提前谢谢。
我还发现了其他Perfect - MySQL Connector教程,我不知道哪种方式更好?我想知道在一个项目中使用多个框架是否是一个好主意?例如,Perfect和Kitura或Vapor都是?
编辑: 您认为以这种方式使用它会怎样?
// Register your own routes and handlers
var routes = Routes()
routes.add(method: .get, uri: "/", handler: {
request, response in
response.setHeader(.contentType, value: "text/html")
response.appendBody(string: "<html><title>Hello, world!</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html>")
//This route will be used to fetch data from the mysql database
useMysql(request, response: response)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
其次,我建议查看(或使用)MySQL StORM抽象层。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Main.Swift: -
routes.add(method: .post, uri: "/admin/api/v1/login") { (request, response) in
let email = request.param(name: "email")
let password = request.param(name: "passwrod")
let JSON = Login.checkLogin(email: email, password: password)
do {
try response.setBody(json: JSON)
} catch {
import Foundation
import PerfectMySQL
import PerfectLib
class Login: NSObject {
class func checkLogin(email: String?, password: String?)-> JSONConvertible {
var JSON: JSONConvertible?
if !ServerHelper.isValidEmail(candidate: email) {
JSON = ServerHelper.getErrorJson(message: KMESSAGE_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS)
return JSON
} else if !ServerHelper.isValidPassword(password: password!) {
JSON = ServerHelper.getErrorJson(message: KMESSAGE_INVALID_PASSWORD)
return JSON
} else {
let mySql = MySQL()
let connect = mySql.connect(host: "", user: "root", password: "mypassword", db:"SuperAdmin" , port: 3306, socket: "", flag: 0)
if !connect {
JSON = ServerHelper.getErrorJson(message: KMESSAGE_SERVER_ERROR)
return JSON
let query = "select email, phone_number from SuperAdmin.Login where email='\(String(describing: email!))' AND password='\(String(describing: password!))'"
if mySql.query(statement: query) {
let result = mySql.storeResults
var jsonResult = [Dictionary<String, Any>]()
result()?.forEachRow(callback: { (element) in
var dict = Dictionary<String, Any>()
if let arrRow = element as? [String] {
let email = arrRow[0]
let phone_number = arrRow[1]
dict["email"] = email
dict["phone_number"] = phone_number
if jsonResult.count == 0 {
JSON = ServerHelper.getErrorJson(message: KMESSAGE_NOT_AUTHORIZE)
} else {
JSON = ServerHelper.getJson(result: jsonResult)
} else {
JSON = ServerHelper.getErrorJson(message: KMESSAGE_NOT_AUTHORIZE)
return JSON
return JSON
点击POST API就好 本地主机:8080 /管理/ API / V1 /登录
"status": 200,
"succcess": true,
"result": [
"phone_number": "84747474574",
"email": "myemail@swift.com"
let connect = mySql.connect(host: "", user: "root", password: "mypassword", db:"SuperAdmin" , port: 3306, socket: "", flag: 0)